July & August Mummies <3

I haven’t posted here for ages as I forgot my password but managed to reopen today .... just read through the 3rd trimester I hope everyone is keeping their chin up.

I have been told at my 20 week scan that the pressure in one vein to the placenta was slightly elevated ... and now have gestational diabetes - I’m still tiny and even lost more weight in pregnancy due to sickness from week 8 until now... have no idea what I’m meant to eat as I am also coeliac and unfortunately only things I have been able to keep down are potatoes, foods with lots of sugar - I was sugar free before pregnancy - Couldn’t even drink water only apple juice, orange juice and concentrated apple juice - so full of sugar .... so really don’t know how I will manage on a diabetic diet ...

Just freaking out constantly as I don’t feel much movement at all at the moment I’m now 30 weeks , did go for a check up a few weeks ago and all was fine and had a 28 week scan and he is measuring ok at 50th percentile ...

just so much to worry about . Just not enjoying the anxiety to be honest
Hi Leila,

I also had gestational diabetes and started to make a lot of food from scratch. It was the only way of knowing what was in it and avoiding sugars that way.
Like for breakfast I would have an omelette with veggies, cheddar cheese and 2 slices of whole grain bread (obviously you would have to change it to gluten free bread), then would have an apple or pear as a midmorning snack (try staying away from exotic fruit like mango or pineapple for example). Lunch would be a salad with lots of veggies and any type of meat, then a small piece of fruit. Mid-day snack was soup. For dinner I would have a portion of rice/potato with meat and loads of veggies. And evening snack was another piece of fruit or some low sugar snack from the diabetic area in the supermarket (like low sugar chocolate or bars).
On some days I would add a protein shake if I couldn't eat enough.
I had a self testing kit too which the diabetic clinic gave me. I had prick myself 4 times in a day, 3 times a week.
I was also followed by a dietician but only met her once because my diet was good. Maybe you could gain some advice on how to avoid gluten but still eat low carb?
Good luck hun, I know how hard it is. But I did notice I didn't swell up like I did with my first pregnancy. I wasn't bloated anymore and kept my weight gain under control.x
Good to see you back @Leila. Sorry you’re still dealing with the sickness and struggling to maintain weight.

Glad your scan went ok and little one is doing well.

I totally get the anxiety and worry.
I get much more movement from my twin 2 so am forever waiting to see if twin 1 will start moving or kicking and freaking out when I don’t feel her for a while. It must just be positional because she’s always active on the scans.

I do hope you start to feel a little bit better soon!
Hi Leila,

I also had gestational diabetes and started to make a lot of food from scratch. It was the only way of knowing what was in it and avoiding sugars that way.
Like for breakfast I would have an omelette with veggies, cheddar cheese and 2 slices of whole grain bread (obviously you would have to change it to gluten free bread), then would have an apple or pear as a midmorning snack (try staying away from exotic fruit like mango or pineapple for example). Lunch would be a salad with lots of veggies and any type of meat, then a small piece of fruit. Mid-day snack was soup. For dinner I would have a portion of rice/potato with meat and loads of veggies. And evening snack was another piece of fruit or some low sugar snack from the diabetic area in the supermarket (like low sugar chocolate or bars).
On some days I would add a protein shake if I couldn't eat enough.
I had a self testing kit too which the diabetic clinic gave me. I had prick myself 4 times in a day, 3 times a week.
I was also followed by a dietician but only met her once because my diet was good. Maybe you could gain some advice on how to avoid gluten but still eat low carb?
Good luck hun, I know how hard it is. But I did notice I didn't swell up like I did with my first pregnancy. I wasn't bloated anymore and kept my weight gain under control.x

thanks for letting me know ☺️
Problem I have is even with medication I am very limited to what I can eat, I cannot tolerate many foods at all, can’t even eat meat or eggs, I just end up being sick. So not sure really what to do.... I will speak to the dietician at the hospital as I’ll just end up losing even more weight.

