***Jan & Feb Mummy and Baby***

Aww ladies sounds like you have both had stressful times.

Nici hope you get sorted soon and start to feel better.

Nat hope james is back to his normal self. Must have been really worrying for you.

I think jessica is having a 3 week growth spurt if such a thing exists?! Shes almost constantly been feeding/ comfort sucking since 6.30am. Shes got thrush and really bad wind and is just not a happy baby today at all :( she will fall asleep on me and as soon as i put her down shes awake again 15 mins later. Im trying infacol to see if that helps her at all xx
Ah Nici, sorry you're having a tough time x

Nat-glad to hear James is ok. You didn't choose between kids, just had priorities right. It's not like you left Bee with a stranger!

I bled again today for the first time in a few days. Annoying! Bella seems to be on a milk mission today too-just wont leave the boob for more than 20 mins! I'm hoping that this means she'll sleep well tonight!

I bought a pump yesterday to express as its our 1st wedding anniversary on tues and want to go out!

Yeah there saying they will monitor my Grandma for abit and maintain her on some tabs as its only stage 1!

Charlies really clingy and upset today. I duno whats up with him atm xx
Ah Nici, sorry you're having a tough time x
I bled again today for the first time in a few days. Annoying! Bella seems to be on a milk mission today too-just wont leave the boob for more than 20 mins! I'm hoping that this means she'll sleep well tonight!

Maybe Bella's constant feeding has set the bleeding off again temporarily. How many weeks PP are you? My bleeding has been on and off for weeks now. I spoke to the MW about it and she wasnt worried but its so different from last time when it tapered off gradually and stopped altogether in only 2 weeks.

It sound like a few of you have had some rough days, hope things pick up soon.
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I hadn't thought about feeding bringing on bleeding...I blamed DH for us DTD, lol. May be that tho.

Gabriella is STILL feeding. I wanted to express today too but there's nothing left I wouldn't have thought!

I'm hungry too...must be cos she's feeding so much.

My eldest two have been on one today. One has crashed out in sofa now, the other is pulling in my hair. Lovely!

Thank god my mums still here. How I'd still be sane without her I don't know! Starting to worry Bout the Easter hols coming up as she won't still be here! Would go to uk for a week or so to break it up but we need a passport first!

Sorry to hear that some of you have been having it rough.

Aria is so much better now that I'm expressing instead of BF, we are a much happier household now. She was weighed yesterday and was only 40g off her birth weight which is a huge relief!

We have a christening tomorrow which is her first major outing, we've only been shopping, etc at the moment. I bought two cute outfits yesterday, one tiny baby and one small baby so hopefully one will fit :)
Is anyone expressing and bf'ing? Im thinking about starting to do this but not sure how to work it. How often could baby feed from a bottle without getting confused? Is it best to express after a feed? X
Mrs Johnson, I want to stare this too. Was planning on expressing after feeds today but the last 5 mins are the first Gabriella has t been on the boob all day!

I just want to know she can be fed if I'm out!

I hadn't thought about feeding bringing on bleeding...I blamed DH for us DTD, lol. May be that tho.

Gabriella is STILL feeding. I wanted to express today too but there's nothing left I wouldn't have thought!

I'm hungry too...must be cos she's feeding so much.

My eldest two have been on one today. One has crashed out in sofa now, the other is pulling in my hair. Lovely!

Thank god my mums still here. How I'd still be sane without her I don't know! Starting to worry Bout the Easter hols coming up as she won't still be here! Would go to uk for a week or so to break it up but we need a passport first!


To start with I always got heavier bleeding during feeding but it could be your DHs fault too :). The MW acctually asked me if DTD brought back the bleeding. It does seem like every time it stops I think its safe to DTD and then when we do it comes back. I asked if we should stop for a while and she said she didnt think there was any need. She said that usually the advise is not to until bleeding has stopped because it can cause an infection where the placenta was but she didn't think that was the cause of mine. She felt my utterus and said it was still slightly enlarged and said something about the bleeding being good because it helps it shrink. She seemed to think sex might acctually help the utterus contract which is what it needs to be doing. Mostly its just light spotting but after she had been feeling my tummy it was a lot heavier for a couple of hours.
Is anyone expressing and bf'ing? Im thinking about starting to do this but not sure how to work it. How often could baby feed from a bottle without getting confused? Is it best to express after a feed? X

I think once they are over 6 weeks old they wont actually get confused but they can still decide they like the bottle better because it has a quicker flow and will sometimes start refusing the breast because of it.
I think Aria got lazier BFing after having the bottle which is one of the reasons I stopped. You can get bottles that are similar to the breast to stop them becoming lazy, I have the Medela calma bottles which are very nipple like lol! We gave the cow & gate ready made formula bottles which is what confused Aria. She doesn't even like to take the Medela bottles now.
im bfing and expressing. dd is feeding loads so started doing one bottle a day but no more. made sure I got smallest teat size as figured it would make it harder. she is greedy so will have either lol
im bfing and expressing. dd is feeding loads so started doing one bottle a day but no more. made sure I got smallest teat size as figured it would make it harder. she is greedy so will have either lol
What time of day do you express and then give bottle? My dd is also quite greedy so hoping she can switch between the 2 easily enough xx
I express the first meal of the day as usualy have some to spare then. she was a little reluctant initially but spon figured it tasted the same so not worried now!
Charlies on formular and BF.
He likes both and actually prefers boob rather than bottle, even though hes been on alot of bottles due to his weight loss and tongue tie.
So i only BF him for about 20 mins a day atm. Will be turing fully breast fed soon, but my nipples are bleeding too much too so its not good. Got my BF lady coming round next week to help with different positions as he is learning how to feed again due to his tongue. But is getting better with it all!
Were using the Toys r us branded bottles with the slow flow teat and he seems to enjoy it, but i also have a tommee tippee bottle that came with my breast pump with the closer to nature teat xx
We are bottle feedin ruby she seems to be having bottle every 3 hours how many hours are you feedin your ones and how many oz they on x
formula or breast milk? not sure if the amounts are the same? chloe drinks 120ml on a good bottle feed, but since shes on demand the rest of the day I'm probably not a reliable marker!
We're not in a set routine with Aria's feeds yet. She seems to be drinking more and more so we're slightly increasing the amount with each feed. She has just had 80ml so I will try 90 on her next feed and see how that goes. She likes to feed roughly every two hours but I'm hoping if I keep increasing the amount and she keeps taking it we can change to every three hours. She drinks a lot less in the night thankfully, she goes about three hours then but we do give her some formula in the night so this may we why.

I've just downloaded an app called baby care log and it's great for tracking how much & how often she feeds and I express. You can track loads of other things too like dirty nappies, etc and also set reminders to go off a set length of time after the last feed entered.
Imogen has 5oz bottles made up but on average has just over 4oz. Generally feeds every 3 hours apart from the first night feed which is 4 xxx
Baby c that app sounds good, I am constantly forgetting when she fed! How are you getting on with expressing?

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