***Jan & Feb Mummy and Baby***

I initially got the "breathablebaby" ones off amazon, but as well as being tied on (not that I could see an issue with that but people have mentioned ties as dangerous somewhere) they said "for use until baby can sit" - well, that wasn't much use!

So I now have http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/4133227.htm (better price than I bought it for) - the airwrap mesh bumpers, which velcro on at the end. If baby steps on them, they just squish down so he can't use it as leverage to climb out of cot. And it's a fabric that won't suffocate them either as it has little holes in.

I'm not convinced how much it would help with head banging as it's not that thick but it's certainly better than nothing. It will keep little feet, hands and things like dummies (if you use them) inside cot, too! xx
Tomas works his way up the cot untill he bands his head and wakes himself up. I role up a towel or one of his blankets and put it at the top end of the cot.

Hope all your poorly LO's are better. Jaz- is your girl drinking okay again?

Nat, we are making you broody, lol!
Hi bunny yes she is thanks! She had a temp and cried constantly and wouldn't eat or drink and came up in a rash but then suddenly everything but the rash went! Didn't even get left with a cold or anything. Random!

Oh no tc thats really bad! Hope he sleeps better soon, its so horrible when theyre like that (chloe was last night and that was hard enough! ) x
Had Bee weighed today (38w, 9 months next Wednesday) and they've made a big fuss about her weight. She is 15lb 12oz so that is gain of just over a lb in 7 weeks. Now they are plotting her on second centile and want us back fortnightly?

She is teething, she is a petite baby (but long) and she is generally happy, healthy, alert and meeting all her milestones so why would they want to freak me out by telling me how sluggish her weight gain is and how they need to monitor it. Thank god I'm not a ftm. Mentioned her milk issues and how GP doesn't want to refer her to allergy clinic unless she losses weight and HV said I need to go back and demand a referral.... Oddly she didn't mention this in red book!!

Not sure if I mentioned we have teeth. 3.... but they haven't come in traditionally (ie bottom front first).... she has her top incisors and one bottom front tooth.... Bless her.

I hate when Hv overreact like that Nat, if she's a happy healthy baby then it really doesn't matter! I haven't had Caleb weighed since he was 6 months old, I may do it this week/next as he turns 9 months but only out of curiosity as he's a chunky wee thing!

Congrats to all those mummies that are expecting again! I've been thinking about it a bit recently even though our plan is to start ttc when Caleb is 2....I'd happily have tiny baby cuddles again lol! We need to move house first though so that's a good deterrent (for now!)

I am back to work next week. Absolutely dreading it but luckily I have negotiated a phased return so am doing 2 weeks of 2 days, 2 weeks of 3 days and 4 days until the new year. All on full pay as well teehee! Caleb had his second settling in session at nursery today and I left him for 2 hours, he absolutely loved it and only time he cried was when he had to leave!

We still have no teeth! He's been teething since he was 12 weeks old poor thing but nothing to show for it! He's been crawling for about a month and is now pulling himself up on everything he can find! We're doing well with food as well, jacket potato with cheese was demolished at nursery!

Hope everyone's doing well, been lovely reading through everyone's updates! xx

Gosh, I've been meaning to write
For absolutely AGES! Life with 2 is extremely busy I've found and I just don't know where the last 9 months has gone?!

I don't know if anyone remembers but Mollie was diagnosed with severe reflux and we thought it might even be cows milk allergy. It's definitely not an allergy and we finally have her reflux largely controlled with lansopazole once a day and erythromycin (prescribed in place of domperidone ) which is an antibiotic but in small doses empties the stomach.

She's absolutely thriving and is an amazing 18lb 4oz. She's also very long which is surprising as I'm 5ft 2 and my hubby is 5ft 9, although he is adopted so we don't know his history.

Weaning was awful to begin with and I had to give her porridge or sweet potato with everything as a thickener to help her keep food down, but now she can eat most things just fine :-)

She's still very grumpy though. She's crawling and cruising along the sofa and wants to be able to keep up with her Bro which frustrates her! I have a feeling she'll walk by 10 months as she's so determined. As soon as her reflux was under control she sat up, crawled, started waving, started saying dada and got her first 2 teeth all within 2 weeks!

I enjoyed catching up!!! Congrats to bunny and kiwi! So exciting to have more buns in the oven!!! I was considering a third but life is insane with 2 so we're definitely happy to leave it there!

Going to try and catch up more often xxx
This is my little sugeypop now, wearing her handmade tutu with crocheted top (another way I like to busy myself!)

And the photo of me was from April and 6 stone weight loss later after a 10k run which me and hubby ran last weekend for our local nicu. We managed to raise over £600 for them as thanks for basically saving freddie's life back in 2013. My weight loss has been purely from slimming world and running. I still have 2 stone to go but I'm definitely getting there :-)

Lovely pics Jolly - you look fantastic!!

