***Jan & Feb Mummy and Baby***

Having a few hard days at the moment.

When expecting a baby, every parent knows babies are sicky. But Alfie just seems to be throwing up every bottle. And it's not just a little. To the point of where I am having to change his outfit 4 or 5 times a day. I've just had to put him in the bath as there is only so much a muslin and baby wipes will clean up! When he's in his Moses basket, he is always sick and I've tried gently raising his head to see if that helps. We are winding him regularly during feeds and keeping him upright for an hour after, to still no avail! We've changed his bottles to dr browns to reduce his wind which it has. I'm just at a loss. He has a few symptoms if reflux, but I'm not convinced as he doesn't seem in pain. It's baffling because sometimes it's just lots of water, other times it's milk straight after a bottle, or it'll be milk that he's started to digest an hour later coming back up.

It's so frustrating :(

Other than that, he's 5 weeks old today and starting to smile. I still haven't been out on my own with him. I feel like I have a phobia, not helped by the fact I don't drive so have to use the bus. He's very good when we go out, but I just worry about him having a melt down in the middle of a shop! Me and my OH go out with him all the time, I just haven't gone on my own yet. Suppose that's because we can always retreat back to the car if it all goes wrong lol.
Bee is a sicky baby (James never was so it's a shock for me!) as she is BF'ing I have no idea how much of each feed she sicks up. Some times is just posseting but I'd say at least every other day she will do a big one! Covering her and me!

I spoke to GP yesterday who said a bit of sick after a feed is actually a good thing [not sure of this applies to FF as well but I can't see why not?] as babies tend to overfeed and sick up the excess. If they aren't sicking up a little then they may not be getting enough.

I would personally speak to the HV to get some reassurance and go for regular weigh-ins to make sure he is gaining weight!

Just checked Bee's red book and she is bang on middle of 25th centile for weight [even at 8 weeks which is what HV calculated, even though she was 8w 6d so it should have been classed as 9w] the HV must have mis-read as she marked her on correct centile on graph but in her notes she got it wrong! She is 50th centile for height and 25th for head circumference.

Well we are on 5th outfit change today.

These are big sicks Nat :( we both stink! He will do a little sick after his bottle and then do a few big ones later on or he'll just do a big one after his bottle and start as he means to go on :roll: So I've got an appointment at the drs, I wasn't happy with the HV I saw so I guess it's better if I just go straight to the dr. Thing is that he seems to be hungry after his bottle before he's been sick. Babies are so confusing! I'm just trying to get him down for a nap. I've decided to walk to the drs (about 2 miles) for the exercise and the fresh air which will do us both good.
Well we are on 5th outfit change today.

These are big sicks Nat :( we both stink! He will do a little sick after his bottle and then do a few big ones later on or he'll just do a big one after his bottle and start as he means to go on :roll: So I've got an appointment at the drs, I wasn't happy with the HV I saw so I guess it's better if I just go straight to the dr. Thing is that he seems to be hungry after his bottle before he's been sick. Babies are so confusing! I'm just trying to get him down for a nap. I've decided to walk to the drs (about 2 miles) for the exercise and the fresh air which will do us both good.

Hi, hope you don't mind me posting but just incase it helps...I have a 9 week old daughter and from about 3 weeks old she started being sick after every feed. At first it was a few hours after the feed but gradually became every 10 minutes after, and it was large amounts (we were feeding her whilst covering ourselves with bath towels as it was literally covering us) She was hungry after vomiting but never seemed distressed. I took her to ooh gp and turned out she had pyloric stenosis....she was in hospital a few days and had small operation and it's all sorted now. Hopefully your little boy is fine and it turns out to be nothing but I thought I'd mention it just incase
Nat I'm a bridesmaid at the end of May so need to get rid of Caleb's pouch that is now my tummy lol!! That's the only reason I'm even trying at the moment!

We give Caleb formula the feed before bed and the one in the night but doesn't seem to make much difference in how long he'll go for? Am now giving bf-ing one final bash (was expressing before) and we've managed to get rid of his one daytime formula feed but keeping the nighttime feeds selfishly in the hope he might sleep longer on it but doesn't really seem to be panning out that way!

Met a friend today and she'd asked the GP about her little girl over feeding and throwing it back up and he said it was her preparing her milk supply for a growth spurt so the extra was there for when she did need it?
Not posted in a couple of days..swabs for thrush came back negative so looks like all our symptoms are down to poor latch. After getting some help I was advised to use the flipple technique and things have improved slightly. Not having completely painfree feeds but its a big improvement on where we were a week or 2 ago.

Ive got tickets to go to the theatre on tuesday and have been really dreading leaving jessica. She will be just over 6 weeks old and I cant help but think its too soon? Im trying to express plenty of milk so that OH has a good supply just incase shes feeling particularly hungry that night!

When i had finished pumping the other night my nipple was purple and bruised, its still red now. Has anyone experienced this before?

