***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

I just wing it too lol if she sucks fists and clicks mouth I give bottle. If she isnt but crying I check nappy. If she yawns during cries I try to put in moses to sleep and any other cries I have no idea and just hold her and give her dummy till she stops lol. Does Eden have a dummy? I know some people dont like them lol but Imogens has been a lifesaver for me lolxxx

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Yup, I think we're all winging it, I know I am!
Bethany im doing this for the 3rd time now and I'm still second guessing myself, worrying about things like milk feeds and if she's going too long between them. Its always good to talk through your feelings with the health visitor though, if anything just to have someone to voice your anxieties too. She wont think badly of you nor will she ever consider you aren't doing things properly. The mums state of mind post birth is incredibly delicate and theres no way we can feel 100% all of the time.
About the bonding, this is another thing that bugs me. Noone ever tells you the bonding might not hit you instantly. For some it does for others it takes days, weeks even months. You can't make it happen. One thing I think really helps and promotes the bonding process is baby massage. Take a look and see if there are any classes in your area. I cant recommend it enough.

Also just remember you're not alone in your feelings, I work with mums and babies and so many of the mums express very similar sentiments to what you have described.xx

Shes so big now wahhh

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Bethany don't worry, I think we are all just seriously winging it! Robert is nearly 7 weeks old and I still can't tell what he wants or when!!!! xxxxxx
Sorry to not properly go through above posts, just so exhausted and about to try and squeeze in a lie down. I have hit a bit of a 6 week crash and feel totally overwhelmed and exhausted. How much sleep are you guys actually getting in a row at night? I just don't know how much longer I can do this feeding two babies, settling and then 30 mins pumping and then start again an hour or so later. I know no one sleeps with a newborn, but is one hour at a time really normal? I keep breaking down in the night and then OH has to do loads and it's not really fair on him to be picking up the burden so much.
Sorry to not properly go through above posts, just so exhausted and about to try and squeeze in a lie down. I have hit a bit of a 6 week crash and feel totally overwhelmed and exhausted. How much sleep are you guys actually getting in a row at night? I just don't know how much longer I can do this feeding two babies, settling and then 30 mins pumping and then start again an hour or so later. I know no one sleeps with a newborn, but is one hour at a time really normal? I keep breaking down in the night and then OH has to do loads and it's not really fair on him to be picking up the burden so much.
Yikes thats so intense! You are amazing for exclusively pumping all this time!
Sometimes I can get 4 or 5 hours and sometimes I get zero lol. The most she feeds is every hour or couple hours. I dont sleep myself till late though and never have lol. After 1am usually. Between 7pm and 1am she feeds a lot and also just wants to be held.
The nights I get zero sleep is when she wants to be held and I'm afraid to fall asleep in bed with her lol. Has improved with gaviscon though.


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Atm if i went to sleep sort of 9pm /10pm I'd be up every half hour lol but I never have slept that early.
Every hour constantly is intense though I dunno how you are doing it! Xx

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I agree Bethany we're all winging it! Second baby here and still constantly attached to Google.. Try to just chill out - I tell myself that she's only a baby with very simple needs, all you can do is try and guess what she needs until she's content! I read somewhere that your baby's cry creates a fear hormone in the mother which makes perfect sense to me - I'm terrified of her crying until I remember it is the only way she can communicate..

Laura it's so tough and you are doing such an incredible job, don't feel guilty for roping in your partner.. I'm probably getting 5/6 broken hours (she feeds 3 hourly and it's taking me around an hour each waking to feed and change, then she's still struggling to settle and is very noisy so that eats into sleep too..) We've had the odd night like Millie where she cluster feeds and won't settle so i've been up for 6 hour stretches which has been hard! All this while OH snores beside me for 9 hours a night :roll: This is the hardest part, though they're at the age now where things are going to start improving really soon so hang in there - it'll be a distant memory in a couple of months xxx
Lol the crying defo must bring out fear hormones.. I feel so frantic when Imogen starts doing full on cries lol. I feel mean as in the 2 mins kt takes for perfect prep to finish shes usually passed normal crying onto hysterical crying lol xx
Laura your doing amazing! I expressed for 4 weeks but I didn't do enough. They only had one bottle of it a day & When the midwife told me I'd have to express every 3 hours when the boys were fed there just wasn't any time in between & I was only getting 1:45 in between feeds overnight so stopping pumping took a lot of pressure off for sure! I'm glad the boys got it for 4 weeks. We still feed every 3 hours in the day but over night they feed every 3.5-5 hours. The feed and settling takes about an hour so I'm getting about 3/4 hours sleep each time now. X
Laura you are doing really well my sweet. Twins can't be easy and especially expressing. If I couldn't of got Robert in the boob when I did then he would be strictly formula fed now as I just couldn't deal with expressing - and that's only for one baby! Do what ever the twins are happy but ultimately makes you happy! As they need a positive, healthy mummy and won't mind where their milk comes from. Remember you have given them the best start possible !

Girls, are we all on Facebook? What do you think about setting up a private group for us all? I think I'd find it easier to sift through and see what everyone is up to and saying? Let me know if it's a daft idea or not ! xxxxxx

Would def find that easier :)

Totally agree with Abi , Laura. You are doing so amazing. Immy wouldnt latch and idea of exclusively expressing I got myself so worked up about and that is just for one baby! Xx

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Thanks so much for the lovely replies, feeling better about things now and I'll just carry on for as long as I can with the expressing and take it all as it comes.

I'm up for doing a facebook thing instead. Does anyone know how to set up a group on there? xxx
Lol mine is Emily on fb but Millie is a nickname some friends call me xxx

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