***Jan & Feb Mummy and Baby***

Funny you mention weaning as we've just had my dad drop the highchair over. It's one suitable from birth (I bloody hate it though as it's quite cumbersome) so I'm going to start sticking Bee in it when we eat dinner.

I have to confess I hated weaning with James. I looked forward to it so much and it was just a let down. I didn't realise how much of an ongoing process it was and how messy and frustrating it could be.

We did BLW and will do the same this time. Started some baby porridge once a day at 5m and basic veggies about 5.5m with James. He had almost everything else from 6m but I introduced things gradually.... ie eggs one week, bread another week, pasta another week etc...meat was about 8-9m I think. Will probably wait as long as possible with Bee though unless she lets me know otherwise.

I have to mention that Bee has been absolutely wonderful for a few days now. I have moaned so much about how difficult I've found her compared to James but fingers crossed I feel like we've turned a corner. I know we have the 19w leap and 4 month sleep regression and teething to contend with (plus last lot of jabs) BUT I am finally getting into the groove with my little lady. She has been sleeping well at night, having periods of 30 minutes + where she is happy to sit in her chair / lay out and just chill. She is smiley and happy and much less sicky than previously. Long may it continue.

I can't believe we're talking about weaning already!

I think I might do blw this time. Was too scared to last time!

Can't believe how quick time is going...Can't wait for my family to meet bubs next month! She's still pretty small tho.

Bigger kids are on one today. Woke me up earlier than a school day too!
Off to park in a min then out for early dinner in the sun I think :-) I'm slightly desperate for a glass of chilled white wine, lol.

I love our chair. It was a super cheap one from ikea but so easy to clean.
after his sensory class

Sorry, can I ask what this is? Is it something common in the UK? Sounds interesting, specially if it helps your bubs nap that long! :-)

Rio is also trying to suck hand and boob at the same time. I too just move his hand away and he seems not bothered by it. I think it's quite funny!


This is what he does sorpresa....lots of different activities supposed to stimulate him and his development basically!
We seem to have entered another sicky phase? She was ok for a bit and now is back to throwing up loads.

Am seeing HV after her last lot of jabs next Tues so I'm going to see what she says (I've already been told by one hv and a gp that she is just a sicky baby and I am pretty sure they are right but it can't hurt to ask again)

Bee is still in brilliant form, which helps as James has been a nightmare - just usual toddler stuff and he now has a cough and cold!!! The kids are never both in great form at same time lol.

Aw sorry to hear that hunni xx hopefully your hv will help xx and I hear you on the toddler front! Tyler was up 4 times through the night and I was terrified he would wake Oisín I'm exhausted at work now xx

Oisín had his jabs yesterday and thankfully he didn't cry too much and wasn't off form after them. Got him weighed and he is now 14 lb 12 oz. Going to try him with some Carrott this evening see how it goes xx

Hope all mums and babies are all ok xx
Nat you have my sympathy, we have days like that with Alfie and his sickiness. Thankfully everything at both ends has settled down. The gastroenteritis gave him a temporary intolerance to his milk which can take a while to settle down, I was really worrying he had a cows milk allergy.

He is getting so clever now, I have started to introduce tummy time again as he really didn't like it at first. He loves playing in his bouncy chair and grabbing the toys that hang on it.

He has gone from sleeping 9.30-9/930 am to 9.30-6! Which is a shock to the system but you can't complain with him getting 9 hours sleep. He's been up for a bottle and goes down for 2 hours after. I think he may be growing again. He turned 12 weeks old yesterday, but I can still get him in his up to 3 months clothes which is good as I'm getting a lot more wear out of them then I did with his first lot of clothes.

He has his second lot of jabs next Tuesday and I have just emailed the local pre school about his registration as babies should be registered from birth to get them in. It's so handy as its opposite the house. :)

Thinking about starting to wean him next month but don't know where to start! When do we get him a high chair?! He has pretty good head control.
Bee is filling 3-6m baby grows already. She is fine in everything else though so I think she has long legs.

High chairs are either (normally) 'suitable from birth' - these are usually big contraptions with lots of different seat settings etc or 'suitable from 6 months' - usually just a few settings and designed for when baby has good head control.

I'm in no hurry at all to wean. Hated weaning with James. Not looking forward to it this time but it will be much easier as we have a bigger kitchen now and a proper dining table.

Can't believe we're talking about weaning already!!!

Wow I havent had the time to post. Sounds like the broody bug has spread I also have been thinking about the possibility of another baby even though our little one has only just turned 13 weeks.
Weaning is so off my radar I feel like time has flown by far too quickly. It was only when I went to the baby drop in session and met a mum with a three week old that I realised how quickly our little man had grown ��
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Gosh I hated weaning too, I'm really not looking forward to it with mollie although I have a feeling that's the only thing that will.put an end to her reflux :-(

How are all the babies with naps? We've not really had a nap routine with mollie, just feeding, but we're now moving her from a 3hr to 4hr routine and I've realised she never sleeps at home properly because her brother is SO noisy!!! I've started putting her down in her cot for naps but she only had 45mins this morning.

Both babies went down at 12.45 and freddie will sleep until 3.30 but I'm just praying mollie has a little longer than she did earlier. Thankfully she's amazing at night!!!
Bee isn't a good sleeper in the day. She mainly has cat naps at home. Maximum is normally 30 minutes.