Sorry to hear your having a difficult time toni. Hope you get some answers soon. We have been lucky with J shes not really a sicky baby at all although she does get bad wind which is sometimes difficult to deal with.

Well done on the weight loss taboo. I have no motivation to lose anything atm. I weighed myself and I'm about 1 stone heavier then pre pregnancy xx
Well we are on 5th outfit change today.

These are big sicks Nat :( we both stink! He will do a little sick after his bottle and then do a few big ones later on or he'll just do a big one after his bottle and start as he means to go on :roll: So I've got an appointment at the drs, I wasn't happy with the HV I saw so I guess it's better if I just go straight to the dr. Thing is that he seems to be hungry after his bottle before he's been sick. Babies are so confusing! I'm just trying to get him down for a nap. I've decided to walk to the drs (about 2 miles) for the exercise and the fresh air which will do us both good.

Hi, hope you don't mind me posting but just incase it helps...I have a 9 week old daughter and from about 3 weeks old she started being sick after every feed. At first it was a few hours after the feed but gradually became every 10 minutes after, and it was large amounts (we were feeding her whilst covering ourselves with bath towels as it was literally covering us) She was hungry after vomiting but never seemed distressed. I took her to ooh gp and turned out she had pyloric stenosis....she was in hospital a few days and had small operation and it's all sorted now. Hopefully your little boy is fine and it turns out to be nothing but I thought I'd mention it just incase

Thank you for your reply. We discussed this but she doesn't think he has that. I've got to monitor him and call the HV if he gets worse :roll:

He's nearly managed to roll onto his sides few times and is so vocal now. We often have a chat with each other. We did a 3.5 mile walk into town today, weather was lovely and we bumped into lots of neighbours. The dog has been in the vets all day and OH is tucked up on the sofa with a headache with the dog so me and Alfie are watching first dates.
Hey all,

Wow it's been so long since I posted! Things have been crazy with my two under 2! I have, of course, read every single post though so I know what's going on.

First massive congrats Mrs, what fantastic news about the tumour it must be a huge weight off your mind.

I'm not sure if you all remember but we were having big feeding issues with mollie. She had her tongue tie cut and that sorted out the wind. She's also pretty much come to the end of her chiro sessions which have sorted out her back.

But she's still not happy and she's still being sick lots. I wouldn't mind as much if she was happy after being sick but she's not and it's obviously hurting her. I'm absolutely convinced now it's a cows milk protein intolerance. She's on ranitidine now for a week and if things don't improve they're going to investigate if it is cmpi.

I'm off to get her weighed this morning as I haven't done it for 3 weeks!!! She's was 10lb 8oz at 7.5weeks so I'm guessing she'll be 12lb 8oz today. Funnily enough she still fits into some newborn outfits and we're only just going into 0-3. No one ever seems to check her length though which is odd?

Anyone else with a toddler and newborn- how are you finding it? I've struggled more than I ever imagined I would and I don't know if it's because mollies had challenging feeding issues or if it is genuinely this hard?!

Hey all,

Wow it's been so long since I posted! Things have been crazy with my two under 2! I have, of course, read every single post though so I know what's going on.

First massive congrats Mrs, what fantastic news about the tumour it must be a huge weight off your mind.

I'm not sure if you all remember but we were having big feeding issues with mollie. She had her tongue tie cut and that sorted out the wind. She's also pretty much come to the end of her chiro sessions which have sorted out her back.

But she's still not happy and she's still being sick lots. I wouldn't mind as much if she was happy after being sick but she's not and it's obviously hurting her. I'm absolutely convinced now it's a cows milk protein intolerance. She's on ranitidine now for a week and if things don't improve they're going to investigate if it is cmpi.

I'm off to get her weighed this morning as I haven't done it for 3 weeks!!! She's was 10lb 8oz at 7.5weeks so I'm guessing she'll be 12lb 8oz today. Funnily enough she still fits into some newborn outfits and we're only just going into 0-3. No one ever seems to check her length though which is odd?

Anyone else with a toddler and newborn- how are you finding it? I've struggled more than I ever imagined I would and I don't know if it's because mollies had challenging feeding issues or if it is genuinely this hard?!


Yup ive got 2 under 2 aswel, Lexi is 2 at the end of April.

Lexi and Harper are very good so I think I have it a bit easier than most , Lexi loves her bed so goes for a 1-2 hour nap without fail in the afternoon which gives me a wee break and is in her bed for between 7 / 8pm and Harper now seems to be sleeping 10ish PM - 6ish am (formula fed but I feed on demand)

I struggle with what to do in the days to keep Lexi out, can only go to the park and softplays so many times so I find I get bored lol, and lexi isn't keen being in a pram for long periods of time.

We're spending so much money going out (I always end up buying some form of food and drink!) As it's easier to go out than stay in.