I was a very clean eater before pregnancy I was sugar free and always made my food my self but all that went out the window during pregnancy... I have 10 weeks to go but I have a feeling it will be earlier than that... let’s see

I hope you’re okay and your pregnancy is going well ☺️
Good to see you back @Leila. Sorry you’re still dealing with the sickness and struggling to maintain weight.

Glad your scan went ok and little one is doing well.

I totally get the anxiety and worry.
I get much more movement from my twin 2 so am forever waiting to see if twin 1 will start moving or kicking and freaking out when I don’t feel her for a while. It must just be positional because she’s always active on the scans.

I do hope you start to feel a little bit better soon!

yes the movement thing is a constant worry , he didn’t move much for days, so last night I went to the hospital, they told me to not worry about coming to hospital about movement, that I must do if I feel something isn’t right and not leave it a few days to come immediately. Anyway as soon as I got there and lay down he started kicking and moving a lot.... made me look ridiculous .... the MW just laughed and said it happens all the time - that babies love coming to hospital...

But it is a worry, my friend had twins last year, one twin moved more than the other, it’s actually quite common because one is always more dominant than the other, but I do hope you feel more movement soon and I hope they are taking good care of you in the hospital.

I really hope everyone else’s pregnancies are going well too :)
Hey Guys, it’s been a long time since I’ve posted. Hope you are all doing well!

Last week I got sent to maternity for being in pre-term labour along with increased bleeding earlier in the week. Managed to get that all halted. I had another scan yesterday. The previous one showed that maybe baby’s head was way too small (the doc didn’t take into account that the tech wrote in the notes that she couldn’t get a good view but was confident there was no issue ). Baby looks healthy and is moving a ton. Confirmed I’m having a little girl. But she sure is feisty - every time they put the ultrasound gel on my belly she kicked or punched the tech . She was measuring ahead of their previous guesses - the computer said 4 lbs 8 oz and based off measurements I’m a week farther along than they thought (though I still say I’m two weeks farther along than that). So I’m due early to mid July, but honestly hoping for sooner. I feel so sick and sore and all. The morning sickness is still a major battle and I keep dropping weight. Plus she nestled super super low a week and a half ago so walking is a painful, slow waddle and I feel like I’m already tearing down there
Sounds like everybody’s been having a time of it, I was also in hospital Tuesday for reduced movements as baby has been so active all along and there was just nothing. But when we were in and on the ctg it started up and hasn’t stopped since, so relieved as this was around the time my other two stopped moving. I too am still being sick and now have low iron and no iron stores left so have to go on tablets but at least it’s being taken care of now.
I have my 34 week appointment today, sure they mentioned birth plan, so hopefully I can find out abit more :) it’s only at 4 so such a long wait. Also hoping I measure abit better or they will bring my scan forward again and the sonographer was so rude the last time I am dreading seeing here again, if it’s her.
Hope all of you are as well as can be expected, not long now for us ladies :) take care xxx
34 weeks ladies :) getting there now, hope your all good :) xxx

ps not sure why the photo went on it’s side.

I just want to go to sleep now until these babies are born. So over it. So over housework. So over parenting. So over moving. So over not moving... I’m just tired. And grumpy! Haha.

Hope everyone else is surviving!

Your bumps look amazing ladies <3

Nice to hear from you some of you ... thought everything had disappeared.

I’m so over everything too. Fed up of working from home whilst looking after a grumpy near 4 year old.
Only 5 more weeks left at work for me and it can’t come quick enough.

