***Jan & Feb Mummy and Baby***

Busy couple of days for me so not had a chance to get on here...newborns and 15 month olds are a mad mix! You just get one sorted and the other one needs something. Finding I literally do not get more than about 10 mins to myself every day.

Little lady not liking sleeping in her crib at night either, preferring to be on me at all times, so we've been co-sleeping, but I don't really get much sleep. It's a bit frustrating as she will go down in the moses basket during the day. Guess it doesn't last forever but I am pretty tired and my poor eye bags are enormous!

Hi Steph. Sorry to hear it's a struggle. I didn't particularly enjoy my first 4 weeks if I'm honest as BF was difficult and I was super tired having a newborn and not-yet walking 15 month old. Things turned the corner a bit after 4 weeks, but I was close to giving up several times. Hopefully things will ease up for you soon and it'll just be short-term stress and not PND. If it is though, at least the doctors are aware of it nice and early xx
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Hi Steph- welcome on back. Feel free to vent and moan on here. We're all going through the same things together xx

Rachel- nothing you can do about being awake that time. Babies have no concept of day/night when they're so young. But trust me it gets better!!

Just do your best at sleeping when she does x
Hi all

Well I have one greedy little piggy-Rafferty was weighed on Weds when he was 4 weeks & 1 day old and he was up to 9lb 14oz! Thats a whole pound on since his last weigh in just under 2 weeks ago! Think he has been a bit colicky on & off so we are trying gripe water.
Mummy question-how is everyone doing regarding bleeding?I had a c section and am now at the stage where it's turned to brownish colour & texture more of discharge (TMI!) I looking forward to getting the sexual part of our relationship back and just wondered what stage others were at!
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Hi all

Well I have one greedy little piggy-Rafferty was weighed on Weds when he was 4 weeks & 1 day old and he was up to 9lb 14oz! Thats a whole pound on since his last weigh in just under 2 weeks ago! Think he has been a bit colicky on & off so we are trying gripe water.
Mummy question-how is everyone doing regarding bleeding?I had a c section and am now at the stage where it's turned to brownish colour & texture more of discharge (TMI!)

Lol, mine must be a right fatty. He was 8lb 9oz last week and in 7 days he now weighs 9lb 11oz!! Not surprised though, none stop feeding all the time.
My bleeding is also brown now, I still put night pad on both day and night so no sex for me. Tmi but the smell is awful, can't wait till it goes!!
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hi everyone! chloe was born 20th of January so figure this must be the new thread for us :). hope eveyone is settling into being new mums! so very very tired lol x
I'm at the brown discharge stage as well but I have zero desire to be intimate. I think all my troubles with bf'ing have obviously made me feel even less like having sex.

Thankfully I think we've turned a corner with the actual feeding though. Bee is feeding great. I need to take her to be weighed but she looks and feels like she is chunking up nicely!

Thanks for the advice ladies, I wanted to ask about the night time and Maisie being awake incase we were doing something wrong!!! She is having over 2oz and going about 4 hours but sometimes wants a feed a 2!

Katy regarding the bleeding, I had my section 6 days ago and my bleeding is now really minimal which I'm shocked at as thought you were ment to bleed for weeks! My also starting to go a brown colour!
But I have no idea when is advisable to start having sex xx
My bleeding is quite light now 5 days post section but its still bright red and the occasional clot when i pu.

Went out for a little walk today, we hardly went very far and i found it quite a struggle. Nice to get a bit of fresh air though xx
I think my bleeding has finally stopped. I only bled for 2 weeks last time. This time it seemed to be following the same pattern and even stopped for a day then came back as red bleeding. It carried on with light but red bleeding for another 3 weeks with the odd day I thought it had stopped. I know I shouldn't complain because others have it much worse It was just so different from last time and kept thinking it had stopped.
How does everyone's bladder feel after having a c section? Today i have woke and i feel really heavy, and i would say uncomfortable when my bladder is full - bit like when the catheter was taken out for the first time.
My vagina (TMI) is swollen too, but by looking online seems normal - anyone else???
So seen the midwife today for Finley's heel prick test.
He got weighed again and has started to regain which is fab. 2 oz on in 2 days.

Back again next Wednesday for another check up.

Feeling shattered today but we're very fortunate that my mum and dad have just picked Harry up and they're having him overnight so we can have a bit of time with Finley, and won't have to jump up tomorrow. He loves it at grandmas and went running out the door, so at least I know he's not upset to leave us!
Glad to hear Finley is gaining weight! Our boy has been slow gaining weight but is 11lbs 4oz now which I'm pleased with. he started at almost 11lbs so its not as much as it sounds but we had mayjor problems with our girl gaining weight because of allergies so its a relief he is doing better.
So my little Bee is a month old. Where has the time gone?

