***Jan & Feb Mummy and Baby***

He is beautiful Meg.

Bee has had the sniffles too.... she seems fine but I feel sad that she's already had a cold and she is only a few weeks old.

Glad you had a good night Ceecee. We'll probably co-sleep when she is a bit older.

We had a repeat hearing test today at Ear, Nose, Throat hospital. She completely failed two separate tests on the day she was born. I must admit I was super nervous but thankfully all is perfect.

Thanks! I think colic has set in too, the last two nights he's been very grumpy and difficult to get wind out of.
I'm a complete hormotional mess just now too. I had a few proper meltdowns yesterday, thankfully oh was there to reassure me and give me a break but he does go back to work tomorrow. No nursery Fri or mon though so I've got a few days to get our routine on track.
A quick question about post partum bleeding, mine has come back?! Two days where it was just a light discharge and today I'm bleeding again a fair bit, that's normal isn't it?
He is so lovely meg! The MW told me if you start being a bit more active its normal for red bleeding to start up again for a day or two.
Glad Bee passed the re-test. Joe failed his test in hospital but passed the next day. She said the woman who did the first test probably used a probe that was too big, as he was only 6lb 2oz. It's scary though as you start imagining the worst don't you!

I've had a bit of a return of PP bleeding, so much so, I thought it might have been my period returning. It wasn't though, think I had just overdone it that day.

Hope you're feeling a bit better Meg. Hormones are a nightmare aren't they.

Baby and toddler both down for a nap at the same time. Making the most of having some time to myself by enjoying my lunch in peace without sharing any, a hot brew, some rubbish on tv and the laptop. Doubt it will last before little missy wakes but I'll enjot it for now :D
Hi ladies hope your all bubbas are doing well!

Freddie will be 6 weeks on sat... What !?

He is so alert now smiling and cooing spending more time awake in the day !
Had my 6 week check everything is good I asked the doc about starting abdominal excerises he said its absolutely fine? Do u think its safe at this stage ? Don't want to cause damage but also want to get back on the exercising I mean I know walking and all that is fine xxx
Ceecee glad you've found a position that works for feeding.

Nat, so glad wee one passed her hearing test.

I think I have finally accepted that I had to go to formula. With hindsight I wouldn't have mentally coped with breast feeding. I was in a bad place and only starting to come out the other side.
On the plus side Max is now 6 weeks and doing brilliantly. Last week he weighed 9lb 4oz. Will get weighed again tomorrow. He's the image of my husband.
Aw Mrsw he is gorgeous xx

Glad things were better ceecee xx

I went for a nap earlier and woke up with terrible pain in lower left abdomen it's like a really bad constant cramp and hurts like hell when I move, thinking of ringing out of hours but don't want bringing the two boys out. Anyone any ideas what it could be? Xx
Loving seeing everyone's baby photos :)

ceecee - do you have the baby in your bed then for the co-sleeping? or is she in a co-sleeping crib next to you?

I had health visitor today, baby has done very well and is now 7 lb 5 (3.32 kg) at 6 weeks this saturday. Everyone keeps commenting how strong he is, don't know where he gets that from (not from me!!)

Just realised baby being born on a saturday (like me) means, from the poem, "saturday's child works hard for a living"... oh well! :)

Sadly health visitor confirmed baby has colic, baby is struggling with it today/tonight, has been unable to go to sleep as 5 mins later he wakes up screaming and then starts writhing in agony... so horrible to watch :( Am tempted to compromise my principles and get a dummy for night time to help soothe him as I can't feed him constantly.

TS - no clue on the pain but sounds like it may be worth calling NHS direct for guidance? doesn't sound normal.
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TC I went with a dummy and was so upset with myself but it can help settle him down. Max has a bit of colic too. Not nice to see. Gripe water is helping him a wee bit. Infacol didn't do much.
Sorry about the colic ladies Tyler had it and it was so horrible watching him suffering I put colief in his bottles to help him xx

Rang out of hours and they sent me straight to a and e had an internal examination bloods and urine taken and have to go back in the morning for a scan to see can they see what's causing the pain. Told me to take paracetamol as I'm still expressing some milk for Oisin hope I get answers and some relief tomorrow just home now and in bed xx
I'm glad they have checked you over TS.

Hopefully its nothing but better to be safe than sorry.

Feeling so tired at the moment and its hard to get out / get anything done. Anyone else struggling to get out? I know the weather and having two makes it harder.

Bee's hair is falling out bless her. She looks so weird.

Also ahe's been a bit sicky past few feeds as well (quite a significant amount not just 'spit up') she is fine in herself though and still feeding.

Ladies I wouldn't beat yourself up about dummy's. James had one from day dot as he was a sucky little beast but is did really make a difference. He still has it now indoors as sadly he was one of those children that adore the dummy. New baby means we're delaying taking it away but we're cutting down on it (we're just starting to use it for naps and bedtime only)
Bee has no interest in a dummy. She prefers my nipple.

