February 2018 Mummies - the final hurdle

Hope you’re ok Ts..

The ctg would pick up any contractions so they’d know if it was that quite soon.

Bad night here :( I forgot how hard this can be.
They did pick up contractions but cervix is unchanged. Urine is clear. Doctor said there is some concern so she's sent bloods to check for infection. She doesn't think it's pregnancy related as baby is perfectly happy.

Pain seems to be settling down and I'm just tired now.

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Home. They have no idea what it was. Every test is clear. Just have to monitor movement at home and take paracetamol.

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I can deal with the having my sleep disturbed thing, it’s when the baby doesn’t settle after a feed in the night that it’s a killer!! I’ve had 2 nights out of 3 where that’s happened!! Yikes...
TS... Hope those pains ease up for you!

Wednesday... Friday will be here before you know it! How are you feeling?

Tor.. Hopefully little man begins to settle for you!

Apart from Wednesday... is anyone else scheduled a CS or induction in Jan??.. I still cant believe Jan is almost over!
Yep, due for section on wed.

Carnat best of luck with Edith. Hope eveyone else is getting on better today too?
Wednesday... eek not long now.

Tor... hope that little angel let's mummy sleep soon.

I'm awake. No more pain.
Interestingly the midwife did say baby didn't seem breech last night. Lots of pelvic aching today too. Maybe she turned?
Ok I'm having a csection so it doesn't matter but it might explain the pain?

They told me to rest but I'm bored already lol. Only been awake an hour. Going to watch Netflix and write for a while. Hopefully tonight we can sort my hospital bag. I'll sit and point. That's still resting right?

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Oh Wow! so that's 3 little ones this week!

Ts when is your section? Ahh yeah maybe shes turned! haha as long as you take it easy i'd say that's resting lol x
Crinkles. I'm seeing a consultant tomorrow to find out. We're looking towards the end of February since I'm due March 1st. (I'm a group rebel haha)

I was toying with changing my mind and going vbac but after last night I think I'll stick to my original choice. Lol.

Wiggles seems happy today. She's been dancing for the past half hour

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Tor - hope he sleeps tonight! Are you any further forward with names?

Ts - glad pain has eased x

Crinkles - how are you lovely?

Im feeling pretty stressed about it all to be honest. Im trying not to but it isnt helping! I just cant imagine trying to look after a baby while looking after myself and a section wound....

Guys!!! First day on May leave today and manager calls me to say they've all been asked to attend a meeting in Manchester on Wednesday... it sounds like we are all being made redundant.. although not confirmed yet...

Can believe the Amish tbif stress I've been under throughout this pregnancy with bereavement too, now panicking about how it will affect me and my maternity am I right to think that my full may leave is protected?!! Godddd, couldn't bleeding make my life up!!! Xxx

Hope you are all ok guys thinking of you all xx
No name yet Wednesday. Haha.

Babyruth - im sorry about your work situ. It’s crap. I’m in a similar position and it’s ruining my maternity leave! I keep thinking about it etc. And I should be thinking about my baby :(
Oh tornits so frustrating isn't it?! Talk about timing... x

Hope you have a better night tonight and baby settles after the feeds, fingers crossed!! Xxx
I know arghhhh!!!!! Hopefully know more on Wednesday x

I've been invited to the meeting but not feeling up to it so I will get the update by phone from my manager at the end of the day.. :-(

Hope you are feeling ok Wednesday not long now until c-day!! Xx
Good luck with the consultant today ts!!

I'm doing ok thank you Wednesday after the up and down at the weekend scan showed baby is ok.. and she's estimated at 6lb 5 now so back on track!

Oh Ruth! So sorry you're having to go through the added stress and at such a crappy time! Hopefully some good news will come later on today!..

I still can't believe that in the ne next 25ish days (I'm giving myself a 6day overdue window as my other little lady was 6days over and both boys were 2 days over) il have a baby! I keep looking at her stuff in disbelief xx
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Same Crinkles - my baby will be here in 3 days and I barely believe it!


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