Any advice on a medical management?


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2011
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I was told yesterday at my scan that there was no heartbeat and baby stopped growing at about 8 weeks. Because I'm less than 9 weeks they are letting me manage the medical miscarriage at home but I'd really appreciate hearing about your experiences so that I can be prepared tomorrow. I'm devastated to have lost smudge, the other options were letting it happen naturally or surgical which would have taken weeks. I just couldn't face it. I don't want the medical in hospital because I know people that work there.
Sorry I'm rambling, but if any one has any advice on making an awful day any easier I'd appreciate it x
Sorry for your loss honey! In terms of advice I was didnt have to have any medication as I had a natural mc so dont know if I can help. Just take good care of yourself and your oh!
Get some painkillers to have near you. And some towels to put under you when you lay down. Also a bucket in case you get sick. Fever and nausea and diarrhea are all normal the first day. Abdominal cramps also. Eat well before you get the pills.good luck :) message me if you need me
Thanks hopes, i just want tomorrow with, I'm dreading it, just wish I was still pregnant, so sad
hey hon.....dunno if this helps but i lost my baby ay 9 weeks in march and there wasnt too much blood....large clots but more like a period really. pains were quite intense though, but mine was natural so cant compare to a medical one, sorry....

hope everything goes as well as can be expected...

it does feel easier with time....i
I had medical management in hospital, i thought was was just over 14weeks and my angel had stop growing at 12w3days. I had to have 2 lots of the pessaries as one didnt work. Id get some of the large sanitry pads, everyone is different but i lost alot of blood and make sure you have painkillers at hand. Thinking of you hunny, take care x x

i had a medical management at home i was what i though 12 week but baby stopped at 8 week.

i had the first tablets orally the day i found out then 48hrs later went back and had 4 internally went home straight away and given 2 to take orally 6 hrs later.

The pain was just like a bad period pain, they gave me some painkillers to take but i just took anadin .

the pain was quite sharp for a short time and id describe it as a bad backache from a period. I felt when i started to bleed as i coughed and out it came (sorry tmi) id deffo have changes of bottoms to hand, good absorbent pads and sit on a towel or incontinece pad thing incase u dont get there in time. i found it easier when on the toilet to kind of push if that makes sense which is what the nurse told me to do. Then you were helping things move on down and out. i think in total i lost about 4 big clots and the rest was heavy bleeding.
id say just rest when its happening as no matter how prepared you are it is an emotional thing to go through.

here if you want to ask anything or talk x thinking of u x
Really sorry you have to go through this, it'd truly awful big hugs xxx

I had the medical management in April and went in for the mifepristone on the Monday and back on the Wednesday for the misoprostol. I had no bleeding in-between and took the second tablets at 8am. I was told to buzz if the pain got too bad but I didn't need to to be honest. I passed the products about 11.30 and it all came out at once. I got strong cramps and an urge to go to the toilet and it all came gushing out (sorry tmi) I didn't have any accidents but there was lots of blood for the rest of the day and the next few days. The pains weren't that bad, just like bad period cramps, I didn't take any painkillers. I'd be prepared for it to come on quick and fast and have plenty of towels on hand.
So so sad to log in and see your thread Dysco, as I think we were due around the same time.

I can't give any advice re the medical management, as I miscarried but when they scanned the sac was still there, so I was given the option of letting the rest happen naturally,medical management or surgery. I opted for surgery, as I was also told that there was a chance they'd need to do that anyway if the other methods didn't work. From a personal point of view, I also didn't want things dragging on. Were you given surgery as an option?

When I miscarried, the bleeding was really, really heavy. I've had bad periods but nothing like this. I soaked through an ultra pad in minutes and was passing huge clots for hours was surprised when there was still a sac there.

As others have said, have towels and the highest absorbancy pads you can get handy and be prepared for things to happen very quickly when you do start to bleed.

Hoping things don't drag on for you. stay strong x
thanks bliss, they said I would have to wait 2-3 weeks for a surgical so went with medical. Its been a horrible day but thankfully less physically traumatic than I was expecting. I started taking pain killers before it started and took them regularly all day. OH's boss has been fantastic and he ended up with 4 days compassionate leave and he has been my rock through this, despite being devastated himself. Cazzlou it want just as you described, it was so useful to read these comments and have support. I can't thank you all enough xxx

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