***Jan & Feb Mummy and Baby***

Nope sorry sorpresa, the most I've got is 3 hours on the trot! Lucky you :)
Well done to the BF babies who are starting to go longer!

Rafferty is 8 weeks now and does around every 3 hours still! Most He has ever done is 4 but he still might only do an hour and a half sometimes!!! I have started to try and give him one bottle of formula at some point each day as I need to get some time back and have some things coming up where I will need to leave him. I am struggling to get him to drink any more than 2-3 ounces. I am starting to think that because he feeds from me so regularly still, he may only take around this amount each time just to satisfy him? Anyone else have any words of wisdom of advice??

Can't believe how quickly our babies are growing!! We have injections this afternoon!
Good luck with your injections Katy

Mrs Johnson, love your cute little girl and TS your little leprechauns are adorable :-)

I'm having a mixed few days - have a cold and blocked milk ducts which are both utterly miserable.

On positive, last two nights baby has dropped a feed yay! He fed at 9 pm, 3.15am and 7.30am overnight which is amazing! Hope he keeps this up, even if it means he continues to feed every 2 hours during the day.
Katy I mainly express and only BF occasionally but sounds logical to me that he's a little and often chap?!

We had injections on Tuesday-they told us to get some infant calpol as you can now give it to them from 2 months...Caleb had an inconsolable crying fit in the evening for about an hour with a cry I've never heard but some calpol and a lot of swaying he eventually calmed down and went to sleep x
Hope jabs go OK today.

We have jabs next week. Babies that have already have them did you have the rotovirus too? This is a new one?

Calpol is always handy to have and I'm glad it helped settle Caleb.

With James the nurse told me to give baby Calpol before jabs (this was for 2nd or 3rd lot) which I completely disagree with. Calpol is for when needed and should never be used 'just in-case' they get side effects from the jabs. Nurse was proper old school but it worries me they give incorrect info.

Bee reverted to waking every few hours last night. I knew it was too good to be true lol

We had the rotovirus Nat, it was a dropper for that one really thick liquid...Caleb has infacol from a similar dropper so didn't really bother him.

I was reading an article that said not to give paracetamol/calpol before vaccinations as there's evidence it makes them less effective ,hey don't produce as many antibodies. I only gave it as a last resort, as petty as it sounds he's not quite two months so I only wanted to give it if absolutely necessary x
We had rotavirus. If this was the liquid vaccination, my baby took it fine - I was told it doesn't taste too bad. He objected however to the needle being plunged into his thigh. That made me cry too :(

My health visitor said that calpol is considered ok to use for all injections, but not during the time in-between the first & second (e.g. my 10-week old can't have it). He said that there was a school of thought that suggested giving it pre-emptively to babies before their injections but then that means a large number of babies are having medication unnecessarily (like Carnat says).
We only gave one dose to chloe as she wasn't that bad after (sleepy tbh). She screamed blue murder straight after her jab, but although it was horrible seeing her like that I'm still glad they were done. Hope everyone elses jabs go well x
Thanks ladies.

Now to totally change the topic has anyone managed to dtd yet? We started a few weeks back, got interrupted by a screaming baby and haven't tried again since.

I think me bf'ing has made OH a bit wary? My milk can really leak and my nursing bra / breast pad combo isn't exactly enticing. Also I have zero libido (that's common with bf'ing too?) and neither of us like condoms. Feeling like what with one thing or another we'll never have sex again!!!!!

Weve not done it either yet. I had a 3rd degree tear and theyve screwed the stitching up and need to go back in april for them to fix it. Quite frankly the idea of sex scares me, is anyone else still bleeding a bit? Chloes now 8 weeks.. plus so knackered!!
Not dtd here either, mainly due to not having chance but I am a bit nervous about it...I remember it was a bit uncomfortable the first time after dd1 was born. Eek. Poor hubby, it's been a while!
We did it for the first time last weekend at the 6w mark. I felt brave enough, and after all I only had a small tear, which was healed already by the second week. I was super nervous and apprehensive about pain but went really slowly about it and it was better than I thought. No pain at all. But worryingly, it didn't feel much either, and hubby did notice things were a bit more lose there (sorry, tmi there).

Unfortunately my period returned also over the weekend (rubbish!!!) so now we'll have to think of contraception too. Meh!
Ladies that have stopped bleeding, how long did you bleed for pp and how long after it stopped was it until your period arrived?

I'm 4 weeks pp and my bleeding seems to have come to a halt (for the time being!).

I can't even begin to think about dtd, even though I had a c sec. I'm not sure what contraception I will use. I hate condoms and I hated being on the pill. I'm considering the injection but I hate the thought of not having regular periods etc.

He's doing really well. Just moved from intensive care today and is now on a cardiac high dependency ward. They managed to remove all of the tumour (which was the size of a golf ball!!!)and found it was attached to the coronary artery so they had to repair that too where they had to remove tumour so he's on oxygen atm. He's also retaining a lot of fluid so he's very puffy in the face bless him... doesn't look like my little man yet. So proud of him tho as he's been such a trooper. Defo the hardest thing me and hubby have ever done!!
Ooo mrst thinking of you so much so pleased it's been removed xxx
Hugs to Mrs T and Dexter xxx

Glad to hear it's going well xx
Oh Mrs t been awaiting an update! So glad all was removed!
Lots of love to all three of you xxx
Thanks for the update Nici.

Such a relief to hear all went well. Fingers crossed wee Dexter is home with mummy and daddy soon.

Oh so pleased that it went ok MrsT and Dexter is recovering well. Keep strong and sending you lots of love.
Ugh I'm tired this evening, Imogen has been fighting sleep all day too so not much rest at all :(

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