February 2018 Mummies - the final hurdle

Could well be due to being younger. Hopefully its all resolved and he has put some weight back on! I remember the lying on my side feeding baby all night... tiring times! Another reason I am dreading a section in case I cant lie on my side!

I hope so Wednesday. It’s been stressful. I’ll be really surprised if he hasn’t. I want to give a dummy soon too and I’m not doing that until the feeding is nailed. Oh and start expressing etc.
Yes best not to introduce the dummy until youre establishes. I do love a good dummy though, life saver at times

Yes best not to introduce the dummy until youre establishes. I do love a good dummy though, life saver at times

No.. hubby is desperate for us to give a dummy. I’m less keen at this point. We’ve had several arguments about it. I don’t want to start expressing yet either. I’m scared about what it will do to my milk supply!!
I don’t know the right time to do either of those things :lol: I’m all conflicted about it!

I’ll ask the health visitor about it tomorrow I think. Though I can guess what she’ll say to me!
Sorry, just typed a big reply and lost it.

We're ok. Still in Neonatal and will be for a while. More because they don't know what is wrong with Edith as opposed to her being poorly.

She is actually doing ok - our of incubator and only has a feeding tube and one wire now.

There is talk of moving us to GOSH. There is a specialist there who deals with her kind of issues (she has poor upper limb tone and isn't feeding). She is also really quiet and rarely cries and doesn't display "normal" newborn behaviour. But all initial tests have told us nothing. She is a mystery!!!

Sadly we are having to accept that there is some kind of underlying issue. She is having her DNA tested to look at some more obscure possibilities.... but she isn't going to just 'get better'. At least not until we figure out what is causing her issues and knowing how to help her and move forward.

Here are a few pics

Just logged on for the first time in ages and saw you have another baby girl! Congratulations!!! Although it sounds like you're having a tough time. I really hope you get some answers soon, I'm sure it's a really worrying time for you- she's absolutely beautiful xxxxxx

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I don’t know the right time to do either of those things :lol: I’m all conflicted about it!

I’ll ask the health visitor about it tomorrow I think. Though I can guess what she’ll say to me!

Jumping over from January thread! Just to say I’ve been expressing 1 feed since my milk came in so hubby can give a bottle so I can go to bed early. I express after my last evening feed just before I go up. I’ve had no nipples confusion or supply problems. We’ve also given a dummy since 2-3 weeks old just in the evenings when she is unsettled and hubby uses to settle her to sleep when I’m in bed.
I don’t know the right time to do either of those things :lol: I’m all conflicted about it!

I’ll ask the health visitor about it tomorrow I think. Though I can guess what she’ll say to me!

Jumping over from January thread! Just to say I’ve been expressing 1 feed since my milk came in so hubby can give a bottle so I can go to bed early. I express after my last evening feed just before I go up. I’ve had no nipples confusion or supply problems. We’ve also given a dummy since 2-3 weeks old just in the evenings when she is unsettled and hubby uses to settle her to sleep when I’m in bed.

I think I need to express..? I’m sure there’s something going on with my milk supply.
Wednesday - did you have a scan? How did it go?

Little legs still hasn’t regained his birthweight. I’m quite upset about it. The professionals aren’t overly worried but u just don’t get how Tilly didn’t lose anything when she was born. It’s the same milk! :( I guess a different baby. He’s going to be much smaller than my giant daughter.
How did your scan go yesterday Wednesday? I'm starting to get nervous about Wednesday now, spent all day today cleaning the house ready! Just need to get my daughters bags sorted out really for her going to stop at my mums but going to do that tomorrow x
My pram arrived this afternoon and I absolutely love it! 200 quid well spent :lol:


OH seems to like it too despite it being raspberry pink! I have so far resisted the urge to push it around the house, but it feels so smooth! There's just something about a new pram! We also got the carseat with it too! A week and 5 days left and we can put this baby to the test on the outside! Best of all..adjustable handle bars..so my short arse can reach em :lol: (being 5'0 has it's downfalls!!)

Sebastian also likes the pushchair and has so far been pushing it around our living room! We have tried to involve him in everything so far, even packing the baby hospital bags! I just hope he adjusts well when she's actually here..weve had a few wobbles where he gets grumpy and tells me "I don't want a sister" and my favourite one so far.."I'm not being nice to her" :lol: older siblings..dont you love em?
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Tor how much has lost and regained??

Yes I had a scan - they said 8lb 13oz yesterday. I just dont believe Im capable of growing such a big baby... I am very little myself!
Beau - I am so nervous for Wednesday. I am willing myself to go into labour tonight just so I dont have to have a section....

Sebbies - nice pram! Love that hes already decided he wont be nice, hahaaa!

Tor how much has lost and regained??

Yes I had a scan - they said 8lb 13oz yesterday. I just dont believe Im capable of growing such a big baby... I am very little myself!

He lost 280g he is still 30g from his birthweight. Which is not much but still. I’d thought he have gained it back by now :(

Those scans are only estimates - an overestimate in my case. My baby was very close to the weight they had him at at 36 weeks. So it was obviously overestimated. How strange you should be growing a massive one this time!
I completely understand you wanting him to be at his birth weight xxxx but 30g is nothing. I know you know this, and it doesnt help, but its the difference between having a wee or not!

I completely understand you wanting him to be at his birth weight xxxx but 30g is nothing. I know you know this, and it doesnt help, but its the difference between having a wee or not!

Well I’m a bit miffed she didn’t weigh him in the kitchen on the tiles like everyone else has. So that could have made a difference.

I just can’t understand how I’ve had 2 completely different experiences with breastfeeding! My little girl had gained like a pound and a half by 2 weeks old!

And of course you’re right.. :lol:
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I think I’m jut lacking in confidence this time round for some silly reason! I had so many issues with my daughter about stuff the lack of milk and growth was never one of them :/
Fingers crossed for Friday. All you can do is keep feeding which is sounds like you are.

Im so excited to start feeding again, just really hoping the section doesnt mean it takes ages for my milk to come in


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