***Jan & Feb Mummy and Baby***

Oisin at 2 months. Where is the time going!!


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We've got a perfect prep machine coming today Toni. Both Amazon & Argos have them for £66, with Amazon family we had a further discount so got it for £55! Bargain!

Good luck for Thursday Mrs T. I'll be thinking of you all.

My hubby is going back to work on Monday too but he is having every Wednesday off to give me a break.

Just trying to catch up as not been on properly for ages!

I have a perfect prep machine but not used it yet as bf. SIL swears by hers. Mum said I better use it at some point...it was a nightmare getting it to me as they don't sell them Here!

Gabriella is doing really well, three weeks yesterday and she's so good! I've inky really heard her proplerly cry twice! My other two were the same tho...good as gold, phew! They are loving having a sister..Lin the car I get a running commentary...she's opened her eyes to she's asleep to she looked at me etc etc!
They do have grandma still to play with them. I may be in for a shock when she goes!

Step son is flying out tomorrow to see us for a week. Not seen him since Xmas so that'll be good. Chaotic, but good!

MrsT-hope all goes well, you're doing amazing xx

TS your wee man is just gorgeous but you must tell me where his outfit is from lol

Thanks Nat xx it's one I had from Tyler my cousin bought it in asda xx couldn't wait to get him in it as Tyler was closer to 6 months when it fitted him as he was so tiny xx
Has anyone used a swaddle type product with the little one. We have put Dexter in a peanut swaddle me tonight and I just can't settle as panicking about him. Hubby insisted we try it and is now fast asleep as is Dexter (he's niggling but I think that's in his sleep) but I'm wide awake on tenter hooks panicking... I mean why would professionals tell me not to swaddle... or do they really mean not to swaddle with blankets. Any advice ladies?

Our LO was swaddled by the professionals whilst we were in hospital. With a simple receiving blanket. Swaddling is advised by the midwives here in Singapore as a way to make a newborn feel protected and comfortable. When we came home, We noticed Rio was often fighting to get his arms out of the swaddle so we stopped swaddling him altogether.

However, about a week ago I noticed he was waking himself up regularly by his arms and legs flailing in his sleep. After reading similar cases on other threads in this forum the solution seemed to be to swaddle until the startle reflex goes at about 3 months. So for the past week we swaddle him again, just using a blanket, before he sleeps. He resists it a little for a minute or so, but if you keep holding him close to you he eventually falls asleep and the swaddle really helps keeping him deeply asleep without flailing limbs.

Long story just to say that we swaddle before every single sleep and baby seems perfectly safe and comfy. What professionals have advised you not to and why?
Baby C - absolutely love love LOVE those photos of Aria! So beautiful and adorable!

I wanted some newborn cutie photos like that but life didn't quite work out that way, ah well :(

Well after seeing Baby C's absolutely gorgeous photos, and then a really cutesy gallery in the Daily Mail ahead of mother's day - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/a...rtraits-capture-smiles-sleeping-newborns.html - (don't judge me, they have good z-list celebrity stories online, which helps pass the time during 50-minute feeds ;) ) I got in touch with a local photographer in my area.

She managed to do a newborn photoshoot for my 10-week old son!! I couldn't believe how she got him to go to sleep and posed him for the shots (he is very small for his age but still! I can't put him down in the pram without him waking up immediately!) and she says it's her best ever gallery - am waiting for the photos now :)

So thanks Baby C for the inspiration, I am over the moon xx
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Tinsel - interesting. How did the photographer get him to sleep?

A number of tricks including really warm room (she bought her own heater), loud white noise (an app on her phone), lots of feeding, swaddling quite tight. When she was removing the swaddle to get him naked she did it a bit at a time while he was still asleep and every time he stirred she bent over him cuddling him tight and doing a loud shhhh next to his ear.

She also stroked down the centre of his forehead to get him from just-awake to eyes shut.

He was quite grumbly at the start of the shoot and she spent about half an hour winding him to get him comfortable.

Plus to get him smiling while asleep she stroked his cheeks outwards in a smile shape - I always wondered how photographers got those shots!
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Tinselcat, I'm so pleased that I inspired you and the results were good! Kudos to your photographer getting the shots at 10'weeks!

Happy mother'a day ladies!
That sounds amazing Tinselcat xxx

Happy Mother's Day Everyone xxxx
Sorpresa..... its been two midwives and a heath visitor that have just told us that when they've been giving us the full spiel of dos and don'ts . Deemed to of given us a bit more sleep last night so I'm going to keep on going with it. .... until Wednesday anyway and I'm sure the snuza would pick up of anything was wrong

Thank you for replying
Has anyone used a swaddle type product with the little one. We have put Dexter in a peanut swaddle me tonight and I just can't settle as panicking about him. Hubby insisted we try it and is now fast asleep as is Dexter (he's niggling but I think that's in his sleep) but I'm wide awake on tenter hooks panicking... I mean why would professionals tell me not to swaddle... or do they really mean not to swaddle with blankets. Any advice ladies?


I use the peanut with chloe and after the first couple of nights she loves it! Hv told me that its really not advised once they learn to roll about 3 months xxx
Our LO was swaddled by the professionals whilst we were in hospital. With a simple receiving blanket. Swaddling is advised by the midwives here in Singapore as a way to make a newborn feel protected and comfortable. When we came home, We noticed Rio was often fighting to get his arms out of the swaddle so we stopped swaddling him altogether.

However, about a week ago I noticed he was waking himself up regularly by his arms and legs flailing in his sleep. After reading similar cases on other threads in this forum the solution seemed to be to swaddle until the startle reflex goes at about 3 months. So for the past week we swaddle him again, just using a blanket, before he sleeps. He resists it a little for a minute or so, but if you keep holding him close to you he eventually falls asleep and the swaddle really helps keeping him deeply asleep without flailing limbs.

Long story just to say that we swaddle before every single sleep and baby seems perfectly safe and comfy. What professionals have advised you not to and why?

The mw at the hospital in the uk swaddled lo too. She also wakes herself up startling and hitting her face!
Fab jazz thank you.. think we will defo continue just to try and get a good few hours sleep.

Oisin Thomas in his christening outfit today xx he was such a great boy xx and his cake xxx


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Happy Mother's Day ladies xx

TS- Oisin looks adorable, hope you've had a lovely day.

Can't believe my little man is 4 weeks old today. It's going too quick and I'm in danger of getting very emotional about it!!

Had a bad week as Harry has had tonsillitis- so cue extra bad sleeping, clingy, crying, coupled with some really bad behaviours.

Add in a hungry munchkin and I'm knackered!! So to celebrate Mother's Day in having a glass of wine, as I honk I deserve it

Here's Finley doing an impression of brucey

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