***Jan & Feb Mummy and Baby***

I have the same kinda app baby c... called baby feed. .... its a lifesaver helping me to remember which boob I fed off last.

Yeah we do feed on demand it's around every three hours sometime two hours she seems to be eating around 4 oz a time but she loves her milk xx
The app is fab when sleep deprived, how are we supposed to remember times on so little sleep!

I'm loving expressing, it is time consuming because I'm doing twice the work, feeding her and expressing, but we are so much happier and she is drinking a lot more so it is worth it. She is actually waking up wanting a feed now where previously we had to wake her and try to force feed her!

The night time express is a killer, MW told me it is very important to express in the middle of the night to prevent my milk drying up. I'm able to use the pump on maximum setting now that I'm used to it so it only takes about half hour to drain both boobs then I go straight back to bed so not too bad.
It is also nice that hubby and other people can feed her :)
I've tried expressing today and pretty much nothing comes out...does it take a while?

OMG I can't get anything out with my pump ( a medela swing so not a crap pump) yet baby can have my milk spurting. I find the pump virtually useless....

Baby won't take bottle anyway - breast milk or formula - but expressing for me is pointless.

Oh no, nat, I was hoping I'd be told just to be patient, lol.

I've got the Medea mini electric. Last time had a timmee tippee one which was no good either. Will persevere with this a bit. Gabriella will take bottle but I'd rather it's breast milk not formula.

Had a lovely afternoon on beach with family for long lazy lunch. Girls ate tired now so early bed all round!

I think we've hit the first wonder week (8 wks) here unless we're in an extended growth spurt from 6 wks as she is very fussy on the boob at the moment.

Some days I hate breastfeeding but I know it gets better down the line. Little girly won't take a dummy anyway so I'm not convinced she'd take a bottle, so boob it is.

Starting to stress about hubby going away. He's in the forces and is off in 3.5 weeks for 6 whole months which I'm dreading. Thankfully kids will be too young to really notice or remember it, but it's horrible for me and OH :(
Gabriella has taken dummy once but hasn't liked it since. I'm ok with that...other 2 never liked them. She doesn't mind the bottle, but I only want to use it when necessary, ie so Dh and I can go out next week!

Ah, that's a horrible thought your oh away for 6 months. I'd hate that too, but you're right about kids being too young to realise or remember.

We're going to attempt to register Gabriella again on tues...third time lucky?!

James had a dummy from day 3 but Bee point blank refuses. I've tried on a few occasions but we've got this far without so I'm not going to push it.... James still has his dummy and it's proving a nightmare to get rid of.

OMG, I'm sure you'll have more luck with the pump. I probably have a dud one? Lol.

Ceecee, I cant Imagine how it must be to spend so much time apart from your hubby. My OH has only just gone back full time and I struggle without him at certain points... but needs must! And I am sure the reunions are just amazing.

The first leap is at 5 weeks but yep there is another at 8 weeks.

Im new to expressing and haven't done it properly yet but the first time i tried i didn't get anything. Yesterday i tried straight after a bath and got 1oz. Still not alot i know but its a start! Maybe try heat compress or expressing first thing in morning when most of your milk is in.

Jessica has seemed alot happier today. Im hoping her thrush treatment is starting to kick in, although her tounge is still really white and my nipples are still really red and sore xx
Hi ladies....

Had a tough day with little man today..... He has fed for almost 4 hours in total so far and it's normally only just over two hours. Think I've missed out on some posts but I have thought about expressing so someone could just do the first morning feed for me and I could get more than 2 hours sleep uninterrupted. ...... wondered if you could tell me, are you ladies just expressing to make sure you have back up or are u bf'ing and bottle feeding?

Baby c....... are you feeding in the night and expressing. ... why are you having to do that? Sorry for all the questions, I'm just learning from you ladies in the hope that something might help me somewhere.

What is a wonder week ceecee?

Is anyone getting shooting pains in just one boob? Its enough to take my breath away at times

MrsT there's an app called the wonder weeks my friend told me to get-it tells you about 'leaps' a baby goes through which is like a stage in their mental development. When they're going through one of these leaps their behaviour can change a bit and the app gives you some possible signals etc.

I am BFing and expressing (more expressing though) I was told after each BF to try and pump, and to keep going for a couple of minutes after the milks stopped as it provides stimulation. Also to try and pump between 1 and 5am at least once. I've gone from only getting 50-80ml a time to getting around 150ml.

I've also got these -
I don't use them so much any more but might help, you can wrap around any pump to stimulate let down.

Aria won't take from my breast Mrs T so the only way to give her my milk is to express and give it her in a bottle. I give her a bottle in the night and express as apparently if I don't express in the night without breastfeeding my milk will dry out quicker.

I use the medela swing and find it brilliant. A few people have told me that they had more milk when using a manual pump. I have the manual one too so will compare when I get chance to read the instructions and let you know how I get on.
I also do breast compression when pumping this always gets loads more out
Sorry some of you are having trouble. Hopefully all will settle in a few days xx

Here are my two little men in Tyler's bed yesterday lol in so happy with them both xx


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Thanks for the answers ladies.

I might give expressing after a feed a try. I'm conscious that I'll need to express after Dexters op so might try and get used to it.

Awww look at your boys TS, so cute!

I barely have any photos of mine together. I must get some.

I expressed for 8 weeks (started combi feeding at 6 weeks) with James as he just wouldn't take boob. I found it easier then? I used an Avent electric pump. I just find a pump inefficient this time compared to a super sucky baby.

Bee slept from 1.30am - 7am. The most sleep I've had in months!

This is the most recent photo I have of my two


Nat that sounds like an amazing sleep!! Caleb goes from about 11:30 to 4 but I'm struggling to get used to the new pattern and wake up at 2:30/3 in a panic that he hasn't woken up!

Our little man at almost 7 weeks old:


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