***Jan & Feb Mummy and Baby***

TC, he is a wee beauty.

I for one think you have been bloody amazing. You were in such an awful situation and I hope you remember every single day that the decisions you made (hard as they were) were for your boy.... He looks as happy as Larry so you are obviously doing lots right!! Imagine how things could be hey?

Even if you do have PND you don't need to accept medication. There are other options so don't feel pushed into anything. I have dermatitis on my fingers and it's horrible... hugs.

TS, your boy is adorable too. James wasn't walking until 14m but I suspect Bee will be going long before that.




Recent pics of Caleb - most my friends think he'll be walking by Xmas!
Taboo he is just gorgeous! Look at that lovely hair!

Lots of lovely babies.

We still have no signs of movement here apart from rolling everywhere, lol!
Hi ladies! Looong time since i've posted here but I try to pop on regularly to catch up, lovely to read everyone's updates and exciting to see some BFPs! We've been considering ttc towards the end of the year but quite afraid to take the plunge! Joel is doing well, he's just this past week started crawling properly and is pretty steady standing now too. Got 2 teeth (at the same time poor boy!) at around 6.5 months. Lots of talking too so fx he's on track. He'll be 9m on sunday, seriously, where does the time go?! I expected it to be quick but not this quick!!


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Awwww I love all these photos! Time has indeed gone so quickly, I've really struggled with my two this year, but now I'm faced with work in January and things have got muh easier because mollie's reflux is controlled I just want time to stop!!
Hi mums! I'ts been a long time since I posted, but I do come occasionally to catch up. Gorgeous babies everywhere, and great to see their progress.

Baby Rio is doing great,at turning 9 months in a couple days. He storms through the house with his crawling, cruising and the occasional free standing. He eats well and has had 4 teeth since about 7.5 months. I'm trying to attach a picture, which has never worked for me on this forum, so let's see if it does this time.

Life has got a lot easier and more fun since his 6th month, and his sleep improved vastly soon after starting solids, so we are a much more sane household these days! You soon forget the hard slog of the newborn days, to the point we're even considering when to start TTC.... Evolutionary psychology at play!

Keep well everyone! :)


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Awwww lovely to see all the gorgeous babies (and their equally gorgeous mummies).

I hear ya Jolly, I'm due back end of January and could cry at the mere thought.... oh well at least I'll get a few warm cuppa's a day!

These babies are all so cute, January must have been a good month to have a baby:).
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Lovely pics everyone xx

I start back in Feb and not looking forward to it at all :( We are 10 months old today exactly!

How much weight are you little ones putting on?

We've only put on 4 lbs in the last month and have gone back down to the 9th percentile line again. I'm just wondering if it's because he's super-active?
Hey tinsel, Brodys weight has slowed now slightly too, like you are saying he is very active too, he's always been a big boy though so he's 24lb 9oz now so really not concerned. But really do think there's something in the fact of active babies. I wouldn't worry too much about him if he is still his usual self?

Hope you are all well!? Xxx
Hey tinsel, Brodys weight has slowed now slightly too, like you are saying he is very active too, he's always been a big boy though so he's 24lb 9oz now so really not concerned. But really do think there's something in the fact of active babies. I wouldn't worry too much about him if he is still his usual self?

Hope you are all well!? Xxx

Hey hun, he's certainly got his normal personality going (must move... must wriggle... never stay still...) but I realised I have also drastically dropped how much milk he has been getting recently as until a few weeks ago, he was chewing on me all night and my body can't cope with that any more! I think I may try expressing in the mean time & see if that helps.

I am emotionally up & down like a yo-yo with everything that is going on but baby is well.

Hope things are ok with you? I do worry xx
I can fully sympathise with you, sometimes I feel like I am so all over the place, but always hold myself together for the wee mans sake. He is the most important and deserves the best life possible.
I have been much the same, things just keep on, he is now proceeding to take me to court, I have not really done anything legally about him untill now, as I have been too scared, now all I can hope is that everything I have as evidence will hold up and that my baby doesn't suffer. I am just so scared that it is out of my hands, that's why I have never done anything, but now it's been pushed by him, due to my apparent stopping him ( I have never stopped him). It's all very stressful at the moment.

I can only hope things get better. And thank you for your concern, I frequently think of you too. Xxx
Hi kiwi, my ex has threatened me with that although I haven't heard anything further yet - my solicitor tells me it costs about £10k to go to court (if it goes all the way through).

I don't know what you've done, but I would advocate putting any evidence to both social services & the police (his behaviour is very severe, and is definitely domestic violence) so that you have at least got it recorded also with the authorities.

I would also strongly recommend getting in touch with women's charities such as womensaid or victim support who can help give you support and maybe also free legal advice.

The worst thing (in my view) would be to be a nice person and expect him to act reasonably and then he lies terribly at court and convinces everyone he's a deprived angel, which abusers are very good at doing, and gets more access to your son.

I really hope things work out for you, you are on my mind a lot xx
Positive thing: baby took his first free steps this evening!

Still no teeth. We are at 10 m 1 w old.

How's everyone else doing?
Ahhhhh amazing!!!!! Well done little one :-)

We were convinced walking by 10 months but she's 10 months today and not as close as we thought x
Happy 10 months to your little girl, Jolly!

Soon it'll be a year for us all - scary thought, eh?!! :o
Wow were not even crawling yet, well done! Yeah its scary how close they are to a year now!
Tomas looks like he could take off at any moment but has been like that for ages. He stands freely for a few seconds at a time sometimes and is comfortable crawling and going about holding on to things. He loves to climb too so we have to keep the windows always closed. It is really cute when he climbs up on the sofa and turns around and sits down like a little grown up though. DD looked like she would be an early walker but didnt walk until a year old. When she finally did she took off across the room though.
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Wow lots of moving babies. Alfie just sits on his bum and stretches to reach everything, or he spins round on his tummy which is quite amusing to watch :lol: I think he wants to crawl but just can't work out how to get on his knees and his hands at the same time.

We've got top teeth waiting to come through now, last week he was very very clingy which is totally unlike him and he's been hardly having any of his milk so he's not having as much as he should but he seems to have slowly starts to return to normal this week. He is soooo into his food now, and if he catches one of us eating when he isn't he kicks off big style!

We've been trying to get out everyday for a walk but today the weather is sooo miserable so it'll be a day of catching up on the washing. I'm hoping to get my driving test passed in the new year which should give us some more freedom.
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