***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

Great idea Abi! Haha Laura, living a double life this whole time! Glad you're feeling better today xx
What a morning we have had! Was up most the night then got up at 9 and its now nearly 12 and only just sorted to go downstairs after needing 3 outfit changes and a bath lol. Thought we were done before after her outfit I'd put on after her bath because she weed all over whilst I took her poo nappy off lol..then she was sick all over her new outfit just as I'd finished doing up the poppers omg lol. Xxx
Great idea abi x

Injection day today ! I cried ! I didn't realise it was 3 separate injections !!

Boys were fab & last night even slept from 11:30-04:40!!! I was like a new woman lol! X
You're not a failure!!! Remember PND is so much to do with your hormones settling back down, so totally uncontrolled for you xxxxxx
Thank you!
I've been prescribed some antidepressants I hope they work soon

It's soo hard adjusting to being a parent. I think everyone struggles more than people admit, because it's just not something people like to admit to. I know we are.. we argue like crazy at the moment and are exhausted, overwhelmed, scared.. the changes are unimaginable when you go into this (planned or not) and anyone that says it's easy is telling a big fat lie. I know I am struggling, but it'll get easier as babies give a bit more back and start to develop little personalities and we get to know them better. Hang in there Bethany, it'll get easier eventually xxx

Oh cool! Thanks Abi! :)

Been to gp been diagnosed with pnd I feel like a failure

Nooooo you're not a failure! Never think that! You're doing wonderful. You're doing much better than you think you are.

Thank you!
I've been prescribed some antidepressants I hope they work soon

It's soo hard adjusting to being a parent. I think everyone struggles more than people admit, because it's just not something people like to admit to. I know we are.. we argue like crazy at the moment and are exhausted, overwhelmed, scared.. the changes are unimaginable when you go into this (planned or not) and anyone that says it's easy is telling a big fat lie. I know I am struggling, but it'll get easier as babies give a bit more back and start to develop little personalities and we get to know them better. Hang in there Bethany, it'll get easier eventually xxx

Yes, believe me, every day there's something going on that I can't even keep up with to even verbalize on this board! We're all making a huge adjustment. Today I was scared and jumpy for seemingly no reason at all. The phone rang and I almost jumped off the chair. It felt like any minute someone was going to come busting through my door, to do what, I have no idea. It must be the lack of sleep or hormones. So you are not alone Bethany. :hugs:

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Okay I found it, I'm Chelsea. :) It's nice I like it! :D
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Oh cool! Thanks Abi! :)

Been to gp been diagnosed with pnd I feel like a failure

Nooooo you're not a failure! Never think that! You're doing wonderful. You're doing much better than you think you are.

Thank you!
I've been prescribed some antidepressants I hope they work soon

It's soo hard adjusting to being a parent. I think everyone struggles more than people admit, because it's just not something people like to admit to. I know we are.. we argue like crazy at the moment and are exhausted, overwhelmed, scared.. the changes are unimaginable when you go into this (planned or not) and anyone that says it's easy is telling a big fat lie. I know I am struggling, but it'll get easier as babies give a bit more back and start to develop little personalities and we get to know them better. Hang in there Bethany, it'll get easier eventually xxx

Yes, believe me, every day there's something going on that I can't even keep up with to even verbalize on this board! We're all making a huge adjustment. Today I was scared and jumpy for seemingly no reason at all. The phone rang and I almost jumped off the chair. It felt like any minute someone was going to come busting through my door, to do what, I have no idea. It must be the lack of sleep or hormones. So you are not alone Bethany. :hugs:

Oh god yeah I get that anxious feeling! Horrible it is isnt it! Xx

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Bethany I second all the others, you are not a failure, you have been brave enough to admit there's a problem and now that you have the support you need it will feel so much easier.. Having a newborn is so tough, as Laura said you're giving your all and getting no reassurance/gratification back. The lack of sleep is scary and overwhelming but I promise, give Eden another few weeks to develop and grow and you'll feel so much better. Sending hugs xx
Kate, as I know you went through this with Poppy, do you have any suggestions for easing the pain of my stitches /tear? It was sore but manageable for the last week, but over the last 24 hours it's become truly awful - I can hardly walk, going to the toilet is agony and I was on the phone to maternity triage in floods of tears at 3am. Feels like I'm being stabbed with needles. I'm waiting for the out of hours doctor to call back, but can't face a trek to the hospital with Matilda in this weather.

What should I be putting in my bath? Tea tree, lavender or salt? Have been googling for ages but so much conflicting advice.
Oh sweet I am so sorry.. can they not send anyone out to you? Are they/you sure it's not getting infected? I used tea tree with no ill effects both last and this time. Frozen maternity pads provided some relief if you can bare to put anything on it. Laying on a towel in bed to let it air and prevent chaffing. Are you breastfeeding? Maybe ask a pharmacist which the strongest safe painkillers are? You have my greatest sympathy:( Thinking of you xxx
:( you poor thing holdingthumbs, that sounds horrendous. Sending hugs xxx

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