I’ve had a few positives over a week ago but I’m not sure of it’s my anxiety over what happened before or what but I have midwife on Friday but I’ve started doubting that I’m pregnant now we have to go out to get party food for my little girls party Saturday and I’m going to try and sneak a test into the basket if hubby doesn’t see lol is it normal to be like this also worried my tests weren’t as dark as others
I’ve had a few positives over a week ago but I’m not sure of it’s my anxiety over what happened before or what but I have midwife on Friday but I’ve started doubting that I’m pregnant now we have to go out to get party food for my little girls party Saturday and I’m going to try and sneak a test into the basket if hubby doesn’t see lol is it normal to be like this also worried my tests weren’t as dark as others
I’ve had a few positives over a week ago but I’m not sure of it’s my anxiety over what happened before or what but I have midwife on Friday but I’ve started doubting that I’m pregnant now we have to go out to get party food for my little girls party Saturday and I’m going to try and sneak a test into the basket if hubby doesn’t see lol is it normal to be like this also worried my tests weren’t as dark as others
Would you believe it ladies. I thought I’d do an OPK before I left for the airport this morning. I only got my static smiley. The lines were soo dark too!!
Looks like you all know what I will be up to when I check in my hotel xx
Em hahahahahahaHahaha, love it @chattychar1990 , have a great hols, starting with a bang literally x
Em hahahahahaha
This actually made me laugh out loud
I did exactly that, unpacked the preseed and ordered the OH to the bed looool.
Thank you so much ladies, weather here in Spain is absolutely beautiful. Just laying round the pool with a pina colada (sorry to those of you that are work haha) xx