***Jan & Feb Mummy and Baby***

I'm finding that with the one getting out the house is a military operation. I have started setting my alarm for 6am so I can get a head start on baby as once 7am cones (sometimes earlier) then he thinks I have nothing else to do but carry him and hold him and sing to him while he does what babies do which is eat and sleep with the occasional quiet moment in the Moses basket if I'm lucky while I have a pee. I'm shattered and never want to get up but I find it far less stressful to be one step ahead x
I've not been on here for so long!
I understand what you mean about every taking longer with oh about! I thought I was just me who thought that!! I feel everything takes an age with just being doing it!
My mum has taken Maisie on a walk, so I have cleaned the house, and just sat down with a tea and biscuit!!

We have our doctors six week check tomorrow then on Monday the hv check! I don't understand why we have to see the doctor and the hv? Does anyone else?
I can't wait for Maisie to be weighed as she hasn't been since 2 weeks old! I am guessing 9lb 6oz but after seeing Jessica weighs more Mrs Johnson I am unsure xxx
HV does the weighing / measuring etc. Dr does the actual medical check (checks hips / eyes / listens to chest / general once over). I'm surprised they give you 2 separate appointments on different days?

My GP do it all at 8w including jabs so you effectively have 3 appts back to back but then you are all done!!

Our appointments were different days aswel. Had hv today then drs in next week. Haha will be interesting to see what maisie weighs now rachel, see if her and jessica are still copying each other xx
I know what you all mean about getting out if hoise!
If husband "helps"it's a nightmare, takes longer and I lose and forget things! And there's 5 of us to get out!

Gabriella has been pretty clingy last 2 days...what are leaps?

I also think I have mastitis. Felt really rough yesterday...temperature etc. felt a lump in boob but thought nothing of it. They're hot today and red, and tender.
Hoping loads of water and draining then will help!

Omg there's an app called the wonder weeks that explains all the leaps - how I understand them is they're basically like mental growth spurts?! There's also a website www.wonderweeks.com but I haven't looked at that so not sure what's on it.

That also definitely sounds like mastitis-I needed antibiotics so might be worth calling gp before flu symptoms appear? x
Omg, When I had early mastitis I resolved it by making sure baby fed as often as possible (no more than 2 hours between feeds) and pump out until Breast was drained. Plus massaging well the lumpy area. Massaging under the hot shower will also help move things along.

You mentioned in a previous post that your nipples were bruised after pumping. I had a similar issue and found out that I was using an ill-fitting flange. In my case it was too small and the nipple was continuously touching the wall of the flange and tissue was damaged. Try a bigger or smaller flange and see what's more comfortable. You will also get more milk more efficiently!!
Check here: http://www.ameda.com/breast-pumping/getting-started/flange-fit
Sorry Taboo. I thought you knew about The Wonder Weeks. I have the book and read it with James - although he didn't particular follow the leaps until he was older.

Bee is textbook so far!!!

Have been up since 5am. We did doze on the sofa until OH got up at 6am but I am beat already. On the upside we're all bathed, fed and dressed so we can head out nice and early whilst it's sunny.

Bee is feeding pretty much all the time at the moment though so we won't be out for long (park and grab some stuff for dinner)

Wowza ive got a clingy baby atm. All day yesterday she cried as soon as i put her down, even with oh and fed, fed, fed. Still managed a 5 hour sleep last night but woke up the same today and has been wide awake since 6am. 6 week growth spurt maybe? Will def be getting out for a walk later as weather looks lovely! Xx
I'm finding it strangely easier with two than I did when I had only Tyler. Feel so blessed Oisin slept 9.30 pm to 7 am and Tyler was 10 til 8. Both boys are napping at the minute and I have dryer going and washing machine on again. Getting a baby free night tomorrow and Sunday so we can bring Tyler out fishing as he loves it and we want to have some time with him just for himself. He's such a great big brother! Xx
Thats such a good sleep TS.

Totally off topic but can anyone make a good birthday present suggestion for a 27yr old girl who has everything? Desperately trying to think of something but baby brain is making it hard!! Xx
Mrs Johnson - magazine subscription, voucher for a manicure/pedicure/massage, restaurant voucher? Mmmm that's all I can think of off top of my head! x
Ooh thanks taboo they are brilliant suggestions. She lives in Edinburgh so i will have a look online and see what i can find xx
I feel like superwoman!!!

Hubby is at Wembley watching the football and drinking champagne (the jammy thing! ) and I've just done the dinner/bedtime routine on my own for both of them :-) I'm so proud of myself, I didn't dare risk baths as that would have been chaos but I managed it. Freddie has been an angel all day and napped for 3hrs earlier and mollie has been, well mollie the screaming uncomfortable poor baba that she normally is, but I did it all anyway without any trauma :-)

I now have a glass of wine.

Can I get a high five?! Xxx
Well done Jolly. I've done it a few times by myself now and although it's not always easy, it's managable and not as stressful as I thought it would be. Haven't tried giving them both baths by myself though. Joe gets one every night before bed and I can do that with Freya in the bouncy chair in the bathroom, but I can't bathe her and supervise Joe in the bath too. Will have to figure something out though as hubby is off abroad with work for 6 months next week so I'll have to do it all on my own.

2 under 2 is both fab and frustrating for me. I have lots of guilt over how much less attention Joe gets when I am breastfeeding, but that is getting a bit better as she is quicker at feeding and going longer in between now. She also sleeps a bit more in the day and will go in the moses basket so I'm not having to hold her for long periods as much now. Everyone keeps saying from 6-9 months onwards is when it starts getting a lot easier and we're almost 3 months in here, so not long to go now really. I imagine it's wasier when baby can sit up by themselves as we can all sit and play together properly then
Present ideas - theatre tokens? Subscription? I just bought SIL A SUBSCRIPTION TO GLOSSYBOX (sorry didn't see caps still on!) and it's great!

Had such a good day today :-)

Although, Gabriella has been really fussy on boob, not feeding for long, which is t great when I think I have mastitis! Just keeps coming un- latched. Anyone else had this?

Well done Jolly!

I dont bath the kids everyday and I do it in the morning. Bee in first whilst James has his breakkie. Then when she is dressed she has a quick feed, goes in her chair and I do James.

I still don't have any kind of nighttime rountine? Bee is still cluster feeding until gone midnight and I then tend to collapse on the sofa (she is in her chair). She hates her crib but ive not tried her in it for a while. I am just so desperate for sleep I do what I know works.....

So tired after my 5am start and we are nowhere near sleep yet.

We are thinking of investing in a swinging chair for Alfie. We have a bouncer but he's way too small for it and doesn't really like it. We also have a play mat which he loves but I don't like him being on his back on the floor for too long (paranoid!) and plus he can be very sicky so it doesn't help. I'm hoping the chair will occupy him, help him with his arternoon naps, means I can be more hands free and he can come I each room with me and we won't have to sit up so long with him after a bottle he can go in that.

Does anyone else have one? Kiddicare are doing one reduced from £104 to £40.
Ooh Toni that looks like a bargain. I've often considered a swing as it's supposed to help babies with reflux...I might take a look!
Toni we have a swing for jessica. It was given to us secondhand from SIL. Jessica seems to like it and occasionally falls asleep in there when she wont settle any other way. Probably not worth £100 but £40 seems like a bargain!

Thanks for the ideas OMG. Not heard of glossybox before but will take a look into it xx

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