***Jan & Feb Mummy and Baby***

Lol, no I was always treated like everyone else growing up. So kept it that way. I'm here at work and thinking about #3 how bad is that!! Really need to stop! For a while anyway ;-) DH wouldn't be pleased! Just seen your avatar it's gorgeous of the two of them xxxx
Awww thanks. Right back at you and your gorgeous boys!!!

Number 3 blimey...... I am actually abstaining as I'm so terrified of another baby (only dtd once and got Bee!!!).

You are a braver woman than I.

Glad to hear you've never let CP hold you back from anything. You being back at work and thinking of number 3 already just shows what you are made of!!! You are a trooper lol.

Part of having the last two close together was to leave time for #3 if we wanted it, now I find myself thinking that if we had #3 as soon as possible we might still fit in #4 if we wanted. At the same time I know that is an insane idea :). I have days when I'm not sure how I'm coping with two.
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The thought of more babies for me is just incomprehensible lol. A 3.5 month old an 18 month old keep me busy!

Hats off to anyone thinking of more already haha.

Hope your ankle is better soon Nat.

TS, you sound amazing :)
I've been thinking of number 4! Always wanted another two when first two were 4 and 5. Having said that, I am so enjoying being a mummy to Gabriella. And the others, of course but with DD1 at first she came to work with me the. To my mum 4 days. Then we got a nanny when DD2 was 2 weeks so I missed out on a lot of the baby bits.

I don't seem to get as much done as the nanny did!

Seeing dr fri for contraception, and Gabriella has her jabs.

Am so excited that her passport has been sent..just want it in mu hands now so I can book something should I feel the urge which I do! Want her to meet the family! She's only known us, my parents and her half brother so far!

I made the mistake of weighing myself today, after 2 days on diet, haven't lost a thing. Been really good today so that better reflect tomorrow!
Hey ladies, happy Friday. Nearly the weekend!!! Although my OH is working

Had a few crappy days. Bee was actually pretty happy [for her!] until she had her second lot of jabs and since then she has reverted to being clingy and there has been lots of crying. She has also been quite sick. ... she is a sicky baby in general but its def been worse since the bloody Rotovirus vaccine. Thank God that one is completely done now. We had a rare day in Wednesday and that seems to have sorted my ankle... so that's something I guess.

Its a bit cloudy here today but we'll head out to the park for a run around and then we'll make some rice krispie cakes later.

Hi ladies- sorry been rubbish for keeping up had a busy week.
I'm knackered though- shame it's nothing to do with Finley. He's being a fab sleeper and will go from around 9.30-5am, have a quick feed then straight back off

But Harry has always been a nightmare sleeper. But I spent weeks when I was expecting fin making sure when he woke up he went straight back to his own bed, didn't lie with him etc as I didn't want to be messing when baby arrived. But my bloody hubby is useless so the last few weeks if being pregnant, and since fin has arrived he's been lying with him, getting in bed with him which has made him worse.

So the last few nights Harry's been waking at 3am ish- so annoying as fin is still asleep!!

Put my foot down though last night, which resulted in me being awake for an hour, but he went back to his own bed

Gosh- sorry fir the moan just had to get it out there. Hubby is usually away with work 2 nights a week, and he doesn't seem to get that it's so much harder with two of them waking!

Oh well he's taken Harry off swimming this morning, so it's just me and Finley- doing the ironing!!
Aw I hate that Tyler wakes some nights too and calls for me only but thankfully after a cuddle he goes back. I brought the two of them to my gidson's communion alone today they were both brilliant. We are home now they are napping and I'm getting the fire on. Anyone know what I could do with Oisín he hasn't pooped for two days now and normally he never misses a day?
TS Caleb went for 5 days without pooing and he's a once a day boy too. I was bottle feeding at the time and put some gripe water in his bottle and he had gone within a couple of hours. I've used it twice now and worked both times. X
Thanks hunni I'll try that in the morning he's out for the count since 8.30 xx
I've just booked my smear for tomorrow. You'd think after two kids I wouldn't be bothered.

OH got a few days off so I'm making the most of it. Dentist Friday as well....

Hope all mummies and babies are ok?

Hey same hope all is well with everyone? been quiet in here for last wee while. But can totally see why, I feel so busy and am on looking after one, never mind you ladies with several wee ones :)

Nat - am the same have to book a smear as got a reminder last month, but just so scared after having Brody, even if it is nearer five months after, I know it's an irrational fear, but just have to be brave and get it booked I guess. Good luck with yours!
Brodys doing good just now, just turning into such a chunky monkey. And living. Every moment, just going so fast though, hard to believe he's at this age already. The time is just flying by. Xx
I've got to book my smear too. Will wait til get to UK.

Gabriella seems to need more entertaining these days but feel a bit silly going to a group yet...how do you entertain?

Are your babies sleeping well? Bella just isn't tired til about midnight!
His ladies, haven't posted for a while as I've been knackered with very little sleep at nights and a very active baby during the day. I've been trying to follow the eat, play, sleep schedule and it seems to work quite ok during the day but nights are quite bad. Rio wakes up 3 times a night to feed (he's almost 13 weeks) and I don't get much sleep myself. I have tried a dream feed at 10 ish before I go to sleep but he still wakes up at midnight or 1 am. Followed by 3-4 and 6-7 am feeds. Any tips to improve this? He's EBF.

Omg - I keep baby entertained with playmate, go for walks or shopping, read him a story, put him in the swing with some toys. Seems to work for now. I also take him to play groups a couple times a week but for now there's little interaction with other babies. He just seems entertained with the noise and change of scenery.

I have my smear this morning.
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Ive also been really busy!

Jessica follows a similar eat, sleep, play pattern through the day. Its harder to keep her entertained in the house imo so we go out to baby groups, walks and shopping. At night she seems to cluster feed/ suck then sleeps anywhere between 6-9 hours. We have a bed time routine starting about 6.45ish of baby massage, nappy off time, bath, feed, bed. We take her upstairs after bath and keep it quiet and darker. Shes also ebf but think we have been extremely lucky xx
Alfie is now sleeping 10-7/8l in his own room. He's such a fab baby and takes everything in his stride.

He has had an icky bum since Sunday so Monday night I called 111 and ended up driving 30 mins to the out of hours dr at 9pm. They prescribed dioralyte which he loves, but it's still not gone so back to the dr today. He's now going off his feed which is a little worrying. I'm wondering if suddenly his milk isn't agreeing with him as he was a little bit whingey when I was feeding him. Another part of me thinks he's having a growth spurt too which isn't helping.
Good luck with the smears :-)

Sorpresa, those overnight feeds sound the same as me. Am envious of those people whose babies sleep through the night ;-)

Toni - hope your baby is okay xxx

What do your babies do when put on their tummies?
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One thing i did want to ask is about self settling, does your baby do it or do you soothe them to sleep?

We have to cuddle jessica to sleep she wont settle on her own at all. Will she grow out of this or will we have to guide her towards self soothing somehow?
Alfie has gastroenteritis, we've just got to ride it out :(

Mrs Johnson, Alfie tends to self settle in his Moses basket and has done since he was a few weeks old. If he's whinging in bed, I'll just put my hand on him or just leave him. If he's crying, I will get him out and soothe him then he goes straight back in to go to sleep on his own. He's in his own room now, so I listen on the monitor and after about 5 minutes he will go off. Alfie grew out of us cuddling him to sleep at about 4 weeks old. We started putting him down after a bottle as long as he wasn't crying and we'd often hear him kicking about for 10 minutes then he'd be asleep. Now, sometimes he will fall asleep on his playmat or in his before we've managed to get him upstairs!

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