***Jan & Feb Mummy and Baby***

Looks like a 3-4 week wait until they get them in but ill call tomorrow before we order. If they've got them in it'll be a trip out to get one :) I thought they looked good for the price, I probably wouldn't pay the full whack. Jolly, I'd never heard of that but that gives me a bit of hope that I could help Alfie and his stickiness!
Toni dd1 had bad reflux and the swing was the only thing she would settle in for a while. So definitely worth a shot if Alfie is sicky. Btw love the auto correct stickiness!!
Jolly well done on surviving it on your own!! I have done it twice now and like you said, not as bad as you would think! But I'm sure there will be horrendous ones!!
Another mixed night here, Immy didn't settle until about 11 after 4 hours of screaming, then fed at 3.30 and 6.30. Ugh I want sleep! Have got a swimming party this morning with dd1, ahh I have to get my body out 7 weeks post partum, I'm scared!
Well done Jolly!

I did dinner and bedtime lastnight too but there wasnt much routine or super woman about it! We have all come down with a rotton cold and OH was feeling so poorly lastnight he couldnt help with anything. Nothing was very smooth or on time but somehow we muddled through. Poor DD climbed in her highchair herself and asked for food! After dinner I crashed into a chair and we all sat watching cartoons on TV until way past bedtime until I could get Tomas down to sleep (thank goodness he is mostly sleeping in his own cot now). Then I put DD to sleep. I managed to get her down just in time for tomas to wake up again. I finally got into bed at about 3am. Thankfuly after that they both slept not too badly for being sick. Tomas woke up every couple of hrs with a stuffy nose but he fed and settled again fairly quickly. We even got a lie in thismorning.
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Just back from a family bbq. 5 hours of chasing a toddler and tending to a baby that just wants to feed didn't make for much fun for me to honest. OH was there but James just wants mummy at the moment.

Oh well we're home now and one child is asleep. He is the easy one though!!!

Ah nat I know that feeling well :-( it will get more fun at things like bbqs etc as time goes on. I'm hating some parts of toddlerdom, one of them being freddie being absolutely everywhere except where his toys are! X
Morning! We have no routine yet, well, I don't as mum has been sorting older two! She goes home tomorrow which I'm slightly dreading. Will be nice to get back to just our unit but I'll really miss her :-(

Also slightly concerned about looking after all three girls!

Making the most of today...off to playground, lunch and beach :-)

Have a good day everyone xx
We kind of have a routine. He wants feeding around every 3 hours. I'm loosely following the EASY schedule but sometimes he has other ideas. And now the clocks have altered he got up an hour later but I think he will come back right agsin at 10 o clock. To be honest the only reason I've tried a routine so early is to give me some sort of normality x
Omg so sorry ive been MIA!!!
I forgot about this site and couldnt remember the name

My precious baby boy Henry was born december 30th!! Was due jan 25th

I'm trying to post a photo of him, not working .. :) help please?
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We've just started trying to get Caleb into a routine...what's the EASY method?!

We've just been giving him a bath on bath nights, then taking him through to bedroom with only bedside lamp on, read him a story (when we can, sometimes he's too hungry and won't wait!) and then given him a bottle while we song twinkle twinkle etc. then a quick cuddle and into the snuzpod, usually still awake but tonight he was out for the count.

We don't really have a set time but he's been going down between 8 and 9 which is way better than the 10:30/11 it was.

For those that have done this before, I'm fine keeping it like this until he's in the routine and slowly making the time he goes down a little bit earlier? Is that the best way to do it? Also he gets a 150ml bottle of EBM before bed and normally drinks all or most of it. Tonight he's only had about 60ml but is out for the count-he refused to have any more his lips were tight shut when I tried to keep going so I've just left him....I assume if he'd needed more he'd have stayed awake for it and I shouldn't have tried to keep him awake to finish it??

Earliest he's gone to bed since he was born, don't know what to do with myself lol! xx
Napoli- can't see the pic, but can see him on your avatar - gorgeous!

Been AWOL for a few days.. Not sure where the days go, but I suspect having a toddler and 6 week old does that!

Been a hard week- Harry (my eldest) has delayed speech, and finally after 8 months of seeing a basic speech therapist we've got a referral through to see a specialist. Feel so sad for my little man who's so bright in many ways, but has something called a specific language impairment that is stopping him from speaking (has a limited vocabulary)

Guess it's just the realisation that thing just aren't going to get better on their own.

But after a lot of tears I know I need to be positive for my boy and I'll find a way to help him.

Apologies for the off topib rant- just needed to get off my chest xx

Finley us doing great - had him weighed last week and he's now a whopping 14lb 5oz!!

Got our 6 week check on wed in the morning, and hv visiting in the afternoon xx
Hey Napoli, many congrats on your wee boy.

Hope everyone is ok? It's been quiet the past few days?

Had an awful night last night, mainly due to the bloody gale force winds... although Bee was up twice instead of her usual once.

Have had a bit of a morning. Bee has sicked up every feed (barring the last one). She is a sicky baby and always has at least a little bit or sick but this was quite a lot every time. She is asleep now but she seems fine - lots of smiles and cooing between puking. I'm not used to sicky babies so not sure what's normal? I guess the main problem is with bf'ing you don't know how much they've taken so its hard to know how much of a feed they've sicked up.

We in waiting for a delivery today so I'm getting the crayons / pens / paint out!!!

Hello everyone!

Congrats Napoli!

Nat-I'm not sure about sicky babies, sorry.

Gabriella seemed to be attached to me constantly yesterday. Today is a bit better, but not loads. I want to express so I can give her a bottle at night but she's feeding 24/7!
As yiu say, with fb never know how much they're getting,

This is day 1 of being full time mummy of three. School hols too, so we're busy!

Colouring at mo, but may brave shops for beach toys. Need to get Gabriella's passport photos too...could be interesting!

Congrats Napoli, he's gorgeous xx

Aw sorry Nat xx really hope it settles soon xx oh enjoy your delivery ;-)

I'm back at work since yesterday and my birthday today got a cake at work lol xx Tyler and Oisin are doing great have to wait til 3 month check to get him weighed here is a pic of Tyler kissing Oisin and Holly the dog in fir one too. Xx


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Happy Birthday TS hun.

Wowser, you're back at work already? Well done you. How are you finding it?

Beautiful boys - and doggy.

I am, joys of a family business xx

Not finding it too bad really enjoy when 5 comes and I pick them up xx it's great with Oisin sleeping all night now. She adores the two of them, she lies with Tyler on the bed watching TV lol xx
Happy birthday TS. Hope you are having a lovely day.

Hope bea settles down Nat. We're quite fortunate in that jessica is rarely sick but she does get alot of wind.

Im going out tonight and it will be the first time ive ever been away from jessica since she was born. Will only be for a couple of hours (got tickets for wicked the musical) but im really worried about it. I know its irrational but im worried she will forget about me :(

Happy bday TS

Enjoy tonight MrsJ. Sure it'll be fine once you're out and it's only s couple of hours if you do find yourself wanting to be back at home.

Congrats Napoli, he's lovely.

Time is flying for me. Need to book 12 week jabs for next week, it's mad!

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