***Jan & Feb Mummy and Baby***

Hi guys.

Not had time to update you all as it turns out having a newborn and a 22month old keeps you busy lol lol.

Baby Harper was born on the 11th of feb weighing 8lb12 after a quick (but amazing) birth.

I'm bottle feeding and she is an angel like her sister was...only wakes through the night for her feeds.

She is a bloody nightmare to wind though, doesn't seem to affect her much but it can take me a good half hour to get a burp...anyone have any advice on that?

Will be keeping up to date with the thread now that I've settled a bit more.

Here is my baby...

Congratulations starlight! She is beautiful. The dark eyes and all that black hair are so cute. We have the same age gap as you so I feel you on the being busy front! I do get on to ubdate when I'm sitting down for feeds sometimes.

Not sure about the winding thing. LO is usually easy to wind after a feed but he still seems to suffer a lot with wind. What happens if you dont wind her? If it doesnt bother her not to be winded it wont actually do her any harm not to be, its just that the air in their tummies usually makes them really uncomfortable but some babies dont seem that bothered by it and some babies are efficient feeders and dont seem to swollow a lot of air.
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Congrats Becky...what a weight!!!

Hope Caleb has gained some weight Taboo. Glad you are taking the pressure off yourself too. Lke you said, as long as baby is fed and happy the where from/how is not relevant.

Congrats Startlight. What a little stunner :)
Hi Becky lovely to see you here!
Starlight and bunny ...I'm with you on the 22 month age gap! It's definitely hard work! How are your older ones coping? I haven't left the house with them alone yet!
Decided to stop expressing today and go with formula, it's not fair on dd1 to carry on. My boobs are so sore already!!
Blondy my OH is off for a month so I'm lucky that I have help.

Lexi is playing up at the moment....nothing we can't handle but she is just being very demanding just now lol.

She is ignoring her little sister just now mostly which is fine....I'm not pushing it with her. Managed to get one picture of them together

Hey ladies, I wondered if any of you could help me?

I had baby on 12th Feb, she weighed 7lb 14ozs and had her 3 day check at home yesterday. Was weighed again and she's down to 7lb 1oz! :( Just outside the 10% "acceptable" loss. Im breastfeeding on demand and so far having no issues other than the fact she's lost so much weight so quickly.

I just wondered for any of you ladies how long it took for your milk to come in and if expressing so how much were you able to express in the first few days?
Hello, i have been lurking for a while from feb mummies but can now officially move over. Jessica ella johnson was born 14/2 weighing 7lb4.

Breastfeeding going ok atm. Took a while for her to get the sucking action but seems to have that sorted now. Only think is both nipples are bleeding now so the initial few sucks hurts quite alot. Is this normal? Will they just get better over time or would i need to express in order for them to heal?
Hey ladies, I wondered if any of you could help me?

I had baby on 12th Feb, she weighed 7lb 14ozs and had her 3 day check at home yesterday. Was weighed again and she's down to 7lb 1oz! :( Just outside the 10% "acceptable" loss. Im breastfeeding on demand and so far having no issues other than the fact she's lost so much weight so quickly.

I just wondered for any of you ladies how long it took for your milk to come in and if expressing so how much were you able to express in the first few days?

IMO the 10% rule can be a little strict, especially with breastfed babies. Its good to be aware of any potential problems that need addressing but try not to panic. She may start putting on weight well once your milk is in propperly, in which case there is no need to worry more. If you can maybe get help from a lactation consultant to check her latch. Our girl lost about 13% of her birth weight and took 6 weeks to put it back on! In the end it turned out she had allergies to what I was eating. She was also fussy and had a lot of funny green mucusy poo. Otherwise she was healthy and was developed well though so the slow weight gain didn't cause any problems in itself.
Hey ladies, I wondered if any of you could help me?

I had baby on 12th Feb, she weighed 7lb 14ozs and had her 3 day check at home yesterday. Was weighed again and she's down to 7lb 1oz! :( Just outside the 10% "acceptable" loss. Im breastfeeding on demand and so far having no issues other than the fact she's lost so much weight so quickly.

I just wondered for any of you ladies how long it took for your milk to come in and if expressing so how much were you able to express in the first few days?

IMO the 10% rule can be a little strict, especially with breastfed babies. Its good to be aware of any potential problems that need addressing but try not to panic. She may start putting on weight well once your milk is in propperly, in which case there is no need to worry more. If you can maybe get help from a lactation consultant to check her latch. Our girl lost about 13% of her birth weight and took 6 weeks to put it back on! In the end it turned out she had allergies to what I was eating. She was also fussy and had a lot of funny green mucusy poo. Otherwise she was healthy and was developed well though so the slow weight gain didn't cause any problems in itself.
Thank you :)

She is at 10.3% so literally only just. But I was put on a feeding plan where I was to express 90ml milk over 24 hours to top her up (as well as feeding on demand) My milk isnt even in yet so that was a ridiculous task and I only managed to express 8-10ml out of both breasts at a time. Ive tried both hand expressing and using an electric pump. I'm also anaemic (on 3x iron a day)

I thought I was doing really well and after finding out I may have to top up with formula it's broken my heart and im devastated :'(
Flick I def wouldn't top up with formula, if that's something you don't feel happy with.
Saying you need to do that when you're only just out of the "limit" for loss is ridiculous.

