I've lost baby

Woke up thinking of you, fingers crossed for another day
Thinking of u lots Vicky I hope little one stays put just sending all that I can hugs and all too xx
Thinking of u lovely and hope ur little fighter can carry on fighting for as long as possible xx
Scared as losing fresh blood. C'mon baby fight to stay where u are where it's warm x x
Praying for you and your lo hun, hang in there baby! Xxx
You Oh and little bub are in my prayers! They are obviously a fighter..just like you hun x I have everything crossed for you. xxx
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Thinking about you Vicky, I hate being in hospital but you're defs in the right place to help baby xxx
Not quite the same situation but when i had my first child i went in to be induced and they found out i was already dilated and my waters wouldn't break at all they had to physically do it themselves so i'm hoping you have a good strong waters like i did fx hun x x x x
Thinking of you and have everything crossed x
Keeping everything crossed for you sweetie.
Your in my thoughts xx
Well another day over and baby's still safe. Hopefully 2 more sleeps here and I'll be back in my own bed xx
Great news vicky, you and baby are in my thoughts and prayers. Stay strong x
Brilliant news, good luck and keeping everything crossed that you little one stays out xxx
Not long woken up dying for a wee (or a widdle as I call it lol) and have passed a blood clot. I thought it was big but they're not concerned. I'm gonna try and get more sleep now. C'mon baby Mommy Knows you're strong enough xx
This must be so scary for you hun, but if they are not concerned about the clot that is a good thing? Your lo has put up an amazing fight and will continue to do so. Sending love all the love and strength in the world x
Glad to hear baby is hanging in there!! Hope you get to go home soon! Fingers well and truly crossed xxxx

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