***Jan & Feb Mummy and Baby***

Florence smiles quite a lot in the morning but by the evening they seem to stop. I seem to have less milk by the end of the day so she doesn't seem as satisfied in herself and therefore not as smiley. So gorgeous when she does smile though! x
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Poor wee Mollie. She is having a rough time..... although I know its harder for mummy. Little one wont remember.

We are getting a few smiles. Very sporadic at the moment but they melt me.
Oh my goodness what a beautiful smile!!!!! I didn't realise we could get them as early on as 7 weeks.... that's my FTM naivety coming through again haha

Bee is not even 6 weeks yet so I think this was a fluke ha. Not seen a smile since.


I had an awful night last night.

I want to exclusively BF but she doesn't seem satisfied at night so been topping up. I'd hoped this would just be til my milk comes in but it's carrying on. Any tips on how to produce more milk????
She was on boob for ages but just falls asleep (as do I sometimes). Should I get up and out of bed to feed to wake us up a bit do yiu think?

Or I was thinking of expressing during day when she's not as hungry and topping up with that at night.
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Aww that smile is beautiful! We just get the windy smiles atm haha!!

Omg im not an expert on BF'ing as still learning the ropes myself but im sure ive read somewhere that expressing helps to increase your milk. Sorry if thats wrong, im sure someone can correct me if i am.

Jessicas skin has been really dry since birth but seems to be getting alot better. The only problem is her face is peeling worse then ever. I haven't been putting anything on her face but just wondering if theres anything i should be doing or if i just leave it to improve (hopefully) on its own? xx
I wouldn't put anything on her face hun. Bee is still flaky and spotty on her face but I'm just leaving it.

Fenugreek is good for milk supply and best thing is to have baby on boob (they much more efficient at sucking than any pump) so they will help regulate supply but you can use a pump as well?

Thanks girls.

I've just decided to commit and go for it. I've got no more formula in house...not through choice and all shops are shut today so I may as well embrace it!

Also eating porridge...apparently oats in the morning = full breasts at night!

Worth a try!

Good luck omg, hope it works out ok for you. BF'ing is a total mind field to me, i never imagined it could be so complicated.

First day home alone with jessica as DH has gone out for the afternoon. Feels really wierd. Shes asleep atm and im trying to organise myself to get a shower! Lol xx
I also heard eating oats makes for more milk. are yours cluster feeding? chloe does this and it ups my milk. ive been expressing with the electronic tomee tipee. it works well and then if I need it we have an extra supply :)
Omg when I was looking into relactation I found the following tips for increasing producton:
Fenugreek tablets from health food shop
Skin to skin and loads of it
Put baby to breast often
Warm flannels in breasts

Not sure if that helps at all but they were the tips I kept being given.

Mollie had 2nd chiro and she has very Little mobility in one of her hips (not a joint issue but muscular). The tension runs all the wat from the base of spine to her neck and they showed me a bulging bit that is a muscle spasm which will.be causing her pain.

We've got a bit of a road ahead until she's happy but we've had a few smiles today and she seems a bit happier already after one lot of treatment so I'm looking forward to the end result! X
I think we are so close to the first smile! Can't wait for it!

We are doing good-anyone have any tips for getting a longer stint of sleeping at night for BF baby?Rafferty will do around 3 hours but as he is nearly 6 weeks now I'm thinking he might start to do a bit longer at night?

Can't believe how time flies-in the next few days I will log on with the laptop so I can finally post a pic as I have not found a way on my phone unless anyone knows different?x
OMG if baby is falling to sleep unlatch them and wind them, strip them or nappy change to wake them up again as feeding relaxes babies and most will end up suckling rather than be feeding towards the end, so you might not be emptying the boob proper xx
Good luck with the feeding OMG :) I have been topping up with expressed milk for last few days, will be glad to get back to just the breast - so much less effort!!

Nat I love your pic :)

If it wasn't for the colic we'd have a much happier little boy, but he gives us smiles, laughs and even a couple of 'goo goo's when he's awake & not in pain.

8 weeks today! :)
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Thanks everyone. I've drank loads of water and eaten porridge today, so hopefully I'm on the right track! Will go in hunt for fenugreek next week.

After posting, she fed for ages, really filled up which was great. I changed her half way and did skin to skin too. I just can't seem to do that at night, I'm just so tired!

So, in PJs now and going to go to bed!

My bro, SIL, niece and nephew were going to come over to see us next month but they say flights etc are too expensive. I'm gutted! It's actually made me a bit emotional. We moved away last September, and I'm usually ok but was really looking forward to them coming out, that and I'm gearing up for my mum to leave (not for a few weeks, but still). It's hard with a new baby. With my other 2 I lived really close to family. Feeling so teary!

Maybe just over tired.

I've been looking at lactation cookies which seem to increase milk supply

Baby Samuel arrived on 19.02.15 and he just so adorable
He is just gorgeous TC. Such a cutie pie.

OMG where are you based?

Congrats on baby Samuel Megan.

Looks like I'm in for a fun night. .. B has been asleep for hours. No sense in my trying to sleep as James is still up. He'll go down soon but no doubt little legs will be stirring by then..

Hi all, I thought I would pop over and say hi!

Aria was born on 26 Feb weighing 5lbs11.5oz, we had an unplanned home birth - labour story posted in tri 3.

She is absolutely beautiful but has turned our world upside down! She doesn't like her Moses basket which results in barely any sleep for us. We're going to try her in her carry cot tonight as it is a lot smaller than the basket. She wants to be with us constantly and loves skin to skin but we don't sleep properly with her in bed.

She isn't feeding enough either, MW came today and wants us doing 15-20 mins every two hours. She advised us to buy some of the pre-made bottles as a back up, we have them here and haven't needed them yet today but they may come in handy tonight as that is when we usually have problems. She falls asleep on the breast but MW said to wake her up by blowing on her or gently pinching her ears/feet, this seems to be working quite well.

She is being weighed tomorrow and MW said if she has lost over 10% of her birth weight we need to put another feeding plan in place. I really did want to bf but I just want the best for her so if it means bottles then so be it.

I hope everyone else is doing well and enjoying their bundles.
Baby C, you could ask your midwife about finger feeding to tide you over for a few days until breast feeding is established? Just a thought xx

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