February 2018 Mummies - the final hurdle

Feel so crap today :( I see pictures of all these lovely, painted..perfect nurseries and I don't have any of that! I just wanted that for my last child! All I get is a cot in the corner of our bedroom! No lovely themed room especially for my baby which I really had my heart set on this time around! I thought with me working we'd be able to manage anything and even move house for me to have the chance of that space and baby room! But no! I'm still stuck in this same old hole of a house :( 2 bedrooms and sod all space! I've had enough! I've already cried about it for the past 36 weeks and I've got nowhere

OH seems to think it's not an issue, but he's in for a very rude awakening when he finally realises that once madam is old enough she'll need her own room and then we have nowhere to put her :( I feel so sorry for both children now as it's not fair on them being cramped in this house!!
Sebbies - honestly I wouldnt worry, I dont think its important. I have a fairly big 4 bed house that we moved into last year, and whilst baby does have a room (the smallest room!!) I havent done anything special with it! It has a cot with a wardrobe and drawers, that is it! No cute paintings on the wall, and in fact I didnt even paint the walls! They are cream as they were when we moved in!

So when people ask what theme my nursery is, I just tell them its the same as the rest of my house haha x

Sebbies. I'm sure it's just words and doesn't help but those children will be fine. Keep pushing for a move and remember not only is this temporary but children are adaptable. They will love whatever they have.

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Sebbies we are in a small 2 bed house, we are on the council bidding list but no luck yet. Baby will be in our room then if we haven't moved by the time he need a cot he will share with DD. Her room isn't big enough for two but we will make it work. Could you apply for council housing? The kids will be fine, it's only when the eldest is 10 that they need their own space
I’m really worried about carnat and Edith. I hope they are ok x
Id love to apply for a council house, But I doubt we'd be priority since were not homeless and not necessarily overcrowded! Sebastian is my eldest and feel sort of bad if I had to make him share his space with madam!, you know id love for him to have his own little place to get away when it all gets too much for him! He'll be 6 this year..i just feel sorry for the both of them that their dad is