***Jan & Feb Mummy and Baby***

Enjoy your night Mrsjohnson xx think it might be a Chinese delivery tonight feeling lazy lol xx
Happy birthday TS and little Tyler looks so sweet kissing his little brother :-)

Congrats Napoli!

Ceecee - know what you mean, we had our 12 week jabs today. Poor baby was in such a lovely mood in the doctor's, all smiles, laughs and goo-goos. Then the nurse stabbed him with the needle! My mum comforted him back from very upset squealing to smiles, and then he got the next jab! I felt like such a betrayer.

My 12w 3d baby weighed in at 10 lbs 9.5 oz today, so nearly up to the second percentile, hooray! We started off at 0.4 so this is progress :-)
The girls and I had a successful first outing just us, phew! Went to a soft play.

Trying to organise paperwork etc. mustn't forget to book 2 month jabs. Grrr!

Started diet today...had granola and fruit for break, an ok lunch...and an Indian for dinner. Oops!
OMG your diet day sounds similar to mine...porridge for break, chicken roll for lunch and then ruined it all with a venison & black pudding pie for dinner and some galaxy caramel!!

Having thought I was getting somewhere with bedtime routine since Sunday it's all gone to pot! Could it be the clocks changing?! After Caleb being quite content I crib and self settling to sleep last night it took over an hour with several inconsolable crying fits it was absolutely exhausting! Hopefully he settles back into the idea of a routine again soon!

Thanks ladies, i had a lovely night. Jessica cried a bit for dad but took her bottle and was asleep when i got home at 11.30pm and didn't wake until 6am. Currently having lovely snuggles in bed as its freezing outside of the duvet!!

Got our 6 week check with the dr later today then she has an appointment for her hip scan at the hospital tomorrow. Has anyone else had this? Apparently its routine for all breech babies.

I really need to start a diet. Was thinking about slimming world but not sure how it works when your bf'ing. Is anyone doing any exercise? Not sure i can find the time or motivation! Xx
MrsJohnson-DD1 had a hip scan, from what I remember it was pretty quick and easy. The baby before us cried, but my LO didn't. It's not painful for them.

Diet starts today...again! Just weighed myself and am horrified! I did lose loads of weight with weight watchers 2 years ago. All back on now. Ugh. I never understood slimming world!

Thanks ladies, i had a lovely night. Jessica cried a bit for dad but took her bottle and was asleep when i got home at 11.30pm and didn't wake until 6am. Currently having lovely snuggles in bed as its freezing outside of the duvet!!

Got our 6 week check with the dr later today then she has an appointment for her hip scan at the hospital tomorrow. Has anyone else had this? Apparently its routine for all breech babies.

I really need to start a diet. Was thinking about slimming world but not sure how it works when your bf'ing. Is anyone doing any exercise? Not sure i can find the time or motivation! Xx

We had a hip scan with DD. It was just like an ultrasound but on the hips. The only tricky bit is that the baby has to be held still in the right position on the table which a lot of babies will object to. Ours went smoothly. I made sure DD was well rested and fed before so she was in as good a mood as possible. She just thought it was a game and smiled through most of it. She started getting fed up at the end and OH played her a video on his phone which entertained her enough for them to finish.
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Thanks ladies. Its going to be tricky keeping her still but im glad its not painful at all xx
Hey ladies, when should I be concerned about lack of a poo? (The glamour!)

Caleb now hasn't had a bowel movement in 3 days...he normally goes once a day, he does sometimes skip a day but has never gone this long.

He suffers a bit with trapped wind anyway but doesn't seem particularly uncomfy with it, just doing very stinky farts. We've bicycled his legs heaps and massaged his belly...it just won't come!! x
Taboo- Finley only poos every 3-4 days. Not sure of he's bf or not, but it's very common for bf babies to go a good few days without poop!

So tired today.. Finley's sleeping great, but his big brother is causing trouble at night. Looking forward to going away tomorrow for Easter- off to Anglesey to my mum and dad's caravan for a few days and I can't wait to get some family time and some help with the boys from hubby

Had our 6 week check today and all is good, and had the hv came this afternoon and we had him weighed- my chunk at 6.5 weeks is now weighing 14lb 15oz

He's officially in 3-6 month clothes now
If he seems ok I wouldn't worry Taboo. I didn't realise bf babies didn't go often.

God Bee still poo's several times a day????

