***Jan & Feb Mummy and Baby***

We went to register on fri and office had closed at 1...no word of it on web.
So, went yesterday and went to take a ticket for the queuing system and the tickets had all gone!

Will try again thurs/fri. I just want her official!

Another pretty good night, she's such a good girl.

Got first checkup tomo and I'm worried if she's lost weight. They expect her to have gained 100-150g! In UK it's standard to lose!

Had my little girly weighed this morning. She's 11lb 3oz now at 7 weeks, which is 3lb 6oz up on her birth weight. Am finding the same issues as you all though...too big for the up to 1 month stuff, but 0-3 is too long in the legs. I seem to remember it was the same for Joe though, so must just be the way the clothes are made I guess as they are supposed to fit a 4lb weight range.

Agree with Becky, the breastfeeding will get easier in time. I came so close to quitting several times in the early weeks out of pure frustration and feeling like it was such a struggle, but so glad I persevered through it (albeit with lots and lots of tears, discomfort, some mastitis and just generally feeling like poo!). I still have moments of frustration, especially over the last few days as she went through the 6 week growth spurt and was extra fussy/clingy, but on the whole it's all good now. Hoping another 3-4 weeks and we won't have any issues at all. I do know that most of my thoughts of switching to bottle happened in the early hours of the morning when I was shattered (and hubby was snoring away next to me!!) Usually by morning I felt ready to face the battle again and it never seemed quite as bad in the daytime.

Nat, hope your migraine has gone.

Here's a pic of madam taken 4 days ago :)http://www.pregnancyforum.co.uk//uk.pinterest.com/pin/create/extension/


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anyone breastfeeding and got a very chunky baby? My boy is 4 weeks old today and was 11lb 6oz yesterday! :shock:

He was born 8lb 12oz and lost 3oz in the first week. That means he's gained 3lb in 3 weeks...
How cute is Freya! I love her outfit ane the hairband is just gorgeous... I cant wait to get Bee in a hairband lol.

Bee was 9lb 2oz at 5 weeks. She was 7lb 5oz at 12 days. She only lost 20g of birth weight as well.

Not getting her weighed until 8 week check (which is at almost 9 weeks) unless I have any concerns.

We have the opposite issue with Bee and her clothes? Her legs are getting too long for her 0-3 month stuff but she is miles away from needing the next size up. Ive had to buy some footless stuff from H&M.

BF'ing has started to get easier for us now. I have zero pain (unless boobs get too full but nothing when actually feeding). I still can only feed in a few positions though and have to hold my boob for fear of smothering baby!

The most difficult thing about feeding for me is that I can't always attend to James. He still doesn't understand the concept of waiting and I feel so torn between his needs and feeding the baby. I also dislike the fact all feeding is down to me. My OH used to be a lot more involved with James and I feel that as well as me doing the lions share, he is being excluded.

However I am happy to continue and the current aim is to get at least 6 months

Lol Nat, the hairband is too big for her and it fell down over her face about 30 seconds after I took the picture. They'll have to wait for a few more weeks until her head is a bit bigger :D

I hear you on the feeding issue too. I love BF but it would be nice for hubby to take over sometimes, so I could have 30 mins peace for a bath instead of grabbing a 30 second shower when I finally get a spare moment!

Steph, Freya has gone from 7lb13oz to 11lb 3oz, but that was in 7 weeks, so 3lb 6oz gain. She lost 7oz initially after birth.
Has anyone had or got thrush. Health visitor said that she reckons baby has it in his mouth
anyone breastfeeding and got a very chunky baby? My boy is 4 weeks old today and was 11lb 6oz yesterday! :shock:

He was born 8lb 12oz and lost 3oz in the first week. That means he's gained 3lb in 3 weeks...

My younger sister was like that. It slowed down a bit after the first weeks.

Our little girl was still breastfeeding until recently. She was a super frequent feeder when younger too. She is a total daddy's girl though so I wouldnt worry about the bonding withh dad part. It can get a bit exausting at times when you are the only one that can feed though.
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anyone breastfeeding and got a very chunky baby? My boy is 4 weeks old today and was 11lb 6oz yesterday! :shock:

He was born 8lb 12oz and lost 3oz in the first week. That means he's gained 3lb in 3 weeks...

