***Jan & Feb Mummy and Baby***

Aw Tinsel those photos are gorgeous xx

Hope ur achilles soon get some relief hun xx I used infacol with Tyler too and it helped him. YouTube baby colic massages also hope she gets better soon xx
We use Infacol but its hard to judge with bf'ing as you are meant to use it before a feed.... was much easier to use it with James as he was ff.

We have Gripe water too. I found that better with James but Bee hates it and its really hard to administer.

Happy Good Friday by the way

Carnat. I found colic very horrific to deal with with my son - his signs would that he'd arch his back in pain. He couldn't settle to sleep on his back and could only settle on his tummy - which is quite a scary thing to do with just a 5 week old. He'd enjoy his bottles but would scream when we stopped to wind him and after the feed - not out of hunger but more because his tummy hurt so much. He was very very windy - he had NO trouble burping and trumping but he'd still be in pain. Infacol didn't touch it. I know you are breastfeeding so my formula recommendation wouldn't help you but Colief did help combined with he formula we gave him. I'd go to the doctor and get Colief on prescription.

The positive is, that Colic does go away, so hopefully in the near future you can have a happy baby. You have my sympathies. It's horrible, hard work.
Hmmmm, I don't think it is colic as it's nowhere near as bad as you describe?

It's more like an hour (sometimes longer, sometimes less) in the evening that she is uncomfortable and grumpy. Generally she is ok the rest of the time.

I don't want to belittle the stress of those that genuinely do have colicky babie.

Does mean you don't have a colicky baby. My nephew apparently had colic and he was relatively content, he rarely cried (still doesn't) but he'd really struggle getting through his bottles. It's different for each child. Unfortunately mine was just in pain most of the time and spent most of his days crying... as did his mummy!
Imogen has colic, it is really tough in the evenings especially, sometimes she cries for 3-4 hours. She is currently screaming her little lungs off and hubby is pacing with her. She is rarely settled after feeding and like Rooster says has no problem burping but still seems to suffer with trapped wind. But I know there's an end in sight, she's 8 weeks now and it sounds awful but I'm looking forward to the 12/13 week Mark.
Carnat it sounds like Bee could be suffering mildly?
It's quite common for babies to have a 'witching hour' in the evenings where they just cry or are unsettled for a few hours. It usually settles when they get to about 3 months or so.

My son was terrible in the evenings but he had silent reflux too. Freya had a witching hour too but thankfully it's gone now at almost 12 weeks ( it stopped around 9 weeks I think). No one seems to know what causes it but I know it's really common.

Gorgeous pics there Tinsel
How are you Ceecee? Hope it wasn't too sad to say goodbye to hubby. With two wee ones I am sure time will fly.

Spent all afternoon at granny's with a few of the kiddies cousins. I an beat.... kids are exhausting lol.

We definitely experience the witching hour with Jessica although it normally starts about 5ish and lasts until 9 or 10ish x
After putting jessica in her basket last night I realised my baby us almost outgrown it. Theres still a bit of space at the top but i dont think it will be too long before shes too big for it which makes me wonder when they start sleeping in thier own rooms? Shes only 7 weeks which seems too early to me. What is everyone else doing? X
After putting jessica in her basket last night I realised my baby us almost outgrown it. Theres still a bit of space at the top but i dont think it will be too long before shes too big for it which makes me wonder when they start sleeping in thier own rooms? Shes only 7 weeks which seems too early to me. What is everyone else doing? X

We have the same problem with Alfie :( he's 7 weeks on Wednesday. We are planning on putting him in his Moses basket inside the cot for a few days, then he'll be in a sleeping bag in his cot in his own room. I'm dreading it :( he is sleeping through the night now, so I'm hoping he will continue and possibly go longer in his cot. His bedroom is next to our and his cot is along the side of our wall, his bedroom door will be open and his monitors will be on so I can still hear him. I just hate the thought of my little boy being all on his own, do I need to get a grip? :oooo:
No Toni i totally understand this! Im dreading having to get used to her sleeping in her own room x
We have the same problem with Alfie :( he's 7 weeks on Wednesday. We are planning on putting him in his Moses basket inside the cot for a few days, then he'll be in a sleeping bag in his cot in his own room. I'm dreading it :( he is sleeping through the night now, so I'm hoping he will continue and possibly go longer in his cot. His bedroom is next to our and his cot is along the side of our wall, his bedroom door will be open and his monitors will be on so I can still hear him. I just hate the thought of my little boy being all on his own, do I need to get a grip? :oooo:

Don't ask me! We still have them both sleeping in our room, lol. DD is almost 2 now. We never bothered with a moses basket, they both slept in a cot from day 1. By moving some furniture about we have managed to squeeze both cots in. Personally I liked the idea of having DD in our room until at least one year old because it is one of the best ways to reduce cot deaths. She probably would have been in her own room by now but the only choice for her room is on the other side of the house and she has only just started sleeping through the night.
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I'm ok now he's gone thanks Nat, the build up to him going seemed much worse. He gets 2 weeks at home in the middle of it, so 90 days to go!

My DS slept in his cot in my room until he was 7 months then into his own room with a monitor. DD is co-sleeping with me while we're breastfeeding and daddy is away but she'll probably start being tried in the cot when she gets to 6 or 7 months. Like bunny, I couldn't bare the thought of them not being in my room but we were lucky that we had space to fit the cot in xx
DD1 slept in our room til she was approx 14 months. Mainly cos her room was on a diff floor from us and I didn't like the thought of it.

DD2 went in her own room pretty early as she was a really noisy sleeper, lol
Thanks for your advice. Might have to move her cot into our room so she can stay with us a bit longer but ill see how things go first.

Hope everyone had a nice easter weekend?

I fed in public for the first time! Was quite stressful as the cafe was closing for i had to hurry things along and inevitably she was still hungry so cryed and cryed until i could stop again. Second time found a park bench but it was in a really secluded area and was lovely out in the sun so much more enjoyable!

Does anyone else have a problem trying to keep scratching mitts on? My poor baby got one off last night and woke up with a big scratch across her cheek :( the baby grows with the built in mitts are my fav but dont have enough of them to wear every night xx
Ps im going to be brave and go to the local bfing group tomorrow so wish me luck!
Good luck at your group hun and well done feeding in public. I feed everywhere now although I'm not quite as proficient as the mum I saw at the park who was up the big slide with her toddler and had a baby clamped to her boob!!!

Next, Mothecare and M&S all do baby grows with integrated scratch mitts or else use socks - they are longer so harder to get off.

Does anyone else have a problem trying to keep scratching mitts on? My poor baby got one off last night and woke up with a big scratch across her cheek :( the baby grows with the built in mitts are my fav but dont have enough of them to wear every night xx

In hospital they showed us how you can put a little surgical tape (the one that's about a finger wide) around the LO's mitts at their wrists. This kept them in place when he was very little and the mitts were too big for him. We stopped using them at about 3 weeks though, and started to trim his nails instead.... I wanted to get those little fingers to move and touch stuff :-)

Hope you enjoy the bf group. Once you get pass the initial worry of meeting new people, it can turn out quite fun... After all, we're all in the same boat!
Thanks ladies, good suggestions! I spoke to the hv this morning who suggested for me to bite her nails rather then trying to trim with scissors?!

Went well at the bfing group. It was a bit nerve wracking at first but was a quiet week so think i got eased in gently. Someone suggested feeding lying down and its not something ive tried until now and have to say its quite comfortable!

Jessica weighs 10lb 8.5oz now at 7.5 weeks so weight gain is still good :-) xx

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