***Jan & Feb Mummy and Baby***

Hello ladies!
Wondered if I could come over to you ladies now!
As most of the February mums know, Maisie Liberty was born on Friday 13th February at 10.12pm weighing 7lbs 4oz via an emergency c section! This is my first baby!

All is okay at the moment, I feel a little rubbish! Maisie is being bottle fed and is feeding well! Abit of a greedy guts actually lol!
She is feeding every 3 to 4 hours, and has between 40 to 50 ml.
Me and oh are learning as new to all this but enjoying every minute of it!!!

I do have a very very silly question but am going to ask it to you all - tomorrow weather depending I would just like to take Maisie out for a 10 minute walk! (It will help me too, to get moving!)
So we have an icandy peach 3 and have the carry cot but what should I put Maisie in? Is is -
Baby grow

Then snowsuit and wrapped in blankets? Or just wrapped in blankets?

Sorry for the daftness!
Can't wait to get to know you all and pick up some tips and advice! !!! Xxx
Hello ladies!
Wondered if I could come over to you ladies now!
As most of the February mums know, Maisie Liberty was born on Friday 13th February at 10.12pm weighing 7lbs 4oz via an emergency c section! This is my first baby!

All is okay at the moment, I feel a little rubbish! Maisie is being bottle fed and is feeding well! Abit of a greedy guts actually lol!
She is feeding every 3 to 4 hours, and has between 40 to 50 ml.
Me and oh are learning as new to all this but enjoying every minute of it!!!

I do have a very very silly question but am going to ask it to you all - tomorrow weather depending I would just like to take Maisie out for a 10 minute walk! (It will help me too, to get moving!)
So we have an icandy peach 3 and have the carry cot but what should I put Maisie in? Is is -
Baby grow

Then snowsuit and wrapped in blankets? Or just wrapped in blankets?

Sorry for the daftness!
Can't wait to get to know you all and pick up some tips and advice! !!! Xxx

I would say all of the above without the cardigan but with a hat.

Just put the blanket on top of her instead of wrapping and you are good to go.

It's still quite cold here (Scotland) so that's what I put on Harper and she is nice and snug.

It can depend on baby though....with my first she was always really hot so couldn't have been bundled up like that....but Harper is a wee bit colder than average I would say so needs wrapped up.

Enjoy your walk!! X
We're off out tomorrow and Bee will have on a vest, baby-gro, socks, padded coat with hood and a hat plus blankets. I won't bother with snowsuit as its not as cold here now and we're only going to be outside for 20 minutes to get from a to b.

Enjoy your walk and I'm glad you're feeling up to getting out already. My friend had an emergency section on 12th and is still housebound

Cant wait until i can get out for a walk with jessica. Had my c section on 14th and although I can feel an improvement everyday i still dont think i could face the outdoors. Hopefully by the weekend!!

Thanks for the advice taboo, my nipples actually seem a bit better today and my milk has now come in so continued to feed to drain them off a bit. They are feeling really warm, is this normal?

Jessica pretty much fed 3 times back to back from 4-8, she would come off for 20-30mins then before i knew it she was screaming for more!! Hope shes getting what she needs. Shes having lots of dirty and wet nappies now so im taking that as a good sign xx
Tinsel he is SO cute!!

Mrsj-yay that they're better! My right one had been warm from time to time-think it's been when they're a bit engorged...hot water, massage and expressing usually does trick for me (I've only just started feeding on that side again so assume BFing would work exactly the same! x
Thanks Nat xx

Oh TC he is absolutely gorgeous xx lovely head of hair too xx

Congrats Rachel xx beautiful name too xx I agree vest babygro hat all in one and a blanket or two depending on the blankets :-) that's what I have been doing.

Oisin is drinking 120ml every 2.5-4 hours and sometimes 150ml and sleeps between 5 and 7 hours at night.
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Hi - thought it was about time I came on over! George Edward Andrew Surname was born on 28th jan, induced 3 weeks early due to GD and insulin. A difficult birth with 60hours of on off labour due to failed inductions, then a EMCS due to distress. He weighed 6lbs 8 and was perfect. We were in hospital for 3 days and I was on antibiotics due to spiking a temperature in labour. After saying all I wanted was gas and air, I went for pethadine (really early tongetvme a nights sleep after two nights of contractions) then epidural during later labour as I was too tired by then to cope. Anyway he is here and doing well. 3 weeks today and I'm FF. He is a greedy guts and now weighs 8lbs.

I'm recovering well and go for a walk everyday to get out and aim to go to Dr next week to get signed off to drive as I feel ok and have cabin fever!

I'm going to read back now to see who is who but thought I'd introduce myself

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Hi girlies,

Just after a bit of advice.. Ruby is FF, and seems to be suffering really bad with wind. I think it's mostly from her bottom, when I'm feeding her she is a right trumpy bum! after roughly 5 minutes of her finished feed, she pulls these painful screwed up faces.. Brings her legs up to her chest and stretches them out continuously. She clenches her fists so tight whilst screaming/crying as if she is in pain. Is this something that infacol will help with? Or is there anything anyone can record I do to ease it? Maybe I'm not winding her enough/properly!?

