Don't ever think you are a failure as you're not! You are doing an amazing job! Sending lots of hugs xxxBeen to gp been diagnosed with pnd I feel like a failure
Thank you!
I've been prescribed some antidepressants I hope they work soon
Been to gp been diagnosed with pnd I feel like a failure
Thank you!
I've been prescribed some antidepressants I hope they work soon
It's soo hard adjusting to being a parent. I think everyone struggles more than people admit, because it's just not something people like to admit to. I know we are.. we argue like crazy at the moment and are exhausted, overwhelmed, scared.. the changes are unimaginable when you go into this (planned or not) and anyone that says it's easy is telling a big fat lie. I know I am struggling, but it'll get easier as babies give a bit more back and start to develop little personalities and we get to know them better. Hang in there Bethany, it'll get easier eventually xxx
Oh god yeah I get that anxious feeling! Horrible it is isnt it! Xx
Oh cool! Thanks Abi!
Been to gp been diagnosed with pnd I feel like a failure
Nooooo you're not a failure! Never think that! You're doing wonderful. You're doing much better than you think you are.
Thank you!
I've been prescribed some antidepressants I hope they work soon
It's soo hard adjusting to being a parent. I think everyone struggles more than people admit, because it's just not something people like to admit to. I know we are.. we argue like crazy at the moment and are exhausted, overwhelmed, scared.. the changes are unimaginable when you go into this (planned or not) and anyone that says it's easy is telling a big fat lie. I know I am struggling, but it'll get easier as babies give a bit more back and start to develop little personalities and we get to know them better. Hang in there Bethany, it'll get easier eventually xxx
Yes, believe me, every day there's something going on that I can't even keep up with to even verbalize on this board! We're all making a huge adjustment. Today I was scared and jumpy for seemingly no reason at all. The phone rang and I almost jumped off the chair. It felt like any minute someone was going to come busting through my door, to do what, I have no idea. It must be the lack of sleep or hormones. So you are not alone Bethany.
Oh god yeah I get that anxious feeling! Horrible it is isnt it! Xx
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