***Jan & Feb Mummy and Baby***

Congrats on your weight loss, Jolly! 5 stone is more than marvellous!

Btw, did you see Napoli's request to be added to the front page? (her message is on p. 67 of this thread)

TS - love the photo with the foot eating, brill! :D
Thanks ladies :-) just needed to share!

Our babies really are gorgeous!

Mollie has been a hideous sleeper this week and today barely napped at all. I had what is known as a "mumtrum" where I officially failed at parenting. Then to top it all off freddie tripped over hubby's feet and went head first into a corner on the wall and the skirting board. Big fat egg sized lump on his head and a huge immediate bruise on his cheek :-( this has not been a good week!!!

Nat, I think Bea really looks like James here!!

Napoli hey!!! Congrats :') I will add you to the front page when I log onto my laptop if that's ok? Xxx
Ahh Jolly, hope Freddie is okay and bump is going down!

Alfie rollded onto his side on the floor today and fell backward and banged his head :( it's his first I injury!
Then later on he was laying on the floor and I passed him his rattle which he was holding above his head but dropped it and now has a lump on his forehead :(

Bottom teeth are nearly through, but he's been quite grizzly in the afternoons.
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Mine always seem to have some kind of bruises or scratches. A couple of days ago our two year old started swining on my neck when I was squatted down. She took me by surprise and I didn't have the chance to steady myself. I ended up falling over backwards on top of her and she hit her head on the wall. Other than a bit of a cry and a black bruise on her head she was fine after but it really shook me up.
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is it a rule of thumb that HVs are generally useless?

I've only encountered two helpful HVs since LO was born and now they seem to have disappeard!
My boy is formula fed, and has recently started vomitting after we make him his feed from powder, whilst if we give him the ready made stuff he's fine. I told this to the HV on Wednesday, and she just looked at me with a sympathetic smile and then said I've never come across that before and that was that... No other suggestions
Hi all

Just had a good catch up read!

Rafferty is doing well-weaning going very slowly!He was refusing to swallow even smooth porridge so after trying for 4 days I left him a week and this time we are getting there! He will have a little bit of porridge and fruit purée from a pouch but not keen on home made sweet potato!! Have given him a couple of things to hold in his hand but unlike putting everything in his mouth it seems if it's food he doesn't!!
He is having 6oz of milk 4 times in the day and waked for one in the night around 4am. Our sleeping transformed when he was weaned off the boob!
Lots of rolling around and a good sitter and he loves standing and walking when you hold his hands. I go back to work next month so enjoying my last few weeks off!!
Hi everyone,

Vaguely trying to catch up as haven't been here for ages!

Gabriella is doing well, and definitely catching up in weight! She was feeding every 2 hours so hv said to wean early but she was having none of it so will try again this week.
I've got some purée and will do some finger foods...not sure what yet! Hope it helps her sleep...still has 2-3 bottles in night!

We have her 6 month jabs this week, poor thing. No sitting yet but she is a roller!

Jolly-well done on weight loss! 5st is my goal. Got a juice detox 3 day coming tomorrow to help kick start. Downloaded couch to 5k app too but I just can't think of starting while it's so hot here!

Have started using perfect prep machine which I love but temp light keeps coming in...must be too hot for it too!

All babies are looking so big and cute!

Who's having more???!

OMG - I recall you were exclusively breastfeeding Gabriella until recently and changed to formula to help her weight gain. Good to know she's doing well....

Can I ask how you went about managing your breast milk production? Did you continue to latch? Did you pump....? Thanks

That's right, was pretty much ebf but started adding formula as she was so small.

I just reduced bf bit by bit and added in more bottles. I must not have produced that much as I never felt full of milk! But, I can squeeze now and milk still comes out!

Started a 3 day juice detox today to try to kick start weight loss. Was recommended a rebounder, or mini trampoline too...anyone tried it?

Omg- good luck on the weight loss! I joined slimming world 3 weeks ago and so far I've lost 11lbs towards my 5st goal.

Alfie is now on 4 bottles a day and we are managing 3 small meals too. He has properly got his first 2 teeth throug, they came up about two weeks ago. No signs of crawling yet but holding his front end up well and is so much more comfortable on his tummy now he's weaning. We also have much less sick so I'm convinced he may of had mild reflux.
I'm expecting to see teeth any day now.

Gabriella is happy on tummy now although she flips over so quick! She's having 5 bottles, 2 of which are in the night!

I lost 4.5 lbs after 1st day of detox! Only 60 lbs more to go!!!

Will try weight watchers online. Unfortunately they stopped the groups here :-(
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Wow 4.5lbs is a very good start!

I joined slimming world online as I can't get to the groups and it's been invaluable. My OHs mum goes to the groups so picks us up some of the bars and other bits you can only get with the groups so the only thing I'm really missing out on is the weigh in which I do at home.

Alfie woke up at 7.20 today and has only just gone off for his first map of the day! He's usually had 2/3 by now so not sure what's going on. He's hasn't been grouchy either, I'm thinking another leap or growth spurt.
Hey ladies,

Hope all is going well? Bee is having a grumpy few days (not sleeping well, very clingy etc) but touch wood she seems happier today.

