July 2019 mummies

Hi ladies, was about to write morning ladies only to realise it’s almost 1pm & I’m only just drying my hair because I feel so rough that I can’t be bothered to get myself ready! Have spent all morning cleaning though! Just had lunch, ham & tomato sandwich as I really fancied it! Was nice but in my head it tasted so much better than it was & now I just want to throw it back up! Well I don’t want to, my body does! I wish I could just eat normally again & really enjoy it & finish it!

Sorry to hear your bleeding lisa! I have read quite a few posts recently where people have had a small bleed but it’s turned out fine but just unexplained. I friend of mine was quite heavily pregnant & had a huge bleed but baby was fine, they couldn’t find the cause & she went full term & had a perfect baby. Sometimes it just happens so keeping my fingers crossed that’s the same for you too !

Right I suppose I should get ready & take my son out on his bike as promised about 5 hours ago lol. Then taking daughter horse riding & then brothers family coming over. Usually love seeing them but it just means having to pretend I feel “normal” & trying to hide my tired & sickness which is pretty difficult as from about 7pm I literally yawn about every 40 seconds & my eyes start streaming from yawning so much! Joy lol.
That sounds like me. I'm drinking juice when I was up then drinking at least 2 pints of squash before I go to work and it's still barely putting a dent in my thirst. Also I feel sick when I wake up and generally rubbish but a little snack helps. My work trousers already are snug
Hi ladies can I join? Very cautiously I might add!

So, after around 7years I got my BFP on Wednesday at 12DPO. 3 line tests and a digital which said 1-2. It was my last month on letrozole and I didn't have the full dosage either so kind of a miracle. Been worrying since Wednesday as I have had cramps every day but they are slowly decreasing now. Don't actually believe it but determined to enjoy it like any other couple would!

Going off ovulation (CD18) I am 4+2 and due around 25th July. I have a midwife appointment on Thursday and then a 7 week scan in 2 weeks.
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Hi ladies:wave: tentatively dipping my toes in. Got my bfp today at 11 or 12dpo:dance: Will do a digi next week once I've (hopefully) missed AF. I look forward to sharing this journey with you all! This will be our 3rd and I'm feeling a bit scared... and outnumbered lol!
Due date 30th July:)
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Congratulations again, Sugarpop! I remember you when I was ttc my DD just over 3 years ago. What a long journey you've had!! I'm so over the moon for you. Wishing you a happy & healthy 9 months<3
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Congratulations again, Sugarpop! I remember you when I was ttc my DD just over 3 years ago. What a long journey you've had!! I'm so over the moon for you. Wishing you a happy & healthy 9 months<3

It has been very long! We were at the point where my hubby went to see his doctor about referring for IVF (the day before my + tests!) and were planning on moving to our forever home before IVF / adoption. It's all been turned on its head :)
Sickness bug has hit my house. Taken me and my daughter out. Both got horrid d&v. Just cooked dinner for my youngest and nearly passed out because I got so hot.
Hoping it's just 24hrs
Congratulations and welcome both sugarpop and babymaker!

Hoping you both feel better soon Marvellous.
Congratulations Sugarpop and Babymaker! Really happy for you both! :)

Sounds like you've had quite the journey Sugarpop! I got my BFP on the 14/11 as well, after two years of trying. It felt like forever and I really started doubting it would ever work. I can't even start to imagine how it would feel after 7 years!! I've also had cramps every day since a few days before my missed period, though not as many today.

Just wondering, how did you all arrange your booking appointment? I was going to go to my GP, but it's always so hard to get an appointment with them that when I saw I could contact the local midwives online myself, I chose to do that instead. So I sent them an email a couple of days ago but haven't heard back yet nor received an automatic acknowledgement to say they received it. I heard it can take them a few weeks to get back to you, but I just wish they told us what to expect after we contact them. What has your experience been like?
I got the GP to refer me without having to actually see them. Just filled out a form and the woman at reception passed it along to GP who then referred me to midwife, and I heard back about a week later. First appointment in 2 weeks when I'll be 8 weeks.
Congratulations Sugarpop and Babymaker! Really happy for you both! :)

Sounds like you've had quite the journey Sugarpop! I got my BFP on the 14/11 as well, after two years of trying. It felt like forever and I really started doubting it would ever work. I can't even start to imagine how it would feel after 7 years!! I've also had cramps every day since a few days before my missed period, though not as many today.