She never cries for long, but those 10 mins or so are horrific!

Thank you so much ladies! Im not against FF, My son had to be as I couldn't keep up with him. I just desperately wanted to exclusively BF this time and because of my past experience I didn't want to feel like ive failed again.

HV came yesterday and Babes had upped her weight by 1.5ozs putting her back within "normal" range. Since then my milk has come in too (indeed day 5!) It seems to have knocked her out though lol she's feeding for longer and subsequently sleeping for longer... during the day anyway! I've had to express too as I fill up sooner than she can feed. HV visit again tomorrow, seriously hoping her weight has increased again or I'll be told to go on another feeding plan :( Got everything crossed!

Pip, infacol should help for sure! With my son I also had to wind him after every ounce as he'd projectile vomit everywhere :( It definitely helped him. xXx
Hi girlies,

Just after a bit of advice.. Ruby is FF, and seems to be suffering really bad with wind. I think it's mostly from her bottom, when I'm feeding her she is a right trumpy bum! after roughly 5 minutes of her finished feed, she pulls these painful screwed up faces.. Brings her legs up to her chest and stretches them out continuously. She clenches her fists so tight whilst screaming/crying as if she is in pain. Is this something that infacol will help with? Or is there anything anyone can record I do to ease it? Maybe I'm not winding her enough/properly!?

She never cries for long, but those 10 mins or so are horrific!


My wee bit was similar to this. Gripe water has worked well for him.
Gripe water can't be used until baby is a month, but yep we found that helped with James.

Gripe water def better than infacol- ruby can't be far off a month old can she now?

Also try lying her on her back, holding her legs together, and pushing them up towards her tummy (so her knees touch her tum), this usually helps expel and wind, along with moving her legs in a sort of pedalling motion against her tum. Xx
Had a hard 24 hours in our house- but feeling more positive now.

Finley hadn't done a wet nappy in 24 hours, then he did a wee first thing yesterday, but that was it.
Got myself (and consequently hubby) into a right state over it. Spoke to hospital who were great, and then I had one of midwife team over (though not a midwife, she was great). She was coming to weigh him, and I had visions of him having lost lots of weight

But amazingly espite his size, and the fact my milk hadn't come in, he's only lost 6.3%.
I'm so pleased as she said you'd expect bf babies to be at higher end of loss, and especially big babies, as they have most to lose

She was so reassuring about lots of things- just what I needed on day 3 when the hormones are flying

And my lovely mum came over to look after Harry so me and hubby could get a bit of rest. - which was fortunate as Finley had me up again til 2.30am!!

But my sleeping beauty finally passed out (along with me) and he's not moved since

Trouble is I need to wake him as milk is officially in and Hobbs are like bloody rocks!!
Ruby is 18 days old so not far off a month. I'll try that with her legs Becky, thank you and try with the infacol until she's old enough for the gripe water.

Thanks ladies xxxx
Rrrr Becky he is so cute!

The last 2 nights Maisie is not settling from around 10pm until 3am! Crying and only wants to be held! Then soon as around 3am comes and she has a feed she goes down!!
Anything we can do to try and iron this out? I understand she is only 6 days old but thought I would ask xxx
So cute becky!Sounds like he is doing great. There is always a nerve racking stage just before your milk comes in. Our boy acted like he was drunk for a day or two once it did! He was really full and happy!
Rrrr Becky he is so cute!

The last 2 nights Maisie is not settling from around 10pm until 3am! Crying and only wants to be held! Then soon as around 3am comes and she has a feed she goes down!!
Anything we can do to try and iron this out? I understand she is only 6 days old but thought I would ask xxx

Honestly that sounds not bad for 6 days old but my babies always seem to be awful sleepers. Our man only wants to sleep if he is being held so I've kind of given up and he spends most of the night in bed with me. If I do get him down in his cot he wont sleep on his back. It has to be on his side or tummy. I know newborns are only supposed to sleep on their back but he simply wont sleep that way. How long does she go between feeds? Are you FF or BFing? Have you tried extra feeds?
Becky - finley is so cute!! I know what you mean about the rock hard boobs, my milk came in yesterday and i thought they were going to explode they were so tight. I was worried they were too big for jessicas mouth but we got there in the end.

Just waiting on mw visit, hoping her weight is ok. She hasn't been weighed since birth so will keen to find out xx
Hi ladies, is it too late for me to join?

Austin was born 3rd Feb weighing 8lb 12oz

So, he is now 16 days old and oh my god am I struggling. He just won't settle at night and when he does he wakes up after 20mins. This has resulted in one very tired mummy!
I am still breastfeeding and intend to carry on until he is 6 weeks old as this is when things improved loads with my DD (she will be 3 in May). Doctors are now concerned I have PND like I had with my DD. They saw me yesterday and will be seeing me again on Friday.

I knew having a newborn was hard work but you forget just how difficult until it happens. All the memories of sleepless nights with my DD came flooding back. Even worse when you have a toddler too :-/

How is everyone? I decided to come back on here for my own sanity. I need to talk to ppl in the same boat to keep me going xx

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