July 2019 mummies

I wouldn't worry if there are questions you don't know about, they will explain what they need to know. It's their job. So today my brain literally wasn't working properly, like I couldn't find my words. Handing over my patient in ed and I looked like a right party in front of the consultant as my brain went blank. That normally happens at 4am on a night shift, not in the day!

Oh and I had to pee about 6 times in a 12 hour shift that is not normal and not easy to hode

I found out I was pregnant yesterday and since then I have done nothing but go to the loo to wee. My colleagues must have noticed! Oh well
Had the worst sleep last night, was in bed from 10pm, tossing and turning all night, and waking up every hour. DH said he had to wake me a few times to make me stop grinding my teeth as well. Got up at 7am feeling like I hadn't even went to bed yet. At work for 8am, and had to rush to the toilets to be sick for the first time... cannot wait for 5.30pm to go home! It's going to be a long day...
I know what you mean about the sleeping issues. I'm not sure the last time I slept all night. Hoping it settles so as I'm really awful when I don't get sleep lol
Didn't have so many symptoms today. Went shopping and felt the need to sit down more . Couple of pains in boobs. But of aching round my thighs and a mild cramp in my tummy for a bit. That's been it. Not so many wee trips either
Hi ladies, I'm new to this thread. Just got my BFP today after 2 years TTC!! I still can't believe it, I was starting to lose hope. Really hope it sticks now!! I'm so excited, but scared at the same time as this feels so unreal and is still very early. This is my first pregnancy so I have no idea what to expect as regards appointments etc. According to babymed.com, I'm due on the 21st of July, so I'm only just over 4 weeks now. If all goes well I plan on telling family and friends next month when I go visit them. I'd wait a bit longer to be on the safe side but they live in France and as I'm going over there for Christmas I'd much rather tell them in person than by text or over the phone. Exciting times! What a lovely early xmas present for us all!! :)

I also have a skiing trip booked with my family for Feb. It's been booked for ages and I've never been skiing before. I was really excited about going but a bit unsure what I'm gonna do about it now. It's a hard decision as I've never been so don't know what to expect either! lol.

As for symptoms, I have really sore boobs, cramps on and off and have been very hot today, even when outside without a coat on! I've also had a phantom smell similar to fuel since about 5 dpo. Had never experienced that before so that was the first thing that made me wonder if this could be it.

Looking forward to chatting and getting to know you all over the coming months! :)
Hi miss cindy congrats on the pregnancy! Wow ttc for 2 years here’s hoping this is a happy and healthy 9 months for you and your sticky bean ,
it will be a shame to have to miss your skiing holiday but me personally would be too scared of falling and something happening I am also debating having to cancel my honeymoon I get married in May and go on honeymoon 2 nd June I think I will be about 32 weeks it’s in Cyprus for a week my hubby to be wants us to cancel I really don’t want too it will be our last holiday alone for a few years lol
Hi Cindy! Congratulations!!!

I'm sure the midwives will be able to offer advice about travelling. I'm sure it's only the last trimester you can't travel?? But I'm not certain of that. You could go but not ski? You might not be covered insurance wise to ski? We went on holiday when I was about 7/8 weeks qith my first. I was so ill and struggled to enjoy it lol. But with your first I think i was worried about what I could eat or not etc abroad. It's always hard to know what's best to do x
I keep worrying about not feeling sick enough!!!! I just can't remember when it really got bad with all the others. I struggle with the first trimester and feeling like it goes soooo slow. I'm still really tempted to have a scan done. I said to hubby it's too expensive but his reply was you'll never you this again so do whatever you want to do!? Hmmm. Anyone else constantly paranoid? X
Welcome miss cindy and congratulations!! Lovely news, and lovely to have you join us here! It will be lovely to share your news with your family at christmas I'm sure :) As for the skiing, google says gentle skiing isn't much of an issue in the first trimester as baby is well protected then even if you take a small fall... but I don't know if I would risk it to be honest as you don't know what could happen.

Shell, I would keep your honeymoon if you can, you're right that it will be your last holiday alone! You can still travel at 32 weeks with a doctors note.

Owls, I considered early scan as so many on here tend to do it, but I just can't justify it. Before I joined this forum, I didn't even know you could get a private early scan, so I'm just waiting for the nhs scan.
Midwife just got in touch with me, booking appointment 3rd December! I'll be 8 weeks then, so that's good as GP had said it may not be until 10 weeks. It's starting to feel a bit more real!
Same lol midwife just got in touch I have my booking appt next Thursday I will be nearly 7 weeks!
Iv gotta wait until nearly 9 weeks instead lol. Most mw don't see you until after 8 weeks.