You're milk will only just be coming in. Stick with feeding on demand and get her weighed in a few more days.

You are doing really well- don't let anyone tell you any different xx

And asking you to express that much is silly.
Thanks Ceecee, he was 9lb 1 so we broke the 9lb barrier finally! Upping the BFing from today though so hope that won't set him back-really wish there was a way of telling how much they've had from the boob for peace of mind!

Flick 90ml before your milk is in is bonkers, only do what you feel comfortable with re formula as well-I was devastated when I had to start topping Caleb up but have since come to terms with it-took a couple of weeks though and I refused to give it to him during that time made DH do it!

Mrsj as someone that's had a LOT of nipple trouble whilst normal for first few sucks to be sore if they're bleeding I'd say best thing longer term is to have a couple of days off feeding and express or try using nipple shields? If they get worse you may get to a point where they get infected or take that much longer to heal.
Flick - don't be too disheartened at needing to top up with formula initially, I had to do that too for a variety of reasons at the start, but has weaned him off by 2 & half weeks and am now onto exclusively breastfeeding, I was told you just need to do what you have to for the baby (mine had lost over twelve percent and was down to a scrawny 5 lbs 4)

I've found the nipple pain has gone and no longer need nipple shields, however I still suffer at the start on the inverted nipple while it gets yanked out by the baby - ow!

Mrs Johnson, congrats on your Valentine baby!
Starlight, your baby is pretty like a little doll, aww :-)

I still find it weird that all these new babies are popping up weighing far more than my 6 week old, although we were pleased to break the 7 lb mark at the health visitor appointment last week.
Congrats Flick.I wouldn't worry too much about trying to express 90ml...that's just insane as some women's milk doesn't even come in properly utntil day 5. I know it's usually in by day 3 but everyone is different. Personally, I would keep feeding on demand and wait and see what happens weight wise once your milk is in properly as my girls feeding ramped up 10 notches once she had milk and not just colostrum.

Congrats too Mrsjohnson :)

Yay on the weight gain Taboo :D

Tinsel, that one nipple sounds really painful, ouch!

I have a 15 month gap between my two, and my son is not even walking yet. He is almost there, but not quite. Makes it a bit crazy at times but it's mostly ok lol.
Welcome to all the new Mummy and babies!

Starlight, my OH isn't back FT for another week (he is self employed though!) and the extra help has been invaluable. Both your girls are gorgeous.

Flick, my friend is in the same position - baby has lost more than 10% of birth weight and her milk isn't in. She has been advised to get herself and baby stripped off and into bed to just feed and feed to encourage milk supply. Congratulations by the way.

We're actually doing OK. Feeding is going well, baby is sleeping a bit at night [I've had 5 hours in a row the past few nights], James has been in his own room for a few weeks and we've take the sides off the cot-bed. Now I just need to master getting us all out of the house and actually doing stuff. Visiting a friend and her 3 kids tomorrow and that will be my first solo trip with James and Beatrice!

Also need to arrange her jabs and get her weighed to make sure she is gaining, I think she is by the feel of her though. She feels very substantial and is already growing out of some of her "up to a month" stuff.

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Flick I def wouldn't top up with formula, if that's something you don't feel happy with.
Saying you need to do that when you're only just out of the "limit" for loss is ridiculous.

You're milk will only just be coming in. Stick with feeding on demand and get her weighed in a few more days.

You are doing really well- don't let anyone tell you any different xx

And asking you to express that much is silly.

I agree with this. The only advantage of formula top ups at this point is that it would rule out any other issues but loosing 10.3% of her birth weight really isnt a huge deal if she starts gaining in the next few days. Laying down in bed with her latched on for a couple of hrs is the perfect way to encourage your milk to come in.
Congrats new mummies xx lovely babies.

Oisin is out of newborn and into 0-3 already!! Can't believe it :-D p.s didn't miss this cd2 today must decide on which contraceptive to use in the next few days? Any advice? Xxx
I'm thinking about the copper coil TS. Still undecided but I did buy some condoms the other day (God knows when we'll use them lol)

I have a question about poo ladies. Bee is a poo machine. She is still going up to 10 times a day..... its still wet farts mainly. Is this normal? She can do 3 wet farts in a row [i have got wise to this now and i dont waste 3 nappies any more lol] and this is several times a day.

I'll delete this in a few days but for now here's a picture of my little boy from last week (nearly 6 weeks then)

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