Great weight (I meant for baby, but you as well lol!), too :)
Wow congrats on the weight loss, I still have a few pounds to lose, seems to be the last that are giving me the most trouble.

Brodys weight and growth is off the charts but he has always been a big boy, I was 24lb 9oz last Wednesday, but he's all in proportion as he is around 82cm long, so now starting to outgrow 12-18 clothes. And also took his first 5 steps last Wednesday, Where has our babies gone.

Have been speaking to work and they have said with the amount of annual leave I have I can take the rest of this year off and only go back next year so I am happy about that, as I am really beginning to dread going back and leaving Brody, but thankfully when the time comes my mum has said she will help out, so does make it slightly better.

Hope you are all getting on fine. Xxx
My weight loss has slowed down and I've been struggling with putting on and losing 3lb which keeps coming and going! 4 1/2 stone to go. But I've lost the Weight I put on after having Alfie.

Fantastic weight loss Jolly and fantastic amount of money raised.

Alfie isn't crawling, or walking or sofa surfing. He just wants to stay put on his bum on the floor playing with his toys. He's still only got 2 teeth but we are now down to 3 bottles a day, and he's eating so so well. I haven't had him weighed since he's was tiny so must get to the clinic and do that.

We are really looking forward to Christmas, my OH has finished most of the busy work at the farm so should have a but more time at home with us now.

Next month we are away with OHs mum and dad, not looking forward to it considering recent events. I'm really starting to dread it, but it's only 2 nights and we're going in separate cars so if it gets too much we can always come home.

Nice to see everyone getting on really well and babies growing up! X
Hello ladies,

Lovely to hear all is well.

Glad Mollie has improved Jolly. It must have been so hard going through all that with her? You know there is something wrong but you are powerless to help until the medical's start taking it seriously?

Well done on your weightloss - you look amazing now (although there is no way you look 6-8st overweight in your "before" picture!!)... Adore the tutu as well - you are very talented!

I have lost 24lb and still need to lose the same again to get back to a size 12 and feeling happy in myself. It's been bloody slow progress.

Kiwi, you have a lovely big boy there lol, can't believe he is walking!!! Yay to not having to go back to work until next year. I am the same - it makes dragging myself in last Crimbo worth it now.

I have attached a few recent pics of Bee, we now have a protector thingy at the window [in case anyone was worried we were letting her climb up at windows lol]. She isn't a massively smiley baby but if you point the camera at her she just has that 'blank' look.... ha ha!

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Nat shes adorable :). Chloes the same, the second she sees a camera she goes all serious ;)

Well done jolly! I wish I was that motivated! Love the tutu :)

Kiwi I can't believe hes walking! Did he crawl or just pull up and go? X
I know I was so excited when he first went, but now am kinda in the oh dear he's not a baby anymore stage, if you know what I mean. He has never showed any interest in crawling, although he can go on his hands and knees, as he weirdly sleeps that way. But he has always been a leg man, never even wanted to sit, far rather just walk haha. Now the trouble really begins :) xxx
And loving the pics ladies, we really do have a gorgeous bunch of babies :) xxx
Awww nat she's a stunner!!! Mollie's a proper poser! If I turn the camera on the phone to selfie she instantly smiles! This was her the other day (excuse my face, I was demonstrating this party trick to my dad)

Oh, and really sorry but I got congrats wrong earlier! I meant congrats Bunny, Jazz and Flickalicious! Sorry, if I got it wrong and missed anyone out x
Loving all the photos - more please! My boy is a smiler when the camera is around.. some photos of him on a recent expedition :)

He had his 8-12 month check-up today - he's now 9 & half months. Weighs in at 17 lbs 5 (only 1 ounce gain in 2 weeks!), measuring 70.5 cm which put him around the 9th percentile. But his head circumference is just 2nd percentile.

No teeth but HV said only 1 tooth is average at this stage.

He's sitting, crawling, cruising, pulling up to standing, clapping & babbling so everything going well for him.

HV got me to fill in his PND questionnaire again and wants me to see Dr, saying I should be on anti-depressants :( Not keen on this.

Things kind of sucky with life at the moment and on top of that, I have dermatitis on my nipples which means BFing is really difficult right now! Feeling sad that my maternity leave has basically been one horrible drama after the next :(
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Aw tinsel cat what a gorgeous little sausage!!! Super cute!

So sorry you've had one horrible drama after another, it's not what you imagine when leaving work to have your babba :--( xxx
Super cute babies everyone xxx my little chunk loves to stand I'm just waiting for him to take off xx it's mad Tyler didn't walk til he was 16 months and looks like this lad will be away before he's 1!!


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