I'm actually very lucky as Freddie sleeps 1 until 3.30 and goes to bed at 7.30 but he's up at 6 everyday. Mollie is being incredible with her sleep and goes to bed at 7.30 and wakes again at 5am, so it's definitely easier than when she was waking through the night. It's the attention sharing I really struggle with, although I have found I just need to include him in whatever mollies doing, so if m wears a bib so does freddie etc
Yup I'm trying hard (and failing miserably) to not spend loads.

Yeah the early mornings can be a killer because when you have one you can normally put them back down and they will sleep and then you can.

To be honest I'm loving it, can't wait to have another although I will have to wait as we are moving into our new house in 2 weeks and we can't afford a 3rd for probably another couple of years.

People say it gets easier as they get older but to be honest I can see it getting harder with a crawling baby and a 2 year old lol lol x
Hi Jolly,

Sounds likes its been incredibly difficult with Mollie's feeding issues. I had a very testing 48h with Bee (leap I think?) and it drove me to the edge. How people cope with a miserable / upset baby all the time is beyond me. I guess you do what you have to do?

Hopefully the medication helps!!!

James is a bit older and I'm not sure if that makes it easier or harder? The guilt for me is the hardest part. Every time both children need me at the same time I have to make a choice as to who I tend to. I know that sounds very melodramatic and neither James nor Bee are suffering I still feel incredibly guilty.

James is now at terrible two age so we're struggling with tantrums and behaviour. He is pushing boundaries and although its all completely normal it's tough with a bf'ing baby who is in no proper routine. Thank God they both sleep (James sleeps through and Bee gives me 4-5h in one go now)

I am the opposite and I struggle to get out some days. I do make sure we go out almost everyday even if its just to the park across the road but its a bit of a military operation to get out.

I love my babies but I am looking forward to it getting a bit easier.

I wonder if it gets easier or easier in some things but harder in others?

I struggle with things like getting them in and out the car. Lexi will wait in the porch until I get harpers in then I will get her but I need to take harper out the car first and set her down on the pavement then get Lexi.
I can't let go of Lexis hand ever incase she goes into the road.

Lexi isn't really a tantrumer as such, it's more of a crying fit with real tears, she can break her wee heart crying lol.

lol, I know what you mean about it being a military operation to go out NAT.

Neither of ours have been the easiest babies but I feel I cant complain because my brother's first had problems with reflux and cried for hrs and hrs on end day and night. Dont know how they coped.
Just got her weighed, she's now 11lb 6.5oz which is less than I expected and she's dropped back towards the 25th, and she's 56cm so between 9th and 25th- I'm 5 2 and hubby is 5 11.

I don't mind getting them in the car but do have to be uber organised!!

Does anyone else find it easier to get ready to go out on your own rather than when oh helps? It ends up taking forever if my hubby helps!!!
Just got her weighed, she's now 11lb 6.5oz which is less than I expected and she's dropped back towards the 25th, and she's 56cm so between 9th and 25th- I'm 5 2 and hubby is 5 11.

I don't mind getting them in the car but do have to be uber organised!!

Does anyone else find it easier to get ready to go out on your own rather than when oh helps? It ends up taking forever if my hubby helps!!!

What age is she jolly? Harper just got weighed today for her 6 week check and is 11lbs 6oz.

I give myself certain times to do stuff by if I'm going out, eg.dress them by 9am, pack bag for 10am in the car for 10.15am etc. When my husband is here I need to give him times as well so yes lol it takes longer x
Jolly I am struggling with 2 lo's as well. Dd1 has taken things very well on the whole, she is 2 next week and is definitely starting the terrible 2s! Its just so hard having to choose between them when they both need me, and Imogen has got colic so cries a lot, I feel like dd1 doesn't get much attention at all. It's so hard.
Leaving the house is a mission I agree but I feel so much better once I've done it. It's definitely more difficult with hubby around though, they have no clue how long things take they just expect to jump in the car and go!
I am struggling a bit with Imogen though, she just seems so unsettled, its tough to deal with. Last night she cried from 7pm-11.30pm. It was awful. Howver she then slept till 4.30am.
I saw a lady in the drs today with a 3 year old and 1 year old, she looked very calm and collected and assured me it gets easier!
Credit to you all with 2. I was saying to oh i cant imagine feeling ready for number 2 for a long time as i struggle enough with 1. Just been weighed for 6 week check and shes 9lb9. Might get out for a walk later but weather isn't looking great so maybe a pj day :-) xx
How old is Imogen now Blondy?

Not sure if you are familiar with Wonder Weeks? I read it with James and he didn't fit the leaps but Bee has. They have the second leap around 8 weeks so can be very unsettled 7.5 -9.5w.

Bee was a monster for a good few days. Constant crying whilst awake, not feeding as normal, hard to console / settle. It was bloody horrible but touch wood she is back to normal now !

Starlight she's 10 weeks 3 days.

I can't believe it but I just knocked over the bottle of ranitidine and only have a third left!!! It seems to be working with the gaviscon. Honestly I feel like such a clutz! The docs are going to kill me :-(

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