***Jan & Feb Mummy and Baby***

Really having an awful day today.

Alfie had his tongue tie cut this morning and it's just gone down hill from there. He is full of cold, had been constipated but thankfully shifted it, and has been throwing up and projectile vomiting (sorry, tmi!) up after every feed. He has been awake all day so we've just taken him out in the car to get him to sleep as he's just resisted it all day, we had 4 hours of constant crying earlier, I ended up calling 111 as he was hysterical and throwing everything up. I mentioned him not being well to the dr this morning and she just disregarded it and said he was fine. I can hear the snot on his chest now :( so when the dr from 111 called me back he told me to keep him hydrated but every feed comes straight back up 2 minutes later. He's also gagging to get bile up too. It's so awful, my poor baby :( I'm calling the drs tomorrow if he's no better.

Today has been, well exhausting to say the least. I don't want to go to sleep in case Alfie is sick in his sleep.
Oh Toni that sounds awful, poor Alfie and poor mummy. Try and get a little bit of rest, can you take it in turns with oh to watch him? Or let him sleep in bouncer tonight so it wouldn't be so much of a problem to him if he's sick. Really hope he feels better soon.
MrsT just caught up on your post, good luck on Thursday and remember you're in good hands. I can't imagine how hard it is and how worried you'll be but stay strong for Dex, he sounds like a little superstar.
Night feed number 2 already here, zzz!
Thank you for everyone's kind words. .... just want a date and an idea of recovery times etc now.

I'm so impressed ...... Dex must of known mummy has had a long day and no daddy to help out tonight as he went down at 11.30 and I had to wake him to feed at 2.45!! I've been told to feed every 2-3 hours so felt like I had to wake him else I'm sure he'd of gone longer.... makes a change from the horror s of the past few nights! !!!!!

Finally got Alfie down at just gone 12. Woke up for a bottle at 5 and was awake until I rocked him to sleep at 6.30. Back up at9.30 for a bottle and now he's fast asleep, only dilemma is he needs changing but I don't dare wake him! He exhausted himself yesterday :( on the plus side he's keeping his feed down now, panic over! I've woken up with an awful headache so I'm still in bed in my pjs while Alfie is sleeping in his Moses basket.

Does anyone use a grobag? Thinking of getting one for Alfie as he kicks his covers off at night, so when I get him up for a feed hes cold. Is he too young at 2 weeks old? Also does anyone have a nappy bin? I use a normal bin but my dog insists on taking them out the bin and chewing them up, yuck!

MrsT dexter is very lucky to have you as a mummy! Good luck for Thursday x
Toni, that sounds awful, hope alfie is better today.
Toni c we were given a nappy bin as a present and i have to say i love it! X
Toni you can use gro bags from 8lb so as long as he's heavier than that then go for it. I'm looking forward to being able to use them as we have the covers issue too
Toni we used sleeping bags from birth , but as blondy says as long as he's over 8lb go for it.
If you have a tk maxx near you have a look in there as they usually have lots of sleeping bags at good prices x
Mrs T, I'm so sorry to hear that Dexter may need an op, I hope that you & hubby are both okay

Toni,we have the tomee tipee sangenic nappy bin and it's great. We got it from mothercare and had it price matched to kiddicare, it didn't cost much at all I think it was around £20.

Aria had put on 60g when weighed Monday and another 50g yesterday, so pleased with her!

I just got my Medela electric pump out as she is struggling to latch again, Midwife said it could be because my boobs are full and too hard. It is so strange watching the milk come out in the pump! I got about 80ml out of one, haven't done the other yet as she is due a feed so don't want to empty them completely!
Hey girls sorry not been on Helen and I been in hospital Helen stictch on her c section was tied into a muscle so healing is the key which could take weeks . Ruby is Amazin xxx

Thinking of u mrst x
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Ah Zoe glad you've been on- I realised Helen was still in hospital, but didn't want to ask on FB what had happened. How long will she be in for?

Ruby looks gorg on her pictures x

Baby c good news on the expressing- there's something quite satisfying about seeing expressed milk in a bottle isn't there.

Well I went to the Bf group this morning- was ok, though at the start I felt a not left out as the few girls that were there had obviously been going for a while. Got chatting to a couple of mums later on though.. Although I have no idea of their names

Does anyone else have this problem where you spend so much time asking about baby.. Name/how old/ weight that mummies names don't get asked!

This afternoon got Signed off from the midwife as Finley's jaundice has all cleared up.. And I'm astounded that in the week since he was last weighed, he's put another pound on!! So that's 2lb in 2 weeks!!

He's now a hefty 12lb 1oz!! Love my chunky monkey xx
Zoe I saw Helen was in hospital too but the same as Becky I didn't really want to comment. I'm glad it's nothing too bad. Hope she gets better and can come home soon.

Becky, I thought it was just me haha, it is very satisfying seeing it come out. I think it's put my mind at rest a little too as I know now that there is definitely milk there when Aria has a feed!

I worry about breast feeding groups because they may be clicky, there is a Facebook page for the ones by me so I may join them and try talking to people before going.

Great news about Finley!
Hope helen is ok zoe.

Well done for getting out and about becky. I still haven't been to the fd'ing group near me but think i will in a couple of weeks when oh goes back to work.

Im really trying to work on our latch as i think its too shallow sometimes and causing me pain. I was so ready to give up last night but determined to continue.

Had a go at expressing today but nothing came out. Will try again tomorrow xx
Even second time round I still feel a bit shy/nervous about going to groups. I just tell myself I need to stick them out for a few weeks- if I'm still not comfortable after that, at least I know I've tried!!

Mrs J when i have a similar problem with my left boob- his match isn't great. I asked today and basically the lady showed me to literally grab my boob, and as he opens his mouth, shove as much in as poss, whilst holding the back of his head quite firmly

Sounds a bit bad, but it does help as when he's got it right since it's not hurt as much xx
I've given up on breast feeding for now. I'm expressing and giving her that, I may re-attempt it in a few days but I'm getting down when she fails to latch on and it is just stressing us both out. I feel as if a weight has been lifted. At least this way she gets the benefits of breast milk without me & her getting upset & stressed. I know BFing is good for binding but it can't be when I'm stressing!
Slumbersac do newborn sleepbag - we used them from day one and George was only 6lb9

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