I've lost baby

Awwww Vicky all hope is not lost then! Fingers crossed they can stop the labour and baby will hang on in there xxxx
Oh Vicky, I'm so sorry you poor soul. I know it's no consolation, but I hope you get answers as to why this is happening to you again and something can be done to prevent it in the future. Thinking of you at this truly horrific time xxx
Well baby's hanging in there. Even though I'm fully dilated (& have been since about 2pm) my waters haven't broken. Strong heartbeat but I know we have a long way to go. I'm trying to stay positive but I need to go at least another 5 weeks for baby to have any chance) Still not over. Will be getting test results back in the morning so hope that will shed some light on what's happened.

Thanks for all your lovely messages. Will keep you updated. A massive FX xx

Omg my heart leaped when I read that, ive everything crossed that they stop labour and the baby hangs in there! Come on baby keep that heart pounding xx
I am so sorry to read this I truly am devastated for you life realy is the pits sometimes , big hugs xxx
I've just read ur last comment sorry are u saying ur baby is still,alive ? I thought u meant it had already gone and u had to give birth if so I hope they can stop it and baby hangs on in there xxx
I am so very sorry that you are going through this. Sending hugs.
I have everything crossed for you hun, sending big hugs xxxx
I'm so sorry this has happened after what you've already been through. Come on baby, hang in there. Sending lots of virtual hugs xx
Well baby's hanging in there. Even though I'm fully dilated (& have been since about 2pm) my waters haven't broken. Strong heartbeat but I know we have a long way to go. I'm trying to stay positive but I need to go at least another 5 weeks for baby to have any chance) Still not over. Will be getting test results back in the morning so hope that will shed some light on what's happened.

Thanks for all your lovely messages. Will keep you updated. A massive FX xx

Fx your bean stays nice and sticky and strong. Sending lots of positive thoughts your way hon. Xx
Everything crossed hunny. Must be so hard for you! Thinking of you x
aww I'm sorry to hear what you are having to go through vicky, I have my fingers crossed that baby is a fighter and that you get to be the mummy you wanted to be! I'm sure we are all wishing you well. big hugs xx
Oh Vicky I am so sorry..Thinking of you both at a time like this. Cant even begin to think how you must be feeling. You're a strong brave women. x x
Couldn't believe I was reading this, I am thinking of you, so sad, praying for a miracle xx
I read the first page of this thread with my heart breaking for you, then read the second. I so hope they manage to stop the labour and the little munchkin stays strong for you. My prayers are with you.
How are you today hun? Been thinking of you and praying for your little bean x
Oh Vicky I was so sorry to see this post from you as I've seen you around on the forum since I first joined when I found out I was pregnant. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you that they can do something and save the little one, only a few more weeks till 24 weeks.

Will be thinking of you xx
Oh vic I've only just seen this I'm thinking of u and got my fingers crossed that baby stays in place in the warm Hun xxxxx
I am so so sorry for your loss and I hope this baby hangs on lovely and strong for you. Sending prayers your way xxx

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