***Jan & Feb Mummy and Baby***

I hate weaning too. Hated it with James as well. Did BLW and James has ended up horrifically fussy (he is a nightmare when it comes to food actually) and Bee seems to have some sort of lactose / dairy intolerance.

Happy days.

Need to see the GP about Bee actually and find out the deal. Although I'm guessing we just need to go dairy free? She doesn't react to butter so it's not all dairy though.


Today I'm going to try 3 meals. My only issue is that I'm not consistent enough. I felt really confident when we first started but now I'm just muddling my way through. He's pretty keen on most things we try which is a bonus!
I find weaning fun but a bit of a bother too. The days of pull out your boob and feeding is done are so much simpler in some ways. Tomas is loving it though. He pretty much eats 4 meals a day already because that is what his big sister eats and he kicks up a fuss if he sees food and isn't given any.

Carnat- it can't be a lactose intollerance if she is fine with your milk because human milk has as much lactose as cows milk. Sometimes doctors without experience will get confused and tell you its a lactose intolerance because its common in older people but it is actually pretty rare in babies. It is the protein in cows milk that babies react to. There are two different types of reaction babies can have. One is a direct allergy and the other is a more slow reaction. Some doctors call both types of reaction an allergy others say the first is an allergy and the other an intollerence. Only the direct allergy can show up on tests but they don't tend to bother testing anymore anyway because the test is not very reliable anyway. Usually its much easier just to see by their reaction to eating the food. Unfortunatly there isn't much that can be done but to avoid dairy. It is quite common but most babies outgrow it by the time they are two.

Butter is mostly fat and has had the proteins processed out of it which is why a lot of people with alllergy to milk are okay with butter. Sometimes yogurt and cheese are better than straight milk because they are more broken down already. But some babies can't have any cows milk products of any sort and some even react to beef. A high percentage also react to goats milk or soy products because the proteins are similar.

Try googling under: cows milk protein allergy, CMPA, cows milk protein intollerance or CMPI and you will find lots more info, support groups etc. Sorry to dump so much info on you but it took us ages to work out what was going on with DD and doctors are not always very well informed. In the end we found a really good doctor but it took a while and we got the most help online from other parents. It is a real pest but there are worse things.
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Oh my gosh Bunny. Thank you do much for taking the time to post and that does indeed answer a) why she is ok with butter and b) the fact she doesn't react to my milk and c) the fact I'm likely to be fobbed off and speak to someone who doesn't know what they are on about!!

It's actually HV I'm going to see tomorrow and I'm going to read up as you suggest.

Bee has an immediate reaction so I'm really interested to speak to a medical professional.

Thank you so much.

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Hmm that high chair looks familiar! I'm also loving the IKEA Antilop! :)

Have only been weaning for about 2 weeks but it's going well so far (touch wood), I introduced vegetables first as I figured who'd want to eat those after having apple puree? Baby is also tolerating my cooking which is great! Have got him a little doidy cup for drinking as well.

Carnat, when I was a baby I had a cow's milk allergy (and egg), and I remember my parents driving for miles regularly to go get goat's milk instead. The dairy allergy went away in early childhood but returned in full force in my late teens. Being already vegetarian, I became a strict vegan for 10 or so years, have lapsed a little of late but now when I have little bits of dairy in other foods (e.g. chocolate) I am mostly ok.

Am nervous about giving baby certain foods as there are so many allergies in my family (my two brothers are anaphlaptic with nuts & fruit)
Gosh look at him TC. He is bloody gorgeous.

Think I'll see how helpful HV is tomorrow and go from there..so far it's seems to be cows milk and there is so much other stuff Bee can have in the mean time. I'll keep a food dairy too.

Your Mum must have had a nightmare with you all having food allergies?

Gosh look at him TC. He is bloody gorgeous.

Think I'll see how helpful HV is tomorrow and go from there..so far it's seems to be cows milk and there is so much other stuff Bee can have in the mean time. I'll keep a food dairy too.

Your Mum must have had a nightmare with you all having food allergies?


Aw thanks Carnat. Hope it goes well with the HV - I've found mine quite supportive for different things.

One of my brothers married a girl who is celiac (allergic to gluten, not sure how you spell it) so yes my mum finds cooking at Christmas pretty awkward for all of us (not least as our other 2 partners were from different religions with their own diet restrictions!)
Hi ladies... Just catching up with you all. We were away last week with no internet
January must have been the month for pretty babies :).

I love that highchair too, hard to beat!

Hope you find the HV helpful NAT.
Aw TC he is adorable xx I love this chair too had it for Tyler and using it again with Oisín. He's not keen on savoury foods much prefers fruit and sweet stuff, hope he'll eventually take to savoury, and tips on what I could do.

Hope you and Bee get some good help from hv Nat xx
Well HV - lovely as she us - was useless and just said we need to see GP so I've booked an appointment for next week.

Bee is weighing in at a weeny 14lb 3oz. So 9th centile now and a less than 2lb gain in 10-11 weeks. They want us back in a few weeks to keep an eye.

Aw sorry she wasn't much help to you. Hope you get some help very soon xxxx I'm sure she's doing perfectly fine, she's so cute and dainty xx
Nat a drop / difficulty to gain weight would support your theory of cmpa/I. Mollie has always had a good weight gain which is why they didn't listen to us properly for 6 months.

total weaning fail here! Seems I weaned mollie off one of her bottles too early. Cue screaming for more milk last night.

Add to that teething and we have one miserable babba!!!

Decided to stick to her 4 x 7/8oz a day and offer her finger foods throughout the day. Gave her some toast this morning and she gummed her way through a good bit of it :-)

TC he's gorgeous!!! X
Aw Jolly what a little sweetie!! She looks so cuddle-able!! xx

Carnat, definitely point out the weight drop to the doctor - she's now in the same percentile as my baby (who's gone from bottom 0.4% to bottom 9%) and I remember she used to be much bigger than him in all the early milestones. Hopefully they can help you get to the bottom of it.

HVs are sometimes a luck of the draw, when my normal one was away I got a sweet young lady who was bugger all help when I asked about weaning, even to the extent that she didn't even think to give me the NHS leaflet that they had a pile of!
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Thanks tc :-)))

Ladies, just had to share this - I've now lost just over 5st!!! I'm not anywhere near my goal yet but I'm really getting there. All through slimming world and running x

Aw Jolly she is so cute xx I love the one chewing on the bars lol.

Well done on the weight loss you are amazing xx


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5st Jolly. That is fan-bloody-tastic!!!

You are amazing.

Mollie is a darling, she is so cute. And TS look how gorgeous your boy is. I must say we produced some very beautiful babies.

Bee is on night 3 of virtually no sleep. She is restless, feeds on and off ALL night and I get up feeling like death. I'm sure it's down to weaning as I can hear her wee tummy gurgling and fizzing.

Bee hates covers / sleeping bags and even baby grows (seems to hate having her feet covered at night) so maybe it being a bit chillier is effecting her sleep? I do cover her when she nods off.

I can't seem to post pics from my new phone?

Will see how we get on with GP next week. I requested the one who specialises in pediatrics.


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