***Jan & Feb Mummy and Baby***


MrsT- glad going well xx

We've dtd a few times, since about 2 weeks. Really need to go on pill!!

Thanks for the update xx glad to hear Dexter is on the mend xx sending you love and hugs xx

We have dtd a few times my libido is always mental!!! Wish my OH felt the same ;-) we are all in bed now for the night xx sweet dreams ladies xxx
All was well with injections just a horrible cry when the needles went in then ok after a cuddle.

We haven't dtd yet-I only stopped bleeding around a week ago. Doctor gave me mini pill but I haven't started taking it yet. I am BF so if I don't have a period does this mean I am protected (but probably not 100%) ???
Glad jabs went ok Katy. One down two more lots to go.

BF'ing isn't recommended as contraception but I think if you're 100% exclusively breastfeeding you aren't fertile. I don't know if this is as you aren't ovulating? Also it's only when you are feeding at set intervals (for example when baby is older and only having morning and nighttime feeds it isn't as effective even if your periods stay away)

I get pregnant very easily - Bee is proof of that - we only dtd once in six weeks and I got pregnant!!!! So I need to sort out something.

Me again..

So Rafferty's injections were yesterday at 2pm and today all he is doing is sleeping-he is waking for around 30-45 mins and having a feed but then zonked again. I have googled it and think it's a known thing. Has anyone else had the same experience?
Is he feeding ok? Nappies ok?

I really cant remember with James but I'm pretty sure its common?
Did they give you a leaflet with side effects?

Yes he is feeding and nappies fine-I think he is just sleeping it off-hoping it doesn't mean he will be up all night though!!!!
Hi Katy, Caleb was exactly the same he slept a lot more than normal the day after, basically woke up to eat and that was him back asleep again.
Caleb's nighttime routine (down around 11:30 and up between 4 and 5 for a feed) was exactly the same that night as well. He was still a bit groggy the next day but back to normal by the day after that. x
All was well with injections just a horrible cry when the needles went in then ok after a cuddle.

We haven't dtd yet-I only stopped bleeding around a week ago. Doctor gave me mini pill but I haven't started taking it yet. I am BF so if I don't have a period does this mean I am protected (but probably not 100%) ???

BFing can be fairly effective as contraception but you have to follow a few 'rules', like not using any formula top ups and it doesn't work as well if baby goes too long between feeds. Google Lactational amenorrhea method (LAM) if you are interested. It is supposed to be 98% effective during the 1st 6 months, which isn't 100% but is actually pretty close to other accepted forms of contraception like condoms. Its what we are doing as we decided we don't mind the small risk of an 'accident'. It took me a year before I could get pregnant last time while I was BFing and that was when we were trying.
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Phew, just caught up on over 10 pages!

So glad Dexter is doing well MrsT. Hopefully he'll be home with you and hubby soon. Lots of snuggles!

Hubby & I have DTD once since Serenity was born and she's 5 weeks now. It was good ;) lol Im in bed by 8pm and we're co-sleeping so having the time/space/energy is rare!

For those worried about BF in public, oohhh please don't be! I was stood in the reception area of a carvery on a busy saturday afternoon BF last weekend. Top up in the air, babes enjoying her lunch (like everyone else!) Hubby assured me nothing could be seen. It felt kinda empowering I guess.
At the time baby needs feeding, that's all that matters so do it :) xXx
Totally agree, Flick. BF is so natural, and it's not like the whole boob hangs out anyway. It can be so discreet. The only time I feel a tad awk is if someone wants to meet and stroke baby while she's feeding. But jo think they would get more embarrassed than me anyway.
However, I know BF is a lot more pushed here, and it's more frowned upon if you bottle feed. UK is a bit more "stuffy" about it.

I managed to express about 4oz yesterday which I'm chuffed with as a top up for night. Will try again today, the other night she had a top up and slept in her co sleeper crib for a few hours. It seems it's a one off tho as she had a top up last 2 nights and just wanted mummy cuddles...how can you resist?!

Me again..

So Rafferty's injections were yesterday at 2pm and today all he is doing is sleeping-he is waking for around 30-45 mins and having a feed but then zonked again. I have googled it and think it's a known thing. Has anyone else had the same experience?

Yep, chloe was the same but is back to normal now x
What size clothes are our little ones in? ..

Bee will be weighed again on Tues so I'm not sure how heavy she is now but she is very long - I think she needs to go up to size 3-6m sob sob. All her baby-grows are getting so tight on her legs?? Rest of her still fits perfectly into 0-3m.

I've bought her some footless all in one's and some actual PJ's but baby-grows are the easiest option.

Can't believe she is 2 months today? Time is whizzing by!

Carnat- Alfie is just over 4 weeks old and is rapidly filling 0-3 :( he's so long but not filling out anywhere else!
Gabriella was 4 weeks yesterday and still swamped in newborn clothes! 0-3 are huge on her! She still looks so diddy my others were the same, esp DD1. Was in newborn for ages, lol.

Hi Nat
My 11 week old weighed 9 lb 9 on Monday

He grew out of newborn clothes at around 9 weeks, although he was wearing a footless newborn size outfit this morning.

His feet are starting to get too big for Tesco F&F 0-3 month sleepsuits so I ordered 0-3 month sleepsuits from M&S this morning and they are simply giant!

Especially with the warmer weather coming up, I am thinking that footless all-in-ones are the way to go.
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Oh TC he is still weeny. Bee was 9lb 2oz several weeks ago. I reckon she's got to be a good few lbs heavier now.

M&S baby-grows are the only ones that still fit ok although I find them the most Ill fitting of all the baby-grows we've had if that makes sense? They are quite shapeless and have really low necks.

Had a rare treat this afternoon and both children slept at same time so I spent an hour watching TV, drinking tea and eating cookies.

Jessica was 9lb on wednesday at just under 5 weeks old! She is a bit of a milk monster mind!

I find next up to 1 month is fitting her best atm. Shes outgrown newborn but most 0-3 stuff is still far too big. Got a massive bag of hand me down clothes off my sil as her lg is a few months ahead and she fits into some of the 0-3 stuff that has shrunk a bit in the wash so has come in handy :-)

met some friends for lunch today which was lovely. I was nervous about having to bf in public but she slept the whole time so didn't have to in the end. Doesn't help get over my fear but it was nice to have a proper meal and chat without any interuptions xx

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