***Jan & Feb Mummy and Baby***

Thanks hun xx they love being together xx

James and Bea are gorgeous xx

Aw Caleb is adorable Taboo xx
Hi ladies,

Been so busy that I haven't been on for a few weeks!!!!

We have bought a new house so getting that sorted and in the middle of that we booked a break to centre Parcs so we were away there last which was great!!

Hubby is going back to work on Thursday so it's just me and the 2 girls, unknown I will cope but it's still daunting!!

Caught up on all the posts, MrsT I'm thinking of you all!!!

Here's a recent picture of my 2 girls x

Loving all the pics. I will have to try and post 1 later.

Does anyone express on one side while feeding from the other? I did this today and got 70mls which is better then yesterdays 20ml! Does it cause problems if baby gets hungry straight away as breasts now feel pretty empty x x

I managed to express 50ml today, woohoo!

MrsJohnsob-I was wondering about this, as it would save time!

Everyone in our house has been Ill with colds abd coughs the past week... Hoping Gabriella doesnt get it. I was managing to avoid, but think I may have it coming!

I vaguely remember hv saying with Dd1 that they don't catch things as easy as you'd expect...fingers crossed!

I was also wondering how you know you are def getting the hind milk? I expressed until nothing came out so can i just assume i got it? Xx
Hi all

We have had a really bad afternoon/evening with Rafferty having colic.Screaming like never before and going so red in the face,really horrible to watch and hear.We are using gripe water but today its just not going and he is so upset.

I have expressed a few times but need to start doing it more regularly so I can get some freedom if I need it!!
Hi all

We have had a really bad afternoon/evening with Rafferty having colic.Screaming like never before and going so red in the face,really horrible to watch and hear.We are using gripe water but today its just not going and he is so upset.

I have expressed a few times but need to start doing it more regularly so I can get some freedom if I need it!!
That's Brody just had his second set of injections, poor thing is not so happy now!
Hope you are all enjoying your wee babies:) they are all growing so fast :) have to try and get caught up again, but Brody is 3 months old tomorrow and fairly keeps me busy! Xxx
Aw kiwi Oisin got his injections today too and poor little man wasn't too happy earlier but got him settled hope he's back to his cheery self soon xx
Aww hope your babies recover from thier injections soon. Hopefully they will feel better in the morning!

Does anyone have any experience with upper lip ties? Im sure my lg has one and that could be why she is struggling with her latch and causing me alot of pain? I cant really tell whether she has a tounge tie or not as she never lifts her tounge up far enough for me to see but im going to ask the hv tomorrow when we go to get her weighed.

Does anyone know if they cut lip ties as stuff ive read online seems to suggest not but surely if its causing feeding problems then its not good.

I feel like its one thing after another atm as shes still got thrush and not getting any better. i really want to continue bfing but all these hurdles are making it very hard! Xx
I think Alfie might be having a growth spurt as he's feeding like no tomorrow, I've upped his feed to 5oz and most of the time he's finishing his bottles. He's just having his 2nd bottle in 2 hours! He's also been having long naps, but taking a while to settle. He stayed awake from 9.30 until 4pm with 2 20 minute naps in between and been clingy. With this and his cold he's not having a fun time :(
Well been to get jessica weighed this morning and shes now 8lb6 at 3 and a half weeks old!

Saw the bfing specialist and explained that i was having ongoing pain. She agreed that she looks like she has an upper lip tie but wasn't sure about the tounge as she wasn't able to get a good look at it and didn't want to pop around too much as she said she wasn't the best person to diagnose it anyway so we have been referred to someone else and waiting to here back about when they can see us.

I mentioned the ongoing thrush and was advised to speak to the gp again which ive done. She refused to prescibe any further medication for me and said to continue the cream but has changed jessicas nystatin to a different gel which i need to pick up later today.

The hv was also concerned about how dry her skin is still so we have been prescribed some hydromol cream for that.

Feel like the list of little problems just keeps growing but we will perseve and get there in the end! Xx
I feel like I don't get much time to post on here at the moment. Sorry if I keep dipping in every couple of days. I underestimated how little free time a newborn and 16 month old would give you!

Hope everyone is ok xx
Mrs johnson ive been prescribed an oral gel for chloes thrush today. Fyi in case they haven't told you it is apparently very important not to get the gel at the back of the throat as initially untill the saliva dissolves it it is thick and can pose a choking hazard. The pharmacist warned me and it says it on the fine print inside the box (if you have the same brand I do). He says to rub it in to the tongue and affected areas and do it in small portions if necessary to avoid pushing to the back of the throat x
Thanks jazz. I noticed it said not suitable for under 4 months on the tube so did a bit of research and got a rough idea of what to do but thats really useful to know so thank you. Hope your LOs clears up soon. Have your nipples been affected? Xx
MrsJohnson and jazz, may I ask how you first detected that thrush may have affected your baby/your nipples? I thought we might have had it at one point from trying to read some of my symptoms but some are also indicators of other issues (eg shooting pains, sore nipples). Thanks and hopefully it clears up soon for you and your babies.
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For me I noticed baby had a white tounge which did not rub off. I also had burning pain and red,sore nipples and when i explained all of this to hv she said it was thrush. I have also tried to explain about what i think is poor latch and ? TT but they still believe we have thrush. I think the guidelines suggest swabs should be taken but this has not been done in our case. I think if things have not improved by next week i will be requesting it! Xx
For us it was flagged up as chloe kept getting nappy rash that we couldn't beat and then they looked in hwr mouth and saw the white rounge that wouldn't rub off so wasn't milk residue x
Btw mrs Johnson we didn't get swabbed either but at the moment ive lost all faith in this doctors anyway.

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