***Jan & Feb Mummy and Baby***

Thanks for the info Jolly. We were told to run a clean finger over it every day for the 1st week too. Acctually he spends so much time shoving his own fingers in his mouth these days I think there was hardly any need for it :). In our case she thought the biggest problen is with the muscles in his upper lip that dont work well so she wasnt sure if clipping it would resolve it or not. She said we should do follow up with a speech therapist to train his muscles. She wasnt going to clip his tounge to start with but because I thought there was something not quite right about the way he uses his tongue she agreed to try clipping his tongue too. His feeding still isnt perfect but things have definitely improved. He used to do something with his toune on my nipple that wasnt painfull but really put my teeth on edge and that totally stopped right away. He still clicks too.
Ooh yes, I forgot to mention we visited a chiropractor afterwards and they confirmed she had an awful suck reflex!!! She had to use all sorts of different muscles to suck and they were all tense- it took a few visits to sort her out but she had other issues in her neck and back as well, probably because she was a c section x
Aww Jolly and Carnat.. your photos are so sweet!

Re tongue tie, we were told about pushing underneath the tongue with a clean finger for a few days but they also said that by feeding / crying baby would do enough himself without us needing to do anything so I didn't do anything!

Baby slept "through the night" for the first time the other day. By that, I mean he went from feeds at 9 and 5.30am with being put to bed at 10pm which was awesome. This morning however we were back to the usual.

Today went to police to report assault on me while I was holding my 11-day-old baby by partner back in January. Have also spoken with social services too, as I am concerned he will get unsupervised access at a later date. :(
Gosh TC that must have been hard? You have to go through the correct channels in these types of situations though to protect yourself and baby. None the less I don't imagine it was easy.

Well done on baby TC sleeping through. We are still nowhere near close as my little vampire baby likes her human dummy overnight!!!

Tinsel...hope you're ok, that must be hard x

God know what kind of night I'm in for...Gabriella has been in bed since 8, which NEVER happens. I expect she'll wake up the second I close my eyes!
Yeah it was pretty horrible doing, I've been crying a lot since and this night was having nightmares about it :( The people at the women's centre have referred me for counselling as they are worried I am at risk of post-natal depression with everything that is going on (there's lots more outside of this).

Baby has been sleeping too much during day and reverted back to 3 or 4 feeds per night - ugh! Shattered.

On positive, have managed to lose 6lbs in weight since I got on the scales earlier this year. My baby weighed 6lbs when he was born, so I have lost a whole baby's worth! Now to get rid of the next 18 lbs!
Well done on weight loss!

I had been doing well but have been getting tempted recently. So gutting to know I need to lose more than one of my older children's worth in weight!

Need to get Gabriella weighed soon to check gain...she's still tiny! I tried some newborn jeggings on her and they slipped off!

I guess she'll be weighed with jabs in a couple of weeks. She seems happy enough...gurgling and giggling!
I think counselling is a good option TC. You have been through a lot and any support is a plus in my opinion.

I'm 8lbs down to still have the weight of my toddler to go.. another 2.5st. Although 2st would be fine.

Can't get my arse is gear though. I've still got quite bad post partum joint pains (so exercising isn't an option but I do walk loads) and also breast feeding makes me ravenous but sadly not for healthy food.

This is my last baby though so I can take it slowly to get the weight off. It's going to be a long process!!!

In other news I an an auntie again... my 7th (yep 7th) nephew arrived on Monday.

Well done on the weight loss TC, but I'm sorry you're having to go through what you are. Sending big hugs

I too need to lose weight- started slimming world online a few weeks ago and have lost 6lb- weigh in again tomorrow.

Really struggling as I have no willpower- carnat I'm like you I'm not craving good foods with breastfeeding. I just want bread, butter and cake!

Congrats on your nephew.. There sure is a lot of boys in your family

All is good with us- a Finley is such a happy baby. His sleep at night is ok, though we're just starting the next leap so who knows- fingers crossed!