She may go longer if we're out (she slept for 2 hours at a family lunch the other week but that is unusual)

She sleeps OK at night so I don't mind so much? She goes down 9pm-7am with a few feeds in the night.

James still naps most days for 1-2 hours and they never sleep at the same time :wall2: :wall2:

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Sorry ladies, not posted in so long. It's manic with a 4 month old and 18 month old whilst my husband is away so don't get too much time to get on and post. I do try and read when I can though.

We're moving house in 3 weeks. Well, actually, I am moving house in 3 weeks as hubby not back until August for 2 weeks RnR and then back for good in October. Its pretty hectic trying to pack and chase a toddler around, in amongst naps and breastfeeding. Still, will all be done in a few short weeks.

I'm dreading weaning too. Couldn't wait to get started as soon as my son turned 6 months, but I soon realised it was a total ball-ache and much preferred the easy days of just milk!!! Will try and hold off until little lady is 6 months too as it makes my life easier and I'm not in any hurry this time around.

Our naps vary here Jolly. My 18 month old generally goes down at about 12.30/1pm and sleeps for 2-3 hours. On a good day, little lady will nap at the same time as he does for a couple of hours which is a total luxury. Normally though, I can get her down for an hour around 1pm which is ok. Otherwise, it's 30-45 mins a few times per day. Sleeps well at night though. Few feeds but we co-sleep so she just latches on, feeds and goes straight back to sleep.

She's really quite active now which is lovely to see. Doing those funny sit-ups/crunches they do around this age...I guess to strengthen stomach muscles ready to sit. She's rolling from side to side too, but not quite made it all the way over yet. I find things get a lot easier again when they can sit up as it's easier to entertain them.

Hope everyone is well and apologies for mammoth post and being absent for ages xx
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I've already been putting Caleb in a high chair...he's going off his bouncer (annoyingly!) but will sit in the high chair while I do bits and bobs in the kitchen so it's a lifesaver! I just got the cheap one from ikea but they also did an inflatable support thing so we got that as well and it means he's well supported, don't think I'd put him in it just yet without it.

Naps are the bane of my life at the moment. Caleb will only go about half an hour but I have to force him into them-yesterday it took an hour and a half to get him to sleep....for 20 minutes!!! I can't get him to nap in his cot for love nor money but will start trying more soon. Luckily he's doing pretty well at night. Usually down by 7:30 and then he's either up 1 and 5 for a feed or mostly he just gets up the once between 2 and 4. He's then up at 6:30 for the day but can't complain really! x
Oisin's naps aren't too bad little 20-30 mind here and there and himself and Tyler generally go for 2 hours around 1 ish. One happy chappy after his supper ;)


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My LO is 16 weeks old now. Nap wise, she has three 30 mins naps during the day. Then goes to bed at around six pm wakes twice between then and 8 am. I usually wake her in the morn as gotta get my Lo to pre school.

Alfie's naps vary so much. One week he went through a stage of not napping at all. He will sleep all night from 9.30-between 7 and 9 (varying at the moment due to a growth spurt I think!). When he gets up depending what time he will have a bottle and change then go back down for an hour or 2. Then I try to get him down in the afternoon for a few hours but sometimes it'll only be half an hour if I'm lucky! We are fortunate we don't need to do night feeds anymore so he gets at least 9 hours uninterrupted sleep each night.
Hi ladies.. Been a bit AWOL as life's been a bit hectic, and we've just Been away for the week on a Haven holiday. Had a fab time, but back home now!

Finley is 3 months old today.. My little chubby chapter is growing waay to quickly for my liking.

I held off weaning wit Harry until he was around 5.5 months, and I'll be doing the same this time round. You realise once you start weaning how easy it is just feeding them milk!! I want an easy life for as long as possible!!

Finley is such a happy baby, and generally a good sleeper. He only wakes once a night (the time varies but that's ok by me!!)

Had lots to deal with Harry over last couple of weeks. He's been very delayed with his speech, and unfortunately the NHS speech therapist has been rubbish, so we've paid for a private assessment, and she thinks he has verbal dyspraxia - basically he struggles to form certain sounds in his mouth. Finding it all so stressful but onwards and upwards.

Just grateful to have my boys xx couple of pics of them on holiday
That is lovely TC. Gonna have to get it!!! Lol.

Becky, one of my nephew's has been diagnosed with verbal dyspraxia. They suspected it from about 2.5 but it is not usually formally diagnosed until they are 4. My Sil went to the Nuffield Centre when he was 3 and they agreed VDys was likely but made them wait another year for the formal diagnosis (my nephew was 4 a few weeks back)

Early 'diagnosis', a good speech therapist and a very helpful nursery have made all the difference. At his most recent assessment - where he was given the formal diagnosis - they were so impressed with his progress they actually debated if it was VDys and had to get the most senior staff member in to confirm.

I will ask Sil for any helpful links / info to pass on but she is 38w pregnant with her fourth baby so she is a wee bit busy lol.

Your boys are gorgeous.

TS, have you started weaning? Little man looks stunning as always.

We've had a crap night. Bee has another bloody cold!!!!!


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