I've lost baby

Really hope you and baby are ok xx
I am so very sorry to read this.. My heart goes out to you. Thinking of you xxxx
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Oh vicky, i have just read this and i am absolutely devastated for you. Life can be so cruel, have tears writing this. Msg if you want to chat, sending hugs and prayers to you :'( xx
Oh I'm so sorry :cry: huge huge hugs to you xxxx
Baby's still holding on. Though I'm fully dilated my waters are still intact. Seen the consultant today and says that though I'm very high risk if I manage to stay the way I am now for a couple more days then they will let me go home. They're going to start me on antibiotics tomorrow and just going to have to take it day to day (well hour to hour). Ive had no clotting and only a bit pinky on wiping.

Obviously we're still praying for a miracle.

Thanks again for all your lovely messages. This baby's definitely a fighter :) xx
That's good news. Sending positive thoughts to you xx
I've just sat for a moment not knowing what to write. You are one strong lady Vicky, and it looks like your little one has mummys strength too! Hang on in there xx
They must think you have a strong one there if they are thinking of sending you home. Wishing that baby stays put! xx
Come on baby hang in there! Thinking of you and sending lots of love and positive thoughts your way. You and your little baby are fighters hun, keep it up x
Fingers crossed for the baby and the next couple of days going as well as they possibly can x
Morning everyone, have had a good nights sleep. Had quite a lot of blood loss in my first wee of the day but no clotting and no sign of waters breaking or labour pains.

Wish breakfast would hurry up cus I'm hungry (as always) lol :). Will carry on keeping you updated.

Take care x x

Ps My thread title was "I've lost baby" due to the fact that a doctor told me "Sorry your baby's dead" before they even scanned or used a Doppler on me. Still can't believe what awful mistake he'd made as I'd asked for medical management to help me pass baby and if they'd agreed then I would have killed my baby and any possible chance bubs is having now. I'm still very annoyed and will put in a complaint no matter what the outcome x x
That's good news!! We've all got our fingers well and truly crossed for you and baby hun. Yes you should definitely put a complaint in!! What an awful thing to say without checking!!! X
Praying for your little one, I was talking to a lady the other day whose waters broke at 23 weeks, baby hung on until 27 weeks, her waters did replenish themselves, I have no idea if this situation is similar to yours, but it can only give hope, big hugs xx
How awful of the dr to tell you that before being sure! You definately need to make a complaint at a later date but for now just concentrate on keeping you and baby as healthy and stress free as possible in your situation. Fx you and baby continue to do well and can go home soon x
Oh vic so glad baby is hanging in there Hun fingers crossed for u and sending u hugs too Hun xxxx
I am praying for you and your baby Vicky.

You are incredibly strong - that must be where baby gets it from!

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Wow can't believe they said ur baby was dead before they even checked! Massive complaint I think, hope ur ok and that baby holds on for as long as he she can and sending lots of baby glue to keep him her well n truly stuck :) xx

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