Here he is last weekend at 14 weeks with big bro xx

Hugs TC xxx

I'm sure she's doing perfectly Omg just a petite little one xx

Well done on the weight loss Carnat xxx and congrats on being an aunty again xx

Aw Becky they are so adorable xx
Ok, I think I'm going to go nuts.
My son was happily drinking 4oz/5oz up until last week, now he's only taking 2oz at most anc then falls asleep. He's coming upto 4 months now. He's having a lot wet and dirty nappies... Is this normal? Is it a phase, it's such hard work feeding him
Hi all

Realise I haven't been on here for ages! Hope everyone is ok? We are good Rafferty is 19 weeks now & was 14lb 10oz at our last weigh in-on the 50th percentile.
We are coming to the end of our breastfeeding journey-he is only having breast milk during the night now-he still wakes every 2-3 hours!!!! Hoping that as we get into our routine with formula bottles his sleeping will improve!
He is such a content well behaved baby in all other ways just not a good sleeper! His daytime naps are also very inconsistent so by bedtime he is exhausted! However he is always in bed fast asleep by 7pm so we have our evenings back.
I think he may be a little bit constipated today as his poos are thickening since going onto formula. Any tips? I'm going to try him with some sips of water.
Lovely pics those that have posted recently!
Hi ladies,

Hope you are all well? Babies too of course

We're finally having some lovely weather here in London.

Yesterday Bee seemed rather interested in the melon I was eating so I let her have a suck and she loved it, spurred on with this I gave her a teaspoon of baby porridge [made with breast milk] and she had some sort of allergic reaction!!!!! Her face went all blotchy - looked like stinging nettle rash. She was fine in herself and within half an hour she was completely back to normal but this has really freaked me out.

I don't know what possessed me to be honest as I don't want to wean yet?? She has amazing head control and seemed really interested in my food so I was just experimenting.


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That sounds scary Nat, I wonder what it is?

Gabriella's got her 4 month jabs next week and so she'll be weighed but I reckon she's about 9lbs now.

Had older 2s sports day yesterday...so cute! And bloomin' hot!

Just had the best giggles from Gabriella, so cute! Can't wait to show her off to friends and family, finally in a few days!
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Gosh that was a bit scary hopefully it was just a once off Carnat xx they are gorgeous xx

Here's most recent of my two :-D xx


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I'm not a believer in early weaning either carnat. Our little guy has other ideas though! He is really good at grabbing things off you and has discovered mellon too, lol. Infact he has realised he likes all fruit and is obsessive about getting ahold of it. I have decided to let him taste things when he really wants to but we are not officially feeding him yet, if that makes sense. The good thing about doing it that way is that he usually goes a couple of days between which gives a good chance to look for reactions to specific foods. With DD we waited until 6 months and by that time she wanted to eat large quantities of everything she get her hands on from day 1 which made it hard to introduce one food at a time propperly.

I think baby porridge often has dry milk in it? Cows milk is the most common cause of allergic reactions in babies. It could also explain why she has always been a bit of a sicky baby and has never liked formula? The good thing is that they usually grow out of it by about age two. I couldnt even have dairy myself while DD was small because it got into my breastmilk and she reacted to it but she slowly got less sensitive and is fine with milk now. I'd suggest you write a list of everything she had including the mellon and the ingredients on the baby porridge box. Then when you try giving her those foods again make sure you do it one at a time and with special care. If you are especcially worried about it maybe start a food diary when you start to wean her propperly. You think you will remember these things but you soon get confused and cant remember what they had when.
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Nat that must've been pretty scary!

Has anyone heard from MrsT and baby Dexter recently? I hope they're getting on okay.

I have decided I'm going to start weaning in the next few weeks, Alfie has been waking much earlier than usual because he's hungry. Going to do it a little bit at a time, I've brought a book by Ella's kitchen which is really handy and has set out a two week plan for when we start weaning.

Alfie is starting to roll onto his side and touching his toes, we've got lots of chatter too! Everything he can get hold of is going straight in his mouth, a long with the buckets of dribble I don't think it'll be long until we have a tooth.
Toni- mrs t and dexter are great (we're friends on FB). He's recovered really well from his heart op.

So we're in the middle of the 4 month sleep regression. But maybe a bit
Madly I've put Finley in his own room tonight (he's nearly 4

He's been in a bedside crib but he rolls so much in the night he was waking himself and me up, so going to give it a go. Just hate the
Thought of getting out of bed to feed him!
Glad to hear MrsT and Dexter are doing well.

Becky...I hate the idea of getting out of bed to feed too!

Gabriella had her jabs yesterday. She weighs 9.6lbs so isn't gaining quite enough weight so dr said to top up with formula and offer in between feeds.

Just doing a major house tidy and clean so it's nice when we come back from UK. It's so hot tho...I'm just sweating!

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