***Jan & Feb Mummy and Baby***

Happy mothers day ladies!
Becky gorgeous pic of Finley! Hope this week will be better for you!
TS gorgeous pictures, hope all has gone well.
We have had an interesting weekend, Imogen is still suffering from colic and currently screaming the house down. It's so hard as there's nothing we can do to stop it.
Dd1 has been behaving like a typical 2 year old and pushing plenty of boundaries! Ah I need a rest! But they're so worth it.
Alfie has been sicky all day :(
Positive is that we got a perfect prep machine yesterday, and I regret not getting it sooner!
Currently enjoying a glass of wine and I opened my birthday cake a day early, it's been a challenging day!
Becky, your Finley is sooo yummy! What a gorgeous little boy :)
Thanks ladies xx we had a lovely day thanks. Finley is absolutely gorgeous xx
Sorry Imogen is having a bad time with colic have you tried colief or gripe water hun xx
I miss wine!

Still waiting to have my first glass... will be a while yet as Bee feeds *all* the time. Touch wood she does give me a 5 hour stint at night though so I can live with the constant feeding in the day.

Lovely pics of the bubba's ladies. Hope christening went well TS?

Hi all, not been in for a while. Just been catching up on everyone's news. Nate and I both have a nasty cold so it has been a grumpy weekend! Another vote for the perfect prep machine here. I am still expressing 4/6 feeds per day but the other 2 are now formula and its been a God send. I am going to move to 3/3 soon for my own sanity. Supposed to be taking him for his first set of immunisations this week. Any tips?
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Hi ladies
Looking for alittle advice

Over the last 24 hours Maisie sounds like she has mucus at the back of her throat!
I've been reading online which tells me to give her water to flush it out and to run the shower and let her sit in the steam! Do any of these work or does anyone have any better solutions!
Touchwood at the moment she is well in herself,, I've had lots of smiles!!! I just feel it's annoying her esp at night time!

Thanks ladies xx
Hi all

Just had a call to say we need to go into hospital now and Dexter will have his op tomorrow. I was so much more prepared for it to be Thursday and was really looking forward to two days with him on my own and now they've taken that away :(

Oh mrs T- have they said why it needs to be tomorrow?

I'm so sorry your precious time with him has been taken- though the sooner it's done, the sooner he'll be on the road to recovery xxx
Thinking of you MrsT. Hope everything goes ok, ill be thinking of you all tomorrow.

Rachel we've not yet had that problem but ive heard about the shower thing and possibly angling basket so that heads up slightly so baby isn't lying completely flat.

Its my first day alone with jessica as oh has gone back to work today. Its going well so far although im still in my pjs lol.

Is anyone else getting a bit sick of some visitors? Theres people who i really dont mind seeing anytime as they are really helpful and i know they have a genuine interest in me and baby however theres others that i think just want to see a baby and get really arsy when i cant do certain days/ times like i should just be free 24/7 because im on mat leave and dont have anything else to do!! Xx
Rachel, Caleb had mucous when he was first born and has had a cold....we've tried the shower steam thing and it seemed to loosen things up a bit with him...we also rolled a towel and put it under his head so it was raised while he slept and that definitely helped. We also put some olbas oil on a bib and tied to end of the cot which seemed to help as well x
MrsT sorry to hear you have to go in today. Will be thinking of you and Dexter tomorrow and like Becky said the sooner he's on the road to recovery the sooner you can enjoy him properly all the time.
Rachel we have the mucous problem too, having the Moses basket raised definitely helps.
Oh MrsT sorry to hear they've bought the op forward so suddenly. I know you had planned for Thursday but just think by Thursday Dexter will be two days on the road to recovery.

I'll be thinking of you both tomorrow

Good luck today mrs t, thinking of you and dexter. As the others have said Thursday he'll be two days healed and then you'll have all the time in the world with him :) xxx
Good luck MrsT xx

Gabriella had a really restless night last night...felt like she was constantly on the boob. I'm knackered! Not only do I try and soothe her so I can get to sleep, I don't like her to wake DH up. I think I failed on that one last night!
God I know that feeling! We affectionately call our dd 'little leech'!
Thank you everyone. They've said its growing quite quick so the sooner it's out the better. The surgeon has said he's never operated on a heart tumour so big on someone so little but there is no one in the country that has... so hoping lots of extra care will be given to my little man.

First of all, MrsT, thinking of you and Dexter. I'm sure all will go well.

Looking for your view ladies, see if anyone feels similar. My mum made a comment on email today that ticked me off a bit. After I told her how well our LO is doing and all with exclusive breastfeeding (we struggled for the first 4 weeks!), she said it was great and all due to my dedication, but soon I should start to consider doing some "activities for yourself".

Well, believe me, I would dearly love to, but wih a 6 week old baby who needs to breastfeed every 2-3 hours, and screams the house down when his feed is slightly overdue (maybe cos I'm finishing my own dinner), I find it a bit of a stretch. I have gone out a few times with him, but again, he's quite unpredictable as to when he's going to get a hunger attack, and we've gone through some stressful moments when getting the boob out was just simply not an option. Pretty simple things like doing the food shop or a long walk more than a mile away are too difficult to consider.

I'm a first timer, so not sure, but Isn't it the case that when babies are this young, you're pretty much at their mercy 24/7? Sure OH can look after him when he's about (evenings as he works long hours during the day), but I'm the one spending almost every hour of my days and nights with this baby and mostly house bound.

I wonder how those of you with more than one child can even manage, specially when breastfeeding your baby.

So, hell yeah, I'd love to find some time and energy to do those activities for myself that my mum says I should do, but perhaps her memory of what it was like to bring up her two daughters when they were newborn has totally faded. Hump!!
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