My younger sister was like that. It slowed down a bit after the first weeks.

Our little girl was still breastfeeding until recently. She was a super frequent feeder when younger too. She is a total daddy's girl though so I wouldnt worry about the bonding withh dad part. It can get a bit exausting at times when you are the only one that can feed though.

Tell me about it. He's every hour to hour and half and that's not when he's having a growth spurt. It's exhausting
My baby is 17 days old and has become really fussy while awake. She sleeps for 3-4 hours at a time then wakes up has a feed, change then second feed and then instead of being settled she starts searching for more food latches then unlatches really quickly, settles for a few minutes then repeats. This can go on for 2-3 hours at a time. I worry that my breasts are empty and not satisfying her.
Mrs j - never dear your boobs will always produce enough. It still early days for your body to be adjusting to the demand/supply that baby needs. Just go with the flow xx
Hope you are feeling better Nat. Xx
Ceecee she is gorgeous I love my boys but I think girls are so cute so much more choice with outfits xx

Islemegan my first got thrush in his mouth I had to get an antibiotic for him hope it goes soon xx

Oisin has his bcg in the morning cue me in tears!! He's doing so well I feel so blessed. I really envy you ladies that have got to continue bfing. I feel so bad that I couldn't keep it up xx
Mrsj I get the same thing mainly through the night..... He just seems to be continually attached to my boob!!!

We've been to alderhey today and the tumour has grown :( so looks like heart surgery within the next couple of weeks.... its hit me like a tonne of bricks xx
Thanks TS, I agree about clothes choice. Feels like there is never much choice for my son but tons for girls.

MrsJ there is a growth spurt around 3 weeks so it's probably that. Freya is just coming out the other end of the 6 week growth spurt and has been similar. Fussy? Clingy and unsettled when awake.

Big hugs MrsT, what a stress for you. Sounds like he's in good hands though xx
Aww MrsT im sorry to hear this. Have they said what the surgery will entail? Would they beable to remove the whole tumor? Xx
Ohhh Mrs t sorry to hear your news. Xxx

Maisie is doing well feeding every 3 to 4 hours. She loves her vibrating chair but we switch between that in the day and her Moses basket!

I went back to the nurse today, my wound is healing-thankfully- and I've got to keep doing what I've been doing by dressing it each day! So hopefully by next week it should be all okay!!! X
Sorry to hear that surgery is required MrsT.

I know it must be a terrifying prospect but the staff will take the very best care of your beautiful wee baby.

Bee had her BCG when she was just 3 weeks? She was actually fine. I was very surprised. Its worse for us.

They are going to attempt to remove it all yes but they don't even no what the make up of it is. The consultant 2as going away to speak to surgeons this afternoon and we go back Thursday to see what they say. It's so rare they said that if any surgeon would of ever operated on something like this then they would be dead now?!?!

Aw Mrs T it sounds like he's in good care. Thoughts and prayers are with you all xx
Oh mrs T so sorry that you've had that news- but you're in the best possible hands.
Sending you lots of positive thoughts for Thursday - dexters got the best mummy and daddy looking after him xx

You might of said before but I can't remember- have they given you an actual diagnosis, or are they just referring to it as a tumour at the mo as it's rare?

Harry seems to have spent most of today on and off the boob- hoping tomorrow he's in need of less!

Going to be brave and go to a BF group for the first time in the morning- I didn't go to one with Harry as I did lots with my NCT group, so going to give it a bash. I'm not usually very good at stuff like this but I need to do it to hopefully widen my mummy friends xx
Thank you.

No diagnosis as they just don't know :( they can't even tell me now if it's on the outside or inside of heart but the right atrium is almost totally blocked by the tumour now ... its measuring just over 1 inch in diameter. They say the tissues look different but they won't be able to say till it is out and tested ...... Unfortunately don't think cancer can be ruled out at this stage but if the tumour is extremely rare then the chance of it being cancer is even rarer so fingers crossed!!

They are stopping all of our bf classes here in march because of money cuts in NHS which is a real shame... I hope you enjoy it.

Hubby is back at work tomorrow....... not looking forward to it but have my mum coming round for a few days.



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