***Jan & Feb Mummy and Baby***

How do you ladies feel about taking baby swimming? Ruby is 6 weeks old, my partner & I are taking his daughter from a previous relationship swimming this weekend but not entirely sure whether I shall take Ruby too. I'm in two minds whether to wait until she's had her injections or whatever, is it a high risk for infection? Or could the water be to cold?

According to the nhs website they says it's fine to take them pretty much straight away. Personally I would take her buy buy a wetsuit?
Pip you don't need to wait for injections, but you'll def need some type of wetsuit/ body warner type thing- unless you're going to a pool with a temp of around 32degrees

Normal council run type pools are usually 28degrees ish- which isn't mega warm. She'll prob only last 20-30 mins max in there.

But it's great to get then started early - Harry loved the pool when he was little (and still does) xx
Fab, I'll look into wetsuits etc, thanks ladies!

I was petrified of water when I was younger so don't want Ruby to be the same :)

I'll be lucky for her to last 10 mind ha!

Hey ladies well Ruby is now 6lb 14 oz so she put on 4 she is doing really well very alert up every 2/3 hours during the night time is flying hope everyone is ok xx I'm back at work Monday gonNa prob cry but glade Helen can carry on resting xx
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Glad to hear Ruby is doing well xx hopefully your days at work will go quickly for you xx glad Helen is getting rest too xxx

We have Oisin's christening on Sunday xx can't wait will post a pic of him in his outfit xx

Hope everyone else is well xx
Glad ruby is doing well zoe. Hows helen? Is she back home now?

Good luck with oisins christening. I kind of wish we were having one as i like the idea of godparents but neither oh or i are religious so seems a bit pointless really.

Jessica slept from 12-6 last night. Feel like a new woman this morning. Cant remember the last time i had 6 hours unbroken sleep!! Xx
Hi all, sorry I haven't been on for a while, between looking after Aria, appointments & visitors the time flies! I know it's awful but I can't wait until the novelty wears off and people don't want to see her so much!

I hope everyone is doing well?

Aria is now up to 6lb 1 which is a huge relief! We're seeing the MW next in 2 weeks and hoping to be signed off then.
Tomas slept from 12-6 lastnight too. Of course DD was awake until 1:30, but its still progress :).
Bee slept for almost 6 hours two nights in a row then of course last night we had a horrendous night. Didn't nod off properly until 1.30am, and was then up at 4am and 6am. James was up at 7am.

I know its time for the second leap and Bee seems to be showing all the signs. James never followed the patterns until the last few leaps.

Had a crappy week. James was in A&E on Saturday, Dr's Monday for his constipation and then again on Wednesday as he was refusing to drink. Had a brief respite yesterday but today James is back to refusing all fluid (GP ruled out any illness and I know it's just an attention thing but it's horrible! He is really pushing boundaries and being generally quite difficult but its to be expected with his age and the new baby)

I'm done in with it all to be honest.

Sorry to hear you're having a rough time nat, must be rough on the older siblings bless xx

hope helens doing well zoe xx

god I long for the day chloe goes through to six hours! Absolute tops we've managed is 3 and they're rare!
Nat what are the signs of the leap? I know Bee was born on same day as Caleb and he's become quite clingy last day or two always wanting to be held by me and crying for no apparent reason and wanting fed a lot more - does that sound like it might be related?!
Hey ladies

Hope you're all well. I keep nipping on to catch up but rarely have time to message.

Dexter has been so niggly and grunty these past two days.... anyone else? He's 3 weeks 2 days now.

All being well He is having his operation next Thursday. .... so we are just planning on enjoying this weekend and trying to keep ourselves to ourselves

Chloe is grunty too, doc and mw don't seem worried. Fingers crossed for you and dexter xxx
Aw sorry James is a bit off hunni and Bee is beautiful xxx

Good luck Thursday with Dexter's operation will be thinking of you all xx

Glad some of you got some sleep xx
Nat what are the signs of the leap? I know Bee was born on same day as Caleb and he's become quite clingy last day or two always wanting to be held by me and crying for no apparent reason and wanting fed a lot more - does that sound like it might be related?!

These are all signs that baby is gearing up for a leap hun. It doesn't help when you're in the thick of it but its good to know there is a reason for a cranky baby.


Hey ladies

Hope you're all well. I keep nipping on to catch up but rarely have time to message.

Dexter has been so niggly and grunty these past two days.... anyone else? He's 3 weeks 2 days now.

All being well He is having his operation next Thursday. .... so we are just planning on enjoying this weekend and trying to keep ourselves to ourselves


I have everything crossed that Dexter's op goes well.

It's going to be a horrendous time for you all but keep strong. You come across as being really positive and practical about it all... you are doing Dexter proud.

Good luck to all 3 iof you MrsT for the op. X

I am thinking of investing in the perfect prep machine to make night feeds a little easier. Can anyone give any feedback? :)
Hi ladies

Not been on for a while!

Mrs t good luck for Thursday xxx

Zoe I'm pleased Helen is out of the hospital and can how enjoy being at home with u and ruby xxx

Craig goes back to work on Monday after s month off! I'm dreading it but looking forward too it! I still can't drive for another two weeks so it's abit rubbish being confine to the house

Toni - buy a perfect prep machine asap they are amazing I don't know what I would have done without mine! Honestly the best thing I brought!!!!! I do kno about a week ago toys are us had them on offer!!


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