**********July 2014 Mummies**********

Morning, I've not long got up. It's such an exciting day of waiting for arrivals. Sammi and the twins and (not that it compares but I'm really excited) my pram should be here today!!

Daley- I'll be thinking of you and Ben too. I really hope he doesn't need anymore doing to him.
I'd be so excited for a pram delivery!!
I'd be getting it up and pushing it round the living room haha xx
Daley, he's so gorgeous! Hope his levels are ok today.

Leesey hope appt goes well. I want a Maccy D breakfast now too!

Sammi - so excited that it's induction day!

Coz - pram delivery is always exciting :)

I feel grotty today, like I'm hanging for something, which I could really do without!

I have re arranged furniture to get the pram through front and back doors so it would be a shame not to waste the space lol. This is where I find out you need a degree in rocket science to put the thing together, when it gets here. I was going to wait for dh to get home so he can put it together but I'm not sure I've got the will power to not play hahaha.

Mishsi- Hope you feel a bit better soon. Did you have a busy weekend and maybe just need a chill out day? x
poor lil ben! hope hes improved and dodges the need for a transfusion, lovely pics of him, with his cheeky wee grin lol
Coz...put the pram together!!! You will love it.

I will say it was easier having two, I read what to do, boyfriend did it!

But once it was done I also pushed it around the living room! I also then tried it in my car boot.... its the only thing that can now fit!

No more big shops if the pram is with us lol x
It's just arrived!!! I've got the car seat out already but starting to feel guilty about the pram so that's still in the box. Poor delivery man, don't think he knew what to make of me. I've had a lazy day and I'm still in my Daisy Duck pj's lol
Coz...put the pram together!!! You will love it.

I will say it was easier having two, I read what to do, boyfriend did it!

But once it was done I also pushed it around the living room! I also then tried it in my car boot.... its the only thing that can now fit!

No more big shops if the pram is with us lol x

Many a time I did a big shop & then got to the car and found I still had my pram in the boot... Haha creative use of space required.. Esp in a mini ha xx
Coz - I did the pram by myself as OH is useless at things like that! But yes, I did need to use all my brain power which is none existent ATM lol! Hope you've had more luck lol!

Daley - he's bloody lovely! Bet your such a proud mummy! Hope it's gone ok today whatever the outcome was!

Ketty jo - yay to mat leave! It's amazing!!

Hope everyone's ok! Been having some real fanny daggers today whilst walking, like electric shocks that took my breath away! Hope it means something's happening down there lol x
Hospital appointment was fine today, except agonising steroid shot - I'm not good with needles as it stand but this time because I knew what was coming I was so tense and anxious :( Ouchy Ouchy Ouchy.

Back in tomorrow, and again on Wednesday, this is going to be a fun week!!

On a plus note, my bump is measuring 36 weeks at 33+6 so maybe baby has had a big growth spurt and will be a good weight :) xx
Ah good, hopefully they will be a little bigger when you eventually meet them :) sounds like it's not going to be a very fun week for you love but Atleast they are keeping an eye on baby closely for you xxx
That's good about the measurement Leesey but I think I'd be the same over the injections. Not long now though x
Let us know how you get on. Sounds a bit silly but since there seems to be a few who are leaking, I've had a 'play' and only seem to get anything from one side. I wasn't worried until then. Hoping it'll sort itself out once bumps here.
I am leaking occasionally. When I lean on them in the night they make a mess too! Doesn't seem to happen at work...yet. Carrying round breast pads just in case. The last thing I need teenagers to see is a leaky boob, my fierce rep would be ruined!

Hope everyone's day goes ok and we get some news on those twins...not much happening when I just checked....
So that's me 34 weeks, eviction week. Makes me sad that I'm missing out on so much of my pregnancy but I remember the final weeks from last time, too hot, too swollen, too big to enjoy anything but trying to get the baby out by any means possible (think that episode of friends when Rachel is overdue!). So in a way it's nice to have a planned entry into the world.

I'm trying not to think too much about it but I'm worried about baby's size, feeding problems, breathing problems, etc. I know he/she will get the best possible care but it's just so hard not to get anxious.

Two days to go! Xx
It's only natural to have worries about what will happen but like you say, your baby will get the best possible care from the start. I don't think anything anyone says will ease your mind right now, you need to have your baby in your arms at home for that to happen. Just know we are all here to support you in anyway we can xx
Leesey - It's scary being induced so early, I was just as worried. You'll both be in the best possible hands. Look at Ben and everything he went through and was home 10 days later! Here if you need to talk xxx

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