***Jan & Feb Mummy and Baby***

DD actually started sleeping worse when we began solids because it gave her a gassy tummy, which was dissapointing.

Tomas is getting teeth! No actual teeth to be seen yet but I noticed the blisters on his gums yesterday.
Had an awful night last night. Constant crying, whinging and being unsettled. If we picked him up he cried, if we put him down he cried, if we gave him his dummy he cried, if he had a bottle he'd cry with it in his chops. He wouldn't nap for long than 20 mins either. Went out in the car where he napped for half an hour, got home and the screaming continued. Iput him in the bath followed by a massage on the tummy with baby oil, cried as soon as I stopped so I'm convinced he was constipated. Finally in bed at 10.30!

11.15 I scrape myself up off the floor and get myself into bed.

Woke up to a poorly doggy who'd been stuck on the sofa all night :( so I've been worrying about her. Then I called mum and found out she'd been in a car accident yesterday eve. She's okay, bit battered and bruised and the cars a possible write off but it could've been worse.

On the positive side, alfie passed a poo this morning and he's returned to my happy baby again.
TS and Carnat sweet photos!

Bunny - good luck with the teeth

Toni - hope Alfie has a better night tonight and that your mum is okay

The highlight of my week was ordering a giant plastic playpen and playmat to go in it.

Not a moment too soon as baby has been crawling and rolling all over it!

The Exercise Fiend has also finally figured out how to bounce his bouncy chair by himself so I now have a way of keeping him occupied for hours :-D
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Sorry for thread jumping over here but re the tounge tie my little boy had his done last Tuesday & I wasn't told that I had to do anything with it but keep an eye on it & him. She never mentioned I needed to run a clean finger on it but I wasn't told about it. I think his gums are playing up so his fingers are in his mouth a lot anyways & just now he has taken my little finger & really sucked on it which has sent him back to sleep! (We have been up since 5.20)
Hello mummies!!! Where is everyone?

I had to share with you all a small victory for me and Mollie. She's finally been prescribed omeprazole!! That's after two lots of gaviscon trials and 2 lots of ranitidine trials. I know they say they have procedures to follow but she's almost 6 months and has had to put up with what they now confirm is severe reflux without anyone wanting to help us at all. It's all been about procedures and protocol and I've felt like I've been banging my head against a brick wall since she was 2 weeks old :-(

I've been in tears this afternoon because it's such a relief that they've finally admitted she has quite a bad case. Yesterday she brought up a load of clear fluid over her tummy and it gave her an acid burn, the doc confirmed it and said it's time to try her on something stronger. Hallelujah!
Today Alfie had baby rice and puréed banana and loved it! Tomorrow I will cook some veg up so he can try that. I think he's going to be a real foodie baby. I am really enjoying weaning and seeing his face. Has anyone else started?

Jolly, glad you've managed to get Molly sorted. It's a shame it's taken so long.
Baby corn! Yum. Although it more a photo opp than actual weaning lol.


Bee actually had a reaction to baby porridge a week ago so I'm very apprehensive about weaning this time. Going to do baby led weaning again.

Jolly I am so happy you've finally got your prescription. Fingers and toes crossed it does the trick.

Bee is doing great, she still cannot roll completely but she can do the length of the living room on her back (James never did this so it's a it of a novelty even though she has been doing it for about 6 weeks lol). She is a very shouty baby and makes a lot of noise but touch wood since about 12 weeks she has been a calmer, happier and easier little girl. She is still BF'ing like a trooper but I do get a bit of sleep at night now - finally!
She is a complete Daddy's girl and when he walks into a room she starts making what we call her 'kung fu' noises. She is hilarious.

Not had her weighed in a while so going to do that soon.

James is good too, he has been much better of late and we now have a start date for nursery - a few days after his birthday. He is such a chatterbox and he is so clever (about some stuff - not everything lol but he knows so much about the planets and space. Half the stuff he knows I only know because he tells me LOL)

I have managed to lose 12lbs, still 2st to go but I have made good progress although I suspect I've fractured my foot so I'm off to gp for a referral to have an xray. I can barely walk! Most of my weight loss is diet anyway but it's horrible to be in so much pain.

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Trying to remember to post on here- the days just go by in a blur at the moment!

Nat- bea looks so cute with that corn!

Well done on the weightloss- I too have lost 12lb but I've another 1.5 to go to get to my target weight. Find it so hard some days!

Hope you've managed to get sorted with your foot

Things are good with us... Finley is growing massive. He's now over 18lb and he was 19 weeks yesterday!

He's in 6-9 month clothes now (well ones that require long arms and legs!)

My little man is growing up
Hi ladies, Aw Nat Bea looks gorgeous with the corn. Glad you finally got sorted Becky xx

As for me I've no idea what I've lost at this stage, really must weigh myself. Oisín is in next week for his six month jabs I'll get him weighed then he's getting so big too. He's getting so cheeky little pup sticks his tongue out now and laughs when you say put that tongue back in lol xx here are most recent pics of both boys!!