I’m starting to feel shite again ... constant headaches, feeling really sick with really bad pelvic pain. I’m seriously fed up xx
Yeh I too am over this pregnancy ladies, if allowed to go naturally I will be doing everything in my power to help baby make its appearance as soon as I hit 36 weeks, so two weeks time :) as I would think it will take a bit of a build up to actually get to labour haha.

looking lovely @mummybear2 :)

hope we all get a wee break in the next weeks :) xxx
@Kiwi_53 your bump is tiny!!
@mummybear2 hope things are going well and i know what you mean by girls are more feisty :help::lol:
im now 32+1 and been sick every day last 4 days... im so done feel like a whale and been sleeping for only 3/4 hours at night and nap during the day. :sick::sick:
Omg my bum. TMI but my piles are out of control. I’ve been using anusol but the pain is unreal.
I’ve had them since being pregnant with my first, but they’ve never really hurt much. Just been annoying and occasionally flared up. Now I have loads and honestly the last two days haven’t been able to sit down it’s been so sore and uncomfortable.

Aw @Jade jones that sucks you’ve been being sick. I’m still taking my anti sickness meds so haven’t been sick in a while but today I’ve felt so nauseous almost all day.
I feel you with the rubbish sleep too. I feel like I am up every hour for a pee, or wake up with a sore hip or shoulder and have to move.

I think we’ve all just hit that wall now. Want these babies inside cooking longer but my god can I not wait to have them OUT OF ME! Haha.
So sorry I’ve been AWOL. Hope eceryone is well!

I had my growth scan last Tuesday and baby was measuring 4lb 4oz so my consultant wants another at 36 weeks. I have an abnormal blood vessel in my head so there is a small risk of a bleed on the brain from the pressure of trying to give birth naturally (last pregnancy resulted in a c section) she asked me to think it through and let her know what I’d decided at 36 weeks. I was so overwhelmed by being at the appointment alone last week so couldn’t decide there and then but as soon as I spoke to my OH and parents I realised a small risk of a bleed is too high so I’m going to elect for another section. I was also (finally) diagnosed with SPD and given co condamol to take when it’s really painful - for me it’s at night, hence why I’m awake at 3am! I’ve also woken with pretty severe lower backache. My worry is that as I didn’t experience labour the first time so I may miss the signs of early labour Putting it down to SPD. My backache wasn’t a thing until yesterday afternoon but I was doing a lot of washing and putting baby’s clothes away as well as caring for my extremely clingy toddler so maybe that’s the reason for it. For those of you that have experienced labour, is lower back pain and pressure in your rectum an early labour sign? I’m hoping I’ve just overdone things and it’ll ease off so I can get back to sleep before my son wakes up.

I’m so over being pregnant now but I also want her to stay put. This stage is hard!
So sorry I’ve been AWOL. Hope eceryone is well!

I had my growth scan last Tuesday and baby was measuring 4lb 4oz so my consultant wants another at 36 weeks. I have an abnormal blood vessel in my head so there is a small risk of a bleed on the brain from the pressure of trying to give birth naturally (last pregnancy resulted in a c section) she asked me to think it through and let her know what I’d decided at 36 weeks. I was so overwhelmed by being at the appointment alone last week so couldn’t decide there and then but as soon as I spoke to my OH and parents I realised a small risk of a bleed is too high so I’m going to elect for another section. I was also (finally) diagnosed with SPD and given co condamol to take when it’s really painful - for me it’s at night, hence why I’m awake at 3am! I’ve also woken with pretty severe lower backache. My worry is that as I didn’t experience labour the first time so I may miss the signs of early labour Putting it down to SPD. My backache wasn’t a thing until yesterday afternoon but I was doing a lot of washing and putting baby’s clothes away as well as caring for my extremely clingy toddler so maybe that’s the reason for it. For those of you that have experienced labour, is lower back pain and pressure in your rectum an early labour sign? I’m hoping I’ve just overdone things and it’ll ease off so I can get back to sleep before my son wakes up.

I’m so over being pregnant now but I also want her to stay put. This stage is hard!

Sounds like a csection would be the best choice, like you said even a small chance is too much.

My back ache has really kicked up a notch. Moving, getting up, walking... all make it so much worse.

I’m trying to remember how my labour started last time... I think it started with period like cramps that intensified and I also had a lot of back pain too. It was all very gradual though over the course of maybe... 18/19 hours.

