February testing thread 2019

My normal GP wasn't there so I saw another one whos reputation isnt the best anyway, so I'll wait a couple weeks and if AF still didn't show and I'm still having those cramps then I'll make another appointment with my doctor. At this stage I just want AF to arrive so I can start a new cycle.
Will you be testing soon since AF is officially late for you?
Yea I'm going to get first response today and test in the morning I think because I'm never late is always really regular and I haven't got any of my normal pms symptoms at all
Just been and got frer and got some clear blue digitals aswell while I was there. Other half wants me to take one tonight so going to hold off going the loo.for as long as possible and then test tonight with the frer.
Just been and got frer and got some clear blue digitals aswell while I was there. Other half wants me to take one tonight so going to hold off going the loo.for as long as possible and then test tonight with the frer.

Good luck omg!!

I'm praying for you

I'm in the same situation as you, period is officially one day late so fingers crossed!!!!

Also I would suggest waiting until tomorrow because it's more clear in the morning just so you don't get any false negatives and feel disheartened
Good luck omg!!

I'm praying for you

I'm in the same situation as you, period is officially one day late so fingers crossed!!!!

Also I would suggest waiting until tomorrow because it's more clear in the morning just so you don't get any false negatives and feel disheartened
Thanks hun I've got everything crossed for you to.
I want to wait till morning but my other half wants me to test tonight because he's on an early shift again tomorrow so won't be here when I actually get up and he's got to be up at like 4am so there is no chance I'm waking up at that time. I'm literally going to hold for at least 4 hours or longer if I can I normally only have about a 6hour hold anyway of a night so if I can get to that point I'll be happy. He was telling me to just drink loads so had to tell him it doesn't work like that you need it to be concentrated lol
Still no af here. I still think it’s on its way cause I had that tiny spot of blood yesterday but did think it would be here by now x
Just been and got frer and got some clear blue digitals aswell while I was there. Other half wants me to take one tonight so going to hold off going the loo.for as long as possible and then test tonight with the frer.
Im crossing all my fingers for you hun xx
Still no af here. I still think it’s on its way cause I had that tiny spot of blood yesterday but did think it would be here by now x
Will you be testing soon or are you holding off a little longer?
Hopefully she stays away xx but i know the feeling! Theres nothing worse than the 2WW.

So true! Next month I’m gonna really try not to think about it too much in the tww but when it comes to it it’s really hard not to x
So true! Next month I’m gonna really try not to think about it too much in the tww but when it comes to it it’s really hard not to x
I know. I don't think I will buy any HPTs till at least a few days after AF is due next cycle, whenever that will start. By saying that now, I will probably run to the store at 8DPO cause I can't help myself. :looped:
I know. I don't think I will buy any HPTs till at least a few days after AF is due next cycle, whenever that will start. By saying that now, I will probably run to the store at 8DPO cause I can't help myself. :looped:
Haha this sounds exactly like me!:help::rotfl:
Well I totally fell asleep this evening kind of a good thing though because means I've had a super hold so totally testing in the next hour last time I peed was half 1 and it's just turning 8pm.
4 days late I'm cramping now and really bad trapped wind (sorry TMI!). Feels like AF will come any second, but don't usually get gas, could be totally unrelated. Fully expecting AF tomorrow. Still BFN this morning :(
Well I totally fell asleep this evening kind of a good thing though because means I've had a super hold so totally testing in the next hour last time I peed was half 1 and it's just turning 8pm.
Keep us updated, hopefully it'll be good news xx
4 days late I'm cramping now and really bad trapped wind (sorry TMI!). Feels like AF will come any second, but don't usually get gas, could be totally unrelated. Fully expecting AF tomorrow. Still BFN this morning :(
Sorry to hear that! Im 9 days late today and Ive had that yesterday as well. I hope you'll get to know soon either way. Waiting and not knowing sucks!
Done a frer and after 5 mins it's negitive had a really good hold aswell
Done a frer and after 5 mins it's negitive had a really good hold aswell
I'm so sorry! This month really is cursed. Everyone is late but no BFPs. Hopefully yours is going to turn into one though xx

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