Had her weighed yesterday and she is a wee 14lb 10oz (or 6.66kg - 3 sixes lol) but she has gained in the past month so there us no concern. GP was going to refer her to Paeds if she didn't have a gain / dropped another centile but she is still on 9th so we are just going to manage her dairy intake.

Bee is finally starting to enjoy food. She loves watermelon, apple, sweet potato and parsnips. We're doing BLW as I'm lazy and she is munching off big chunks now which scares the crap out of me.

No teeth yet and she still isn't sitting up (James was commando crawling before he would sit!) but she rolls or kicks herself on her back so she moves very quickly.

She has suddenly decided she is a tummy sleeper which is a bit scary too. I keep moving her but I guess I should leave her be?

I'm still having physio for my foot and knee [knee is a result of my foot, I've been over compensating on it] but I've still managed to lose 18lbs. Want another stone done for Xmas and the last stone next year. It's very slow progress but it's progress none the less.

Well done on the weight loss NAT. Bee sounds like she is doing great too. My two took to solid food really quickly but a lot of babies with food allergies are a bit slow to take to solids. I wouldn't worry about tummy sleeping at her age? I think once they are strong enough to roll onto their tummy themselves the biggest risk has passed? Although I admit we resorted to it since Tomas was only a couple weeks old. I just never found another position he would sleep in. I tried everything else and he'd just wake up when I put him down. He slept fine in my lap though. In the end I realised he always slept on his tummy on my lap and tried putting him in his cot like that. He slept great! So in the end I gave in.
Brilliant weight loss Nat & Jolly. OMG - hope your weight watchers program is still going well.

I'm 1/2 lb off losing 1 stone in the last 4 or 5 months so gradually getting there.

Nat - like Bunny says I wouldn't worry about the tummy sleeping. If she can roll from front to back then it is fine. My boy has decided he loves sleeping on his front which freaked me out initially but he's strong enough to move out of the position if he needs to.

Also, cute pic of Bee from a few weeks ago. She sounds teeny. I also find giving baby food that they have to chew is pretty scary! But so far so good.

We are up to 15th centile now. I'm also relieved that he has none of the allergies in my family (milk, eggs, fruit & nuts - it could have been bad, especially with a vegetarian baby!)

Anyone got teeth yet?
TC we've got 2 teeth over here and the top 2 are moving down too
Tomas has 3 teeth. His bottom 2 and one at the top off to the side which looks funny. We call him our little hill billy. It is where his incisor tooth should be but it isn't pointy so I think he has an extra tooth like his sister. His 2 top front teeth are just about to come in too. One has already made a hole in the gum but you can't see it yet.

He has been army crawling for a while now. Suddenly decided to start crawling propperly this week. He also loves pulling himself on his feet.

Started my first PP period Thursday which makes the whole will we have another talk a bit more real. We had been NTNP since he was born but wasn't really expecting to get pregnant. Now we actually need to decide. Still feeling kind of torn. Anyone else brave (or crazy) enough to be TTC again already?
We keep having the shall we/shan't we talk.
At the moment we're on no, no more. But things change!

I like having 1 little and 2 bigger. The older ones love the baby and when they're back at school next week I can give baby more attention.

I worry that having another, I would be spread too thin and just be too tired! I'm really enjoying the baby stage at the mo.

I was on the mini pill but after bleeding for about a month have come off it...really need to et to Dr for something else!
Hello ladies,

How are we all doing? Babies too?

Have had a bit of a week with Bee teething / being ill and then James catching her cold (he is really suffering bless him - it has gone to his chest and he was being sick earlier!!)

Bee is constantly on the move now [commando style] and she is in to everything. I mean everything. She pulls washing off the airers, I have found her eating the argos catalogue, James cannot leave his toys on the floor and she goes crazy for wires and plugs. She - ironically - isn't really fussed about anything meant for her. I don't remember James being like this? I also found her under the bed yesterday and she gets under the couch too. This is with me 'keeping a close eye' on her.... she is so fast.

Still no teeth, still not sleeping through and still having slight reactions to milk based stuff.

Need to email work tomorrow to ask to extend my ML by a few weeks. Due back 11th January but want an extra 2 weeks. We've decided to begin with Daddy is going to have the kids whilst I go back FT. OH is self employed and goes really quiet around Dec-Mar. We'll see how this works for us.

Even with us both working full time we'd spend one of our salaries on childcare so I figure better lose an income but have one of us at home? Wish it could be me but my job is salaried whereas OH is paid ad hoc depending on the project.

Have been bagging up all the summer stuff. Bee is still small (14lb 10oz a few weeks ago, 9th centile) but she is long and is growing out of all her 6-9m leggings. I am fully stocked for autumn now though. In fact I have bought all next summers stuff already in the sale lol.

Weightloss going ok. I'm halfway there.

No plans for any more babies. The thought brings me out in a cold sweat tee hee.


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