Just wondering, how did you all arrange your booking appointment? I was going to go to my GP, but it's always so hard to get an appointment with them that when I saw I could contact the local midwives online myself, I chose to do that instead. So I sent them an email a couple of days ago but haven't heard back yet nor received an automatic acknowledgement to say they received it. I heard it can take them a few weeks to get back to you, but I just wish they told us what to expect after we contact them. What has your experience been like?

I self referred to midwife. They called 3 days after my email and the next day I got my bloods form and my midwife appointment and 12 week scan appointment through
Hi ladies

Bit of a stressful day yesterday. I had some light bleeding, mostly bright red colour. I phoned the early pregnancy unit and the sister said this is pretty common at 7 weeks and only to worry/call docs if filling sanitary pad.

Can't help worrying though its really hard to take my mind off it &#128547;

Sorry for the downer, hope everyone else is ok!!

Hope you're ok. Stupid thing to say but thinking of you xx
I am seeing my midwife at the GP and then I presume my next appointment will be at the hospital.

As well as that I am having an early scan done via my fertility clinic. I have a heart shaped uterus (not severe but definitely mid-sharpen) aswell as diabetes so hoping for extra scans throughout!
Can i be added to the 26th july please. What a difference a few days make iv not hsd 1 symptom and today im like a different person, McDonalds made me throw up, i cant stay awake, cant stop drinking and bad headache. Oh asked me what was the matter and i just cried. I think it may still be a case of being shocked aswell. Things can only get better right? X
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Can I ask, does anyone have any proper pregnancy symptoms yet? I have on and off sore boobs but that&#8217;s all. It&#8217;s worrying me!
Thanks all for your replies and reassurance.. it's still on and off but not bright red any more and pretty light. I have a history of spotting (have been checked out before and nothing wrong just the way my body is)

I saw a small clot this morn which has scared me. EPU clearly don't want to offer scans so I might contact emergency doctors and see if they will refer me to be checked out. Would rather know for sure if there is a heartbeat or not than spend the next few weeks stressing out!

Trying to stay positive, wish me luck X
Thanks all for your replies and reassurance.. it's still on and off but not bright red any more and pretty light. I have a history of spotting (have been checked out before and nothing wrong just the way my body is)

I saw a small clot this morn which has scared me. EPU clearly don't want to offer scans so I might contact emergency doctors and see if they will refer me to be checked out. Would rather know for sure if there is a heartbeat or not than spend the next few weeks stressing out!

Trying to stay positive, wish me luck X

Let's is know how you get on with the doctor. Good luck. Xxx
Thanks all for your replies and reassurance.. it's still on and off but not bright red any more and pretty light. I have a history of spotting (have been checked out before and nothing wrong just the way my body is)

I saw a small clot this morn which has scared me. EPU clearly don't want to offer scans so I might contact emergency doctors and see if they will refer me to be checked out. Would rather know for sure if there is a heartbeat or not than spend the next few weeks stressing out!

Trying to stay positive, wish me luck X

Makes me mad for you. I really hope you get an answer soon hun. Good luck x
Can I ask, does anyone have any proper pregnancy symptoms yet? I have on and off sore boobs but that&#8217;s all. It&#8217;s worrying me!

Congratulations if I haven't already said it. My memory is awful!!! Not many have symptoms so early on so try not to worry. It's really hard not to compare ourselves to others! I keep worrying I don't feel as sick as I think i did with my others but again I can't really remember how many weeks I would have been etc. At your stage I think some days I just felt shattered. Xx
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