Our LO was swaddled by the professionals whilst we were in hospital. With a simple receiving blanket. Swaddling is advised by the midwives here in Singapore as a way to make a newborn feel protected and comfortable. When we came home, We noticed Rio was often fighting to get his arms out of the swaddle so we stopped swaddling him altogether.
However, about a week ago I noticed he was waking himself up regularly by his arms and legs flailing in his sleep. After reading similar cases on other threads in this forum the solution seemed to be to swaddle until the startle reflex goes at about 3 months. So for the past week we swaddle him again, just using a blanket, before he sleeps. He resists it a little for a minute or so, but if you keep holding him close to you he eventually falls asleep and the swaddle really helps keeping him deeply asleep without flailing limbs.
Long story just to say that we swaddle before every single sleep and baby seems perfectly safe and comfy. What professionals have advised you not to and why?