I hope the pain eased up for you and you managed to get back to sleep!

I agree this is such a hard stage. I honestly have no idea how I will last another 6/7 weeks!
struggling 2hrs sleep in 48hrs :( so beyond tired feel like crying @BabyWomble as the saying goes its best to be safe then sorry.... at least you will know baby's arrival date soon <3
@mummybear2 what are your birth plans?

ive always said i just want gas and air and be in and out but im worried im going to be not forced but guided more towards c-section my consultant i have an anesthetist appointment and its just the way she doesn't ask about labor plans ect.... maybe me being paranoid being a FTM im feeling unprepared either way because there are no antenatal groups :(
@Jade jones I don’t really have a birth plan yet! I desperately want to avoid a csection. They were both head down at my last scan so if they stay like that I have a chance!
I have my next appointment in just over a week so I’m going to ask my consultant what the plan is and how long they’ll let me go before they want to book an induction. It varies, the NICE guidelines say by 37 weeks but I’m on a few twin groups and some go to 38/39. I CANNOT go to 39 weeks, I won’t make it! Haha.

I think you should absolutely stick to what you want, no one can force you to have a csection and so long as having baby naturally is safe then you should go for it.

Have you had a look for classes online? Not the same as in person obviously but you might find them helpful?
@Jade jones I don’t really have a birth plan yet! I desperately want to avoid a csection. They were both head down at my last scan so if they stay like that I have a chance!
I have my next appointment in just over a week so I’m going to ask my consultant what the plan is and how long they’ll let me go before they want to book an induction. It varies, the NICE guidelines say by 37 weeks but I’m on a few twin groups and some go to 38/39. I CANNOT go to 39 weeks, I won’t make it! Haha.

I think you should absolutely stick to what you want, no one can force you to have a csection and so long as having baby naturally is safe then you should go for it.

Have you had a look for classes online? Not the same as in person obviously but you might find them helpful?
Hi ladies
Times flying by 33 weeks today. I was at hospital last Monday for reduced movement and exactly the same as soon as I laid down she was like a footballer in there!
Getting excited but scared too now...
Saw midwife yesterday as not seen her since 28 weeks measuring 31cm at 33 weeks but they didn’t seem concerned. They are going to keep my 36 week scan appt though as not sure where my placenta is at anomaly scan it said anterior low so I said for my peace of mind even though I’m low risk that I would like them to check it anyway as my care has not been joined up at all!
See if I can upload a bump pic....
@Wilson14 what a lovely bump!! and time does go so fast i had same issue midwife sent me in as she was concerned i wasn't i knew she was being shy and as soon as i laid down my belly was wobbling all over the place XD

@mummybear2 thank you for the advice ill have a look at classes online :)

32+3 have a growth scan tomorrow so will be interesting to see how much shes grown @28weeks little girl was 30cm and 1.4kg which is in the higher levels of normal..
Lovely bump @Wilson14 :)

I feel you with the piles and backache @mummybear2 i think I am getting worse with each pregnancy haha this is defo the last for me :)

@BabyWomble i have no advice on early labour and am also feeing like I am looking for every sign and symptom as seen to have so many tightenings and pressure that I get so worried al not know when the time comes.

@Jade jones sorry if I missed the reason about a section? Hopefully you get to go for your preferred option. Also good luck for today :) looking forward to an update :) And yay for big babies, mines measuring big even though my bump is measuring around 6 weeks behind, but it’s due to fluid levels.

I too have a scan booked for the 22nd when I will be 36 weeks so will be good to see what’s going on in there and hopefully I just get to have a natural labour this time, and have it here :) but I am also so over this pregnancy and just ready for the next two weeks to fly by so I can have baby asap haha
Take care ladies xxx
there is no reason the consultant just seems to aim it that way.
so babys 31.5cm and 4.6lbs estimate if she was born on her due date is 7.4lbs so happy with that :)
same @Kiwi_53 can it be over now :(

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