I was thinking the same thing nat. Jessica goes after most feeds i would say x
Oh thanks beckyboo I didn't know that!

He's combi fed but 6 of his usual 8 feeds are breast milk and only 2 are formula.

He changed to once a day around 6 weeks - I weirdly miss the more frequent pooing but when he does go he makes it count lol! x
Morning ladies,

Anyone have exciting plans for Easter? We're doing naff all. I'm struggling at the moment to do anything more than an hour in the park and a trip to Sainsburys (weather has been crap again here though). Luckily all our local parks are lovely.... lots of stuff to play on and space to run around. Our nearest park also has a community garden complete with pond that is currently full of frogs, tadpoles and frogspawn so we usually pop in to check on the froggies.

Probably need a trip to see the GP as I wake every morning with pain in both my achilles and it takes a good few hours for them to feel normal?
Argh Alfie was 6 weeks old yesterday and I still struggling to get a gp appointment! I've now got to ring on the day and see if I can get in!

He is absolutely loving his swinging chair and is growing so quickly now!
Freya poos 1-2 times per day but occasionally skips a day and then explodes when she does go!

Tinsel, thankfully at my docs they have 2 nurses and they do both jabs at exactly the same time so it's only one bit of upset. She was a dream last time and barely cried so expecting total meltdown this time lol.

Hubby goes away with work tomorrow for 6 months and I'm dreading it.

Ouch Nat, that sounds painful
Morning ladies,

Anyone have exciting plans for Easter? We're doing naff all. I'm struggling at the moment to do anything more than an hour in the park and a trip to Sainsburys (weather has been crap again here though). Luckily all our local parks are lovely.... lots of stuff to play on and space to run around. Our nearest park also has a community garden complete with pond that is currently full of frogs, tadpoles and frogspawn so we usually pop in to check on the froggies.

Probably need a trip to see the GP as I wake every morning with pain in both my achilles and it takes a good few hours for them to feel normal?

Is that as in your achilles tendon/heal? I had that and found stretching exersizes sorted it. Might be worth a try. If you google it you will get good instructions. It can be agony, hope it improves for you soon.
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Ceecee - 2 nurses sounds much better! Sorry to hear your OH is going to be away for so long, that sounds really hard :(

Carnat - that sounds painful, hope you find some stretches or something to relieve the pain quickly x
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They are amazing TC.

Actually wanted to ask you a question as your little one has colic. Has he always had it? How is he with it? (IE what symptoms does he show and when)..... if you don't mind me asking.

Trying to figure out what is wrong with Bee... reading online it could be reflux or colic (a week ago it could have been a leap) but there is something going on.

Not sure if she's had a bug as well - lots more sick and poo's for a few days but all better now.

I never had any of this with James. He was just a very easy and healthy baby [barring a bit of Eczema!]

Bee has changed feeding patterns too... almost 2 weeks now... she isn't using boob for comfort. She feeds fine but if she isn't hungry she is most offended by boob.

I did mention this all to a HV on the phone, cant get an appointment for a while and her suggestion was to go to baby massage classes to help with baby's trapped wind and keep offering boob every time she cries (which I do and she takes it when hungry). Baby massage isn't an option as I can't take James. I am not sure if this is more than trapped wind?

Bee is so happy and smiley at various points in the day so I know she is not ill... but she does turn into this red faced, rigid, screaming ball of anger at points in the day as well.

Touch wood sleeping is ok. She does 4 hours in one go.... sometimes longer.

Ps will google some stretches for my achilles. Thanks for that.

Thanks Carnat!

Re the colic - I remember him having it from quite early on (couldn't give you a week number), it would cause hours of screaming that was different from the normal hungry etc cry, it sounded like he was in horrible pain. He found it difficult sleeping. We noticed that after he managed to pass wind out the bottom end, the symptoms really dropped off. He would have trouble sleeping as the pain would cause him to startle awake.

We gave him infacol at almost every feed and that seemed to help.

The doctor suggested cutting dairy out of my diet but as I am vegan anyway that option wasn't available.

I've tailed off on the infacol over the last few days as apparently colic should disappear by about 12-13 weeks. He's still getting tummy ache over wind at 6am but it's nothing like before.

I went to baby massage classes and do the one they suggest for colic whenever he has tummy problems (a few weeks ago I was doing it at every nappy change to help his tummy). It did actually seem to help get stuff through his system..

Hope Bee gets better soon, a screaming child for hours is very difficult to handle xx
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