P.S getting extremely broody again!!


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Gorgeous bubs on this group :-))

I can't believe little Rio is 5 months today! Time goes fast, and yet, as a first time mum, I've gone through some of my toughest days ever!

Anyway, enjoying the cuddles and laughs of my LO all the same. A couple of questions to you, mums: when did your LO manage to turn? Rio can turn to his side, both sides, but doesn't yet flip on to to his belly, at 5 months... Don't most babies to by then?

Also, we're having quite a tough time feeding. Since 3 months or so his hunger cues are not at all clear, and I'm leaving to guess when he may need to feed. He doesn't even cry when hungry, just mildly annoyed, which may also be boredom, wet nappy, tiredness... So until now I've always offer to feed him every 2-3 hours (he's fully on breast milk), but he can now go at nights 4-5 hours without a feed. So I'm thinking of also feed him every 4 hours during the day.... How often do you offer feeds during the day?
I still feed on demand, I'm crap with hunger cues so basically if she moans I offer her boob and if she is hungry she takes it... that said she can easily go 4h day and night without a feed.

Bee only started rolling properly just after 5 months (so just last week)


Gabriella is growing so much now! I have all but stopped bf as she wasn't gaining enough...she actually dropped off the graph.

She has definitely filled out on formula!

She is trying to roll but hasn't managed it yet.

She was feeding every 2 hours, day and night which was a killer. A dummy seems to be helping...my other 2 refused them! Anything for some sleep!
How are all you mummies and babies coping in the heat? It's a scorcher today!

Alfie is making small attempts to roll by pushing his feet against something and trying to twis, I think he's gonna be quite a lazy boy! He still doesn't like tummy time either.

Weaning is going great, he's tried lots of veg and I gave him a chunk of Apple to hold. Everything he has hold of goes straight in his mouth apart from the apple!
OMG, how do do I go about stopping breastfeeding? Did you just gradually replace feeds with bottles? Did you have to pump? Are you still latching for some of the feeds?
My phone app is still saying 33c!!!

Ive popped some damp muslins in the fridge, a few flannels in the freezer and will pop some ice in front of the fans.

It's not as warm down here in Dorset as everywhere else reached 28 so plenty warm enough - my bedroom is like an oven though and we have the window wide open!!!

Mollie's in her nappy and summer grobag, hopefully that's ok, I rememebr when Freddie was tiny it was an absolute scorcher for weeks on end and I worried non stop :-(
We have offically started weaning I guess. I was planning to wait until 6 months but he got a taste of things he grabbed himself a couple of times and has become totally obsessed with food. He screams the place down if you eat infront of him and don't give him any so we have given in. Today he downed a whole mushed bannana for lunch and some soup, bread and mellon too!! He still BFs lots too. To be honest he probably feeds about every hr in the day but its often just to calm him down when he is over stimulated etc. I don't fight it because its an easy way to solve any problem :). DD was the same and she grew out of it on her own eventually. I still wish I could nurse her to sleep sometimes!
We've started weaning as well, but Caleb will only eat mega puréed food, I've tried baby rice and baby porridge but he gags and chokes...but will happily gobble down a parsnip/sweet potato/carrot/apple/banana soup! Don't know what to do with it really as don't want him to have issues with texture but maybe he's just not ready for that yet.
We've had a week of him waking up every 1.5 to 2 hours which has been horrific and I've been exhausted so we're trying two solid meals a day instead of one to see if that helps.

I'm stopping breastfeedig in a couple of weeks - I'm going to London next week to stay with my parents so for convenience I'm carrying on until after that which takes me to the 6 month mark. Don't express sorpresa as that just keeps your supply at the same level when you want it to be reducing. Our health visitor told me to replace one feed with a bottle every few days to give your supply a chance to adjust and avoid mastitis.

Caleb's been rolling for about 2 weeks quite consistently - it's mainly because he's toy mad and when something's out of reach he's realised he can roll to get closer to it!

Haven't been on here in an age so apologies, just caught up with everyone! Caleb's just started the sticky out tongue thing as well it's very cute!

Summer sales are starting - haven't even looked for me but it's another story for Caleb! I have finally reached my pre pregnancy weight but am still a clothes size larger than before so now time to hit the gym! x
Tomas has no issue with texture at all, he will try eating anything. I just have to be careful that he doesnt bite off a big chunk of something that he can choke on. One of his favorite foods is rice. He even eats brown rice without being mashed or anything. I remember it being months before dd could cope with the texture of rice. I think every baby is so different you just have to find what works. As long as you are aware of introducing texture as you can I wouldnt stress over it. Try not to be too scared of gagging noises. Babies have an over-active gag reflex which helps them while they are learning to eat but it means they gag really easily even when not in danger of choking.

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