I'd 100% agree on the dummy front. Ross had one for too long but managed to cut it right back and stop without too much fuss. This little guy isn't so fussed, he'll take it for a wee while but literally launches it out his mouth when he's had enough. It was actually scbu who suggested using it, and the consultant really wasn't concerned about Nipple confusion at all! If it helps them settle I'm happy with that, it's a big scary world outside our tums!

Oh back to work today :(
Tinsel, yes I have her in bed with me. I know its not recommended, but we have a super king size bed and I can lie on my side and not be able to reach hubby on the other side so there is tons of room. She sleeps next to me (me in middle of her and hubby) and just latches onto my boob when she needs to. I'm a light sleeper and not worried about rolling over onto her as we have loads of space. She is also nowhere near the edge so wouldn't roll out. Means I am getting lots of sleep at night but she is still getting loads of milk and comfort from me xx`
We didn't use a dummy with dd and when she got a bit older I really regretted it as she was overtired but had no way of comforting her quickly. So using one already this time, it seems to work calming her down at nappy changes or whatever so really useful :)
When I got up this morning I felt sooo overwhelmed, it seemed endless the amount of things to do but by this evening I feel a bit better. Dd1 is in bed and Immy is sleeping in her Moses basket, phew
Had our worst night yet last night.

Bee slept for hour long intervals between feeding like a maniac and crying / moaning. James was also restless.

Think I've managed a few very broken hours but I feel like death. I'm wrapped in a duvet on the sofa with James. Bee is fast asleep on her changing mat lol.

I am still not enjoying feeding. It's much easier now (pain free) but it's just so constant. It gets easier right? It's not fair on James for me to be so unavailable so much of the time. I feel terrible. I can't get out the door with both of them and am taking them out in turn [oh has one if he is here. He isn't back to work FT yet]. If I leave Bee I can only go out for like half an hour.

OH has been great and takes James out if I don't manage to but I just think he is so bored. Everyone keeps telling me not to worry snd that the weather is crap so it's not as if we're missing out on lovely weather / outside activities.

I just feel guilty. I am not enjoying either child as much as I should?

Hi all

Hope you are all ok & those with feeding/sleeping niggles settle down soon.
We also introduced the dummy early on-Rafferty will spit it out when he has had enough but it does soothe him when he is in meltdown every now & then. I also dip it in gripe water as another way of calming him when nothing else seems to work.
We will see health visitor again next Weds so can't wait to see what he weighs now-he is going to be well over 9lb I'm expecting.
OH finally goes back to work tomorrow after 3 weeks off so he is sleeping in the spare room tonight!
Baby Rio has had a few extremely rough 4 days where he was getting crankier by the hour to the point that last night he cried 5 hours non stop until he finally settled at 1 am. It was killing me seeing him in such state. Only the boob would soothe him and only for 5 minutes at a time, then he would fall asleep briefly and as soon as you tried to put him down to rest, screaming and writhing again.

I was following the advice of a lactation consultant who told me to just feed him on demand, whenever he seemed hungry. So I was a bit like Nat, on the boob every hour or even half hour. And as he was falling asleep within minutes, having to try and keep him awake. So feeds would go on for almost two hours. Very tough on us both.

But his morning, after a hellish night and still no relief, we decided to bring him to the children's hospital walk in centre. I just didn't know if there was anything else wrong with him. They've hecked him out, and all seems good but he is not gaining weight as he should. So they've advised to give him a bottle of expressed milk for the next few feeds to make sure he's getting enough because obviously he's too lazy to suck the amount he needs from the breast!

We have him a bottle two hours ago and he's been an angel and finally sleeping! I really hope this is not just coincidence and we have finally found a good way to do this. Maybe after he regains some strength we can try the breast again.

Sorry for the long post, but it's been such a horrendous few days and I have not enjoyed having my baby much yet since he arrived. So I hope we're making some progress now.

Nat - I can relate to how you feel with the hourly demands. I hope Bee gradually settles into longer intervals.
Hi ladies- guess I can officially join here now. Baby Finley came into the world yesterday 15th Feb at 2.28pm weighing 10lb 12oz

Totally in love, he looks like his big brother did when he was born. He seems to be feeding well on the breast so fingers crossed it continues xx

Looking forward to joining in officially!! Xx
Congratulations Becky.

Lovely name and what a good weight.

Welcome to the madness of being a mummy to two.

Wowsers 10lb12! Congratulations - love the name as well!!

We have health visitor today and am so hoping Caleb has finally put on weight after all the feeding traumas. At BFing clinic last week he was back to 8lb10...am still not back to fully breastfeeding am doing a combo of feeding on left, expressing both and using formula. Bit bonkers but have realised as long as he's got a full tummy he's happy, he doesn't care if it's from the boob, bottle or shop!!

Think once both boobs are back in action (laceration on right is taking it's sweet time to heal!) we'll still end up doing a combo of boob and bottle-hopefully all expressed but if odd formula here and there I'll no longer have a breakdown as I'm enjoying him far more now! X

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