***Jan & Feb Mummy and Baby***

There is plenty of other ways to 'bond' (I expressed with James for the first 6 weeks then formula fed). Lots of cuddles and skin to skin

So our HV came on Monday & noticed that Ruby had a slight younger tie, she just brushed it off though!? We have a GP checkup in a few weeks so I might mention something then, it's not affected her eating or anything.. She weighs 7lb 13oz now from 5lb 15oz 4 weeks ago!

MrsT, sorry to hear Dexter might need an op. Fingers & toes are crossed for you.

Hope Helen is ok Zoe, I noticed on FB that she was still in hospital but like Becky, I didn't' want to ask on there.

It's soooo hard to keep up on this forum now lol!

Omg, I hate predictive text hahaha TONUGE tie that was supposed to say! She wasn't bothered by it, should I be!?
Omg, I hate predictive text hahaha TONUGE tie that was supposed to say! She wasn't bothered by it, should I be!?

If it isn't causing her problems feeding or anything they say no need to worry. Many times it corrects itself as they get older. Are you BFing or FF?
Hey girls can tell you wat happened basically Helen had emergency c section and her bladder got taken out put back in and they tied it really tight under her belly and where the stich ended it got caught on a muscle she is on antibiotics codine and two other tablets I forgot name of lol... She is on bed rest they were gonna re operate but never did so she is on complete bed rest and can hardly move so I'm lookin after Ruby and doing as much as I can xx
A little cheeky pix x snuggled up to me xx


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Sounds like helen has had a rough time. Hope shes on the mend now. Ruby is gorgeous.

Hv diagnosed us with thrush today. Does anyone know how long it takes to clear? Xx
Lol Pip I did wonder what younger tie was! Baby brain and autocorrect, not a good mixture hey!

Zoe that sounds nasty. I hope that she recovers soon. It must be so hard for you looking after Ruby alone and worrying about Helen. Ruby is gorgeous by the way.

We had Aria's newborn photos today at 1 week, they sent me a pre-edited preview and I'm so happy! ImageUploadedByTapatalk1425594913.911010.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1425594922.772673.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1425594938.427052.jpg
Baby C - absolutely love love LOVE those photos of Aria! So beautiful and adorable!

I wanted some newborn cutie photos like that but life didn't quite work out that way, ah well :(
Look what I got :)
George on exactly 5 weeks

MrsT how was your appointment?
Awww lovely photos baby c and what a cutie Bricey! !

Well Dexter has to have a heart and brain mri scan under anaesthetic on monday then take it from there. They talked through the operation with me yesterday. .... open heart surgery where they have to stop his heart and have the machine pumping his blood and breathing for him, 24-48 hours in intensive care on ventilator at least so no cuddles allowed :( the hopefully if all well 5-7 days on a standard ward.

Gorgeous babies xx

What a smile Bricey love it xx

Aw Mrs T sending you lots of love xx hoping he has a nice speedy recovery and not too long in xx

Oisin slept from 10pm til 6.50 this morning really hope this continues. Finally got him registered on Tuesday and his christening is on mother's day :-D
Awww loving the newborn pics..we never did them with James and therefore 'couldn't' do them for Bee. I plan to get some professional ones taken of them both (at some point lol)

First smiles are so cute. Lovely pic Bricey.

MrsT, it all sounds very scary and very daunting - I hope you have lots or support? I know its a terrible cliché but it will be worse for you and daddy. Bub won't remember but you'll of course never forget.

I think you need to grit your teeth and know that its going to be a difficult time but all for the greater good.

Is there any support groups you could join to speak to parents who have been through something similar? Does the hospital offer any additional support?

Any time frame for the op yet?

Gorgeous pics ladies :)

Mrs T sorry its such a stressful time for you. Sending big hugs your way.

We didn't have newborn pics done for Joe, so like Nat, don't feel it would be right to get them done for Freya, so we'll get some done of them together when they're bigger.


Oh, must dash, freya just puked all over me
Looking for a wee bit of advice ladies. When Max is feeding (formula) he starts off brilliant. Takes the bottle well, no fussing. Stops when he wants burped. Can take some work to burp him other times we only need to sit him up and he does it.
Now he starts crying cause still hungry. Give him bottle again and he is crying, squirming chewing on the teat by is obviously still hungry. Crying can turn to screaming.
This doesn't happen every feed and is mostly through the day. Usually ok for night feeds. I know a few will prob say silent reflux but surely that would affect him after every feed and not just a few. He also doesn't calm down when upright and he doesn't want fed frequently. Usually 4 hourly through the day.
Anyone any idea?
Yeh everyone is being really good... my mum is a total godsend and I have no idea how to thank her enough right now. We also have cardiac liason nurses at the hospital who are fab. I was given some info on support groups for children's heart problems yesterday so may have a look. We should get a time frame once mri has been reported and they know the type of tissue that makes up the tumour.

Mrs T it sounds as if you're all being well looked after. The support groups are a great idea.
Stressful week!!
Had my nan here whos not been well with a major kidney infection, so iv had to look after her and Charlie!
My dad swanned off to his gfs a few times and just left me having to carry my nan up the stairs and get her into bed etc...
And cause of me being so stressed me and OH have been arguing all the time!!
So been VERY angry and down in the dumps cause of it. My dads just taken her home now and i already feel 10 times better!

Then iv been to the doctors and i need to have a mini operation on my bits as i got an infection and its left my wound from the cut open!

And to top it off during the week i found out my Grandma has stage 1 breast cancer, so its like bad to bad to worse!!

Sorry just needed to rant.

Mrs T. Hope you are ok. Dexter is in good hands and atleast you have lots of support and support groups around to help you though it. And Charlie is sending lots of hugs from him and his first teddy who happens to be called Dexter Dog.

Baby C them pics are cute. I wanted some but Charlie and me were too poorly in the first week to have them. So we got some done on monday at the hospital.

Blimey Nici. Sounds like you've had a real hard time of it. Its def not what you need with a newborn. Sorry to hear about your granny as well. Hopefully its been caught nice and early?

We spent the morning in A&E with James. He smacked his head yesterday, seemed ok but was sick in the night and really lethargic and non responsive this morning so on advice from mil (nurse) I called an ambulance.

He is ok. Blood sugars a bit low as he'd not eaten. We were home within a few hours but what a start to the day.

Had to leave Bee with granny and as it was an emergency I had to leave formula and bottles (and she'd only had a small feed)... she barely took any from the bottle though and was back on boob like a monster when I got back. It really made me feel as though I was 'choosing between' my kids which was awful. Of course James needed me but Bee feeds every few hours and I knew she'd struggle with bottle.

No harm done though. Bee fine and James got the all clear.


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