I've not had her weighed in a few weeks but we'll go to the baby clinic this week. She is too big (long) for her 'up to one month' stuff and it won't be long until she is growing out of her 0-3 month stuff as well. Mothercare and Asda stuff is already looking a bit tight on her legs.... she has very long legs bless her. Hoping she won't be a short ass like her mummy! James is quite tall.

Breastfeeding is going much better for us now. I feel a lot more confident and its pretty much painless now. So surprised that we've been successful this time when it was all so crap with James. Means that glass of wine I've been dying for will have to wait lol.

Starting my health kick soon. Need to lose 3st (I was a stone overweight to begin with!) but I'm going to do it gradually. Think it will take the rest of the year. I look forward to being a bit more active and energetic.

Hope all other mummies are well? .

To those that have already had your first lot off jabs did you have the Rotovirus?

Hi mummies :)

I am now hopping over from the tri 3 February mummies thread, my little boy was born 2 weeks overdue on Wednesday 18th weighing 8lb12 by c section after 3 days of failed induction. He is absolutely wonderful!

I have a few questions to ask, I am formula feeding Alfie and I'm concerned his feeds aren't big enough. We were advised to feed him 30ml every 3-4 hours but he seems to be sucking his knuckles a lot after feeds and his feeds don't last long. He doesn't cry to be fed, but I try to watch his behaviour and usually when he become fidgety he is ready for a feed. I'm just wondering if we should give him a little bit more during each feed? I am due to see the midwife today so will ask her too. How much are you feeding your little ones?

Also, I seem to be going for lots of number 2's! I probably go 4 or 5 times a day, if not more! And they are all normal too and I'm clearly not constipated but I was wondering whether this is normal after a c section?

Our little dude is so chilled out, last night he fed at 9.30, 12, and 5.30, then not again until 9am! Is this pretty good for a newborn?
Wow Toni, wish I had that feeding schedule :) My baby had feeding trouble so I can't advise, but as a newborn he was trying to feed every hour or so!

Congratulations on your new baby xx

Carnat - I hear you on the health kick, I'm loathe to get on the scales right now but I feel like a 2 stone loss would be good. In theory breastfeeding is supposed to make the weight go quicker? Although one site I read said that only happens after 3 months of breastfeeding.

It's scary how fast time is flying! Like you I'm finding there's a couple of newborn sized clothes we have that no longer fit (sniff sniff). Be interesting to hear how much your little girl weighs - my boy will be weighed on monday so we're curious about that.

Bunny - glad your baby is putting on weight! :) xx
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I find it really easy to loose weight while BFing. I got back to my prepregnancy weight quickly. The last couple of weeks I have been eating loads and more junk than I should though and I was dreading getting on the scales but was amazed when I did to see that I haven't gained at all. My mum on the other had put on weight while BFing so it doesnt work for everyone. I want to loose weight so I'm thinking I shouild try and eat a little better while I have the advantage. I lost quite a bit of weight without trying last time I was feeding but put it on quickly when she started on solids so I am going to try and be more careful this time. I want to loose weight before getting pregnant again for the sake of my BP so its a good motivation, can you believe it, I'm broody again :).
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carnat- I agree, where does time go! I sure don't waste much of it sleeping, lol :). You have done so well to make BFing work, I know you have not had it easy. Hopefully you are over the hard bit now.

Pleased to say BF is going quite well for us atm although the cluster feeding in the evening is quite exhausting! Jessica had lost 90g when she was last weighted but that was only a 2% loss so mw was quite happy.

Toni im 7 days post csec and my bowels have gone the other way. Only going every other day atm which is alot less frequent then before!

Had my dressing taken off on thursday and stiches out on tuesday coming. Pleased to say pain is alot bettet controlled now and we have even been out of the house a couple of times in the last 2 days :-)

I definitely need to be more healthy but i think i need to give myself some more time before i start to think about it seriously! ;)
Nat well done on BFing...I am on the verge of moving to combi feeding Caleb expressed breast milk and formula now...we've been back breastfeeding for a week now but he's never satisfied after a feed and so i have to top up and it's exhausting and upsetting...but every time I think it's the tight decision I wonder if I hang on another week or so I'll turn a corner with it all!

Caleb's being weighed on Monday when health visitor comes...but nervous as I don't know how much he's having now he's being breast fed more but hopefully it's still on the up. He's too long for his 1 month clothes but 0-3 are quite often too big for him so he's a bit of a nightmare clothes wise at mo!

I've been eating complete crap and need to start eating better but the weight has largely all come off already and am back in my old clothes, I have about 8lbs to go. Some clothes look different on though so think I have a fair bit of gym work to do to get my old shape back!! X

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