That’s such a worry for you
@Jade jones i had a friend that had the same thing, she was induced at 36 weeks and all was well, so it can go ok. But such a worry for you, they will hopefully take extra good care of you now.
@Wilson14 thats good about baby
as for birth plans I guess I have always gone with the view that I will just take it as it comes. I feel that if you have it very planned if things don’t go as you want you might be disappointed, but babies have their own agenda and tend to do and come when they want, I have been induced twice in the 36th week, but have managed with minimal pain relief and all went well, so I have been lucky, and for this one I am going to just have to go with the same whatever happens, happens outlook. The only thing I have planned this time is that I would like skin to skin immediately if possible like the last times, but this time I want to be the first to see the gender of my baby and tell my husband as both our others we have known gender, but this time it’s a surprise
I am happy to answer anything you are scared or concerned about labour, if I can haha but I am no expert