***Jan & Feb Mummy and Baby***

We are in 0-3 and finding with the variation in size of different shops some are too big on the legs xxx
Which shops have people found 0-3 to be smaller in? Xx

Small in Mothercare, Next and George @ Asda for Bee... who has long legs [they fit her everywhere else mind]

M&S are much roomier but I find them odd and shapeless, only use them for bed (whereas all the other baby-grows we have I am happy to use for daytime)

Carnat if it makes you feel better Finley will be 5 weeks tomorrow and I suspect we've not long left in 0-3

He's way too long, and getting towards being too heavy. Didn't have him weighed this week, but week before he was 12lb 14oz so I'm guessing he'll be at least 13lb now.
I'm happy she is growing Becky just sad she needs to go up a size already. She is growing too fast.

Have had a really tough day today. Bee has been grouchy for almost every waking moment. She is also really fussy on boob.... I know its leap time but its so hard when they are like this? She is a screamer but usually she is pretty easily quietened with a feed and a cuddle, she's having none of it today. Other than a decent nap it's been non stop today and I am frazzled.

I'm so glad everything went well Mrs T! Hopefully you're home by now.

Aria weighed 6lbs 12oz on Thursday when she was three weeks. She is still in tiny baby though the Tesco stuff is getting a little tight.
Carnat you have just described chloe perfectly!

Our lo is two months and 11.5lbs. She hws grown out of 0-3 months in the feet and legs... think shes going to make an excellent swimmer lol!
Caleb was almost 11lbs 13oz when he was weighed almost 2 weeks ago so dread to think what he is now! He is similar to Bee I think, very long legs but quite a skinny body so he outgrows the legs of the suits before anything else but the next size up swamps his body.

I'm glad you said that about m&s sleepsuits as well-they're the same for us in that they're some of the only ones that still fit him but seem quite a terrible fit in general and what is with the low necklines?!
Sounds like we'll have tall babies Taboo? I'm only 5"1' and James is already above my waist. OH isn't massively tall but a few of his brothers are above six foot.

Loved M&S baby-grows with James but they must have changed thr design?

After a horrendous day my little monster slept 1am-6am and then had a quick feed and went back down to 8am. James also slept until 8am! Sleep and sunshine has made me feel like a new woman. I'm dying to get out lol. Going to in-laws but we'll go via the park.

Need to start being a bit healthier from tomorrow. .. keep saying that every monday lol.

Ordered a few sunmery bits from H&M yesterday for Bee (and James. Love their polo shirts and chino's for boys!). Can't wait for the weather to improve. It's been a long, cold winter. Actually last time I remember it being this cold for this long was when I had James!!!! Love my winter babies but I'm a summer gal.

Alfie slept from 11pm until 7 am, woke for a bottle and went back down at 7.45 and is still asleep. Do I wake him or leave him? Is this normal for a 4 week old?!

My mum and a friend brought me a few sleep suits from sainsburys and they fit really well, Alfie is still in the up to one month. They've got nice long legs and arms on them. I love next stuff too, he can just about fit in the up to 1 month but he's going into 0-3 stuff now.
I find sainsburys clothes come up big, ESP in length. I usually have to go down a size for the girls.

I heard that when a kid is 2, they ate half the height they'll be fully grown. Not sure how true that is!

Gabriella wouldn't settle last night. I fed and fed and fed, and gave her a decent size top up of expressed milk. She only settled having cuddles in my bed.

My c sec scar/wound has been hurting the past few days...don't remember going backwards with other 2. I've prob over done it. Or someone told me a change in weather can do it, and it has got cooler and damp this week. Sun should be back on weds so I'll see!

Sounds like we'll have tall babies Taboo? I'm only 5"1' and James is already above my waist. OH isn't massively tall but a few of his brothers are above six foot.

I reckon so if he carries on this way...I'm 5"8 and DH is 6"2 so think he may have inherited our height!

I went bonkers in the next sale yesterday but mainly got bits for 6-9 and 9-12 months as there were mainly cute jumpers left by the time I got there with a few sleepsuits for 3-6 months. No one seemed to buy us anything for 3-6 months so looking forward to being able to buy him bits that I've chosen finally (although everyone's bought us gorgeous stuff!)

Freya is almost out of 0-3 at 10 weeks. She is ok in the body but too tight around bum area now and feet are getting too small too. It's scary how quick they grow at this stage.

Feeding is still going great but she has s touch of oral thrush so we have some gel to use. Doesn't seem to bother her though thankfully
Hi ladies.

Thank you for all your kind words and thoughts... massively appreciated.

Just a quick update.... WE ARE HOME!! I can't believe how resilient little ones are... I mean any adult 5 days post major open heart surgery would still be in hospital and probably in a lot worse state than our little man is.... so proud of him. We also found out after being prepared for soo much including cancer and the major genetic condition that the tumour is totally benign and not linked to any after effects and as long as the surgeon got it all (which he us confident he did) then that should be it for us!!

On a cloud 9!

That's brilliant news MrsT. He sounds like a real trooper, glad he's on the mend now xxx
Hi ladies,

I wish I could keep up on this more :( Ruby is 7 weeks old now, I'm taking her to get weighed on Thursday.. She must be near 9lb at least, only just getting into 0-3 months now!

She's managing to go a little longer for night time feeds. She'll have her last bottle around 8/9 and then go down til,about 2ish. We try to drag out the bottle for as long as poss but feel like I'm depriving her just so we can get a longer sleep lol! We bath her around 7:30 & then she's soon ready for a feed.

What's the easiest way to get a routine going?

MrsT, SO glad to hear Dexter is ok. What a relief for you all. Lots of love to you

Aww that's such good news Mrs T. What a relief.
Well Brody has the same problem, he is long, in length some 6-9 stuff is even fitting him now, but he has defiantly well and truly outgrown his 0-3 and has been for over a month now, but he is actually a December baby I guess :) he was weighed a week ago and was 14lb 11oz so fairly growing. I don't know where my wee baby has gone haha. Xxx
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MrsT that is fabulous news. I am thrilled for you all.... This is obviously the best possible outcome which is just wonderful news.

Enjoy having your baby home.

Sorry need a second post to have a moan.

Bee has been a nightmare the past 48 hours. Unless she is asleep or feeding she has been crying in some form. She is grouchy, hard to settle / comfort, she isn't sleeping or feeding as well as normal and nothing we do seems to help.

I'm confident she isn't ill and Wonder Weeks have this as leap time but it's been an incredibly long and hard few days.

Seeing HV tomorrow so will double check all is ok with her.

Mrs T that is fantastic news, I am so, so pleased for you all! Yay!

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