***Jan & Feb Mummy and Baby***

God I didn't even get sickness with the other two? I am well paranoid now. May poas at some point for the fun of it!!!

To be fair we had warning because I had one period. I was doing OKPs too and knew we'd had sex at the right time. Last time we were actively trying and it took almost 4 months after my period came back though so OH thought it would be the same this time. I wasnt quite so sure and was planning a serious conversation with him for the next cycle. Tomas eats huge amounts of solid food these days so I think that has a lot to do with it. He eats 5 meals a day and will happily get through 3 wheetabix in one sitting.
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Congratulations Jazz xx oh Nat looking forward to update ;) I'm 1dpo myself :)
Thread hopping as I'm a Sept'14 mummy but I had my periods return and just one night of dtd got me pregnant with number 3, not entirely planned as ttc wasn't meant to happen til Dec lol

So excited for your tww TS, fingers crossed for you xx
Loving all these pregnancies and "possible" pregnancies! Although my period is late this month. And I won't lie, I'm bricking it. Not brave enough to POAS. Don't think I will be, we've only had sex twice this month with condoms. I've been feeling nauseous, dizzy, tired and had right ovary pain for one day last week and lots of discharge (sorry, TMI!!) :shock:
Wow are you trying as well TS?

Toni.... TEST! !!!!

Bee was the result of one off sex (only time in 6 weeks!!) and I've been pregnant a lot with OH... 6 times all in... so we're pretty fertile...

I assume no line on an OPK means we're ok? Can't remember exactly when we dtd last (barring this morning). Was maybe 10 days ago but had negative OPK's that day and the day after?

May buy some cheapies just to put my mind at rest.

I'd cope with a 3rd, OH not so much!!

Nat- I can't, I'm putting it off! I'm such a wimp! Although Ive spent all morning thinking about what it'd be like with 2 under 2 and how my friend said it'd be lovely as they'd have a nice age gap!

I've got all the niggles for my period arriving, it's just not shown up. And I suppose there's only one way to find out what's going on. I'll wait until tomorrow morning.

I know there will be a few family arguments if we had another on the way.
Eek! Loving all the baby talk again :P

My baby girl was born mid Feb and I'm 13+3 with baby #3, due in April next year.

It's all go again huh? Lol I had 2 periods in between falling again and I only tested to see if I needed to bring tampax and alcohol with me on holiday haha
Eek! Loving all the baby talk again :P

My baby girl was born mid Feb and I'm 13+3 with baby #3, due in April next year.

It's all go again huh? Lol I had 2 periods in between falling again and I only tested to see if I needed to bring tampax and alcohol with me on holiday haha


Are you apprehensive as to how you'll cope with two so young?

I'd also really like to get married before we have another (I'm not even engaged yet ffs!)
So exciting and congrats to all of you with your bfp's. Really mist catch up here more often.
My wee man has the cold at the moment and am suffering with it too as well as sore thrpat so I can only assume we have the same thing. He is also cutting teeth like no tomorrow we now have eight at varied stages. And food is another all go thing, he will eat anything and everything. Scarey to think he will be 10 months tomorrow. The time is flying too quick.

Hope your all well xxx
Toni, I'm bricking it yeah lol But actually not as much I was with the thought of having 2. There will be a 14 month age gap between my youngest 2 when this one arrives.
Many people have said it gets easier with 3 but we shall see. Home life is one thing but going out and about alone with 3 kids scares me the most!
My SIL has a 4 year old, 3 year old, 1.5 year old and 5 month old.

Now that is scary.

We don't have the space nor the money for another but as we have one of each we'd not need to buy a thing (other than a double pram but I'd sell my single) and also as I successfully breast fed this time I'd be more inclined to go down that route again..

Look at me, sounds like I'm talking myself into something here lol.

Give it a few more days Toni and see if AF shows up.

Wow. How does she manage??
Super Mum!
Until you have your own babies, you really don't understand the struggle of just general day to day... stuff! Lol
Kiwi my dd is very poorly atm too, think its a cold but she won't drink (think she has a sore throat) and cries if not in my arms. Poor lil mites, ots horrible watching them go through it isn't it?
Flick- 14 months age difference actually doesn't sound as close as you'd think on paper. Ibe heard lots of people say that 2-3 babies is easier than 1-2.

Nat- I definitely think you're talking yourself into something :whistle: if you had a positive breastfeeding experience this time, it probably gives you more confidence that you can do it and overcome it with another.

I will give it another day or so and then think about testing. We've had a lot of stress the last few weeks and my diet has been rubbish this week (the scales won't be kind to me on Monday!)
It doesn't I know! Sounds quite manageable but my nephew is just 14 months and he is bloody hard work. On the go all the time but is too young to be left. If my miss is the same, I duno how I'd manage >. <

When I was in hospital after having my youngest a lady on the same ward as me was still BF her 10 month old whilst in hospital and had given birth the day after me. That's intense!

I wonder if you'll be announcing a BFP soon Nat ;)

Aahh how can you wait? I'd be driving myself nuts and I'm not a POAS addict at all :P x
We were ntnp but I was secretly opking lol xx time will tell and Nat I think you are definitely talking yourself around the idea xx good luck everyone oh and Oisín has 5 teeth and eats everything xx
Congrats Jazz and good luck to all those ladies who will be POASing this cycle :)

Wish I could be in your boat(s)!

We are at 9 months (40 weeks today) and no teeth at all! But plenty of standing/cruising/fast crawling to keep me occupied.

Have had a major sleep regression in the last couple of days due to him catching a cold. I'm so gutted as we were just cracking the whole sleep thing! :( :( :( Now all he wants is to be cuddled by mummy ALL evening and ALL night, every time I put him down (even when he's fallen asleep) he howls. Last night I was in bed for less than 2 hours today :(
I know it's so exciting I am kinda jealous of all the new bfp's haha.

Yup the cold and sore throats has thrown off my poor mans sleeping and his drinking too, it's so upsetting having to watch them go through it, hopefully our poorly babies are better soon.
I too am super ready for bedtime. X
Well AF has flown in. In a way, even though we aren't trying and I still want Alfie to have my undivided attention for a few more years, I can't help but feel a little sad. I can't wait to be pregnant again even though I hated it last time lol. I think now I know what to expect I'll be less anxious and able to relax more. Oh I just love babies babies babies!

Oh TC sorry to hear you haven't been getting much sleep and you've had colds :( we've managed to avoid it so far.

Ladie I need opinions, Alfie is rolling all round his cot as night in his sleeping bag. He has woken himself up a few times by banging his head on his cot and hurting himself. I've been thinking of trying the safety/breathable cot bumpers. He's forever losing stuff down the sig or getting an arm or a leg stuck too :wall2:
Anyone got experiences or advice? Obviously I can't use the normal cot bumpers we got with his bedding set. He has the tendency to chew stuff so it needs to be very secure and he likes stuff up against his face when he sleeps too. My child tries to give me a heart attack :shock:

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