Got my next scan next Thursday tho.
Shell, when in May are you getting married? Any chance you could move your honeymoon forward by say a week or two? At 32 weeks, you're probably fine, I'd think chances of going into labour at that stage are likely very slim, but I fully understand the dilemma though. Also worth considering how you might be feeling physically at that time. What have you got planned once you're in Cyprus, will you still be able to do everything / most of it when heavily pregnant?

Owls, I'm not sick at all yet and I hope it stays that way for as long as possible! Not looking forward to that part... I'm definitely going "skiing" but contemplating just relaxing and taking the scenery in... I'll ask Drs for advice and see how I feel at the time. Could be that I'm so sick I don't want to travel at all! lol
Go skiing and enjoy hot chocolate :) I'm sure it would be a lovely break away regardless.

So I worked 16:00-0200 yesterday, got home around half two. That shift absolutely exhausted me. I was so tired it felt like a 12 hour night shift and have tonight and tomorrow to do yet, flipping eck. Not sure how I'm going to cope with that.
How are people feeling when they wake up? After my last two shifts I've slept about 9 hours and I feel like absolute crap when I woke this morning. Thirsty, headache. I had a drink and tried to go back to sleep but it hasn't worked. Just made some food and that's made me feel a bit better but I feel awful. So tired and run down it is mad.

Am I just being a wuss? Also, has anyone else found that their brain isn't working fully? I struggled to get words out yesterday when working sometimes, like they literally had gone. Or I'm forgetting things or not remembering. It is weird!
Welcome Cindy and congrats!!

I was invited on a ski holiday not long ago in Feb. I knew I would be trying and poss pregnant so I said no. Last time I went I found it really tiring and my legs killed from constant squatting so defo wouldn't do it pregnant! I guess up to you and how fit you feel. Plenty of shopping and nice scenery to take in when you are there 😊

I think i am going to get an early scan at 8 weeks as I would like to surprise family when I see them in a few weeks (they live 3 hrs away so not easy to see them in person) be nice to have reassurance of hearing the heartbeat before I do that.
Go skiing and enjoy hot chocolate :) I'm sure it would be a lovely break away regardless.

So I worked 16:00-0200 yesterday, got home around half two. That shift absolutely exhausted me. I was so tired it felt like a 12 hour night shift and have tonight and tomorrow to do yet, flipping eck. Not sure how I'm going to cope with that.
How are people feeling when they wake up? After my last two shifts I've slept about 9 hours and I feel like absolute crap when I woke this morning. Thirsty, headache. I had a drink and tried to go back to sleep but it hasn't worked. Just made some food and that's made me feel a bit better but I feel awful. So tired and run down it is mad.

Am I just being a wuss? Also, has anyone else found that their brain isn't working fully? I struggled to get words out yesterday when working sometimes, like they literally had gone. Or I'm forgetting things or not remembering. It is weird!

Not a great sleep last night I had lower back pain so couldn't get comfy plus boobs still sore! Had some weird/vivid dreams too. Think I am forgetting things I have told OH the same stories a few times 😂😂
Sounds awful Radleycat, hope you manage to get some rest! Hopefully won't be long until you tell work and can start taking it a bit more easy at work!

I'm starting to feel so exhausted all the time, even with at least 9 hours sleep every night... I'm yawning all day, and fall asleep by 9 or 10 every night. I usually wake up before my alarm in the morning if I've had enough sleep, which 9 hours is way more than enough, but now I'm sleeping right through my alarms and snoozing til the last minute I can.
Sounds awful Radleycat, hope you manage to get some rest! Hopefully won't be long until you tell work and can start taking it a bit more easy at work!

I'm starting to feel so exhausted all the time, even with at least 9 hours sleep every night... I'm yawning all day, and fall asleep by 9 or 10 every night. I usually wake up before my alarm in the morning if I've had enough sleep, which 9 hours is way more than enough, but now I'm sleeping right through my alarms and snoozing til the last minute I can.

Three more shifts then we go on holiday. All being well when we get back I will tell them. Some people try and hide it for as long as possible but my heart just isn't in the job right now, well more my brain really. Plus when I get back I won't be a student anymore and they have me on a random shift line for two months. I've looked and it's working 60 hour weeks with minimal days off and I just can't (and do t want to) do it. I've already been feeling nervous wondering who we might go to, like someone witb shingles or chicken pox or other things pregnant people shouldnt be around and I don't want to risk it. If that happens I may have to come clean anyway.

Plus I think in another couple of weeks, my trousers won't fit!
The job doesn't sound well suited to being pregnant so you're right in telling them as soon as you can, definitely not worth the risk of hiding it.
The job doesn't sound well suited to being pregnant so you're right in telling them as soon as you can, definitely not worth the risk of hiding it.

Just three shifts to complete my student hours and then I am out of there! I'm on a car for those shifts so hopefully we won't be as busy, usually 3/4 patients a shift instead of 6-8. And we don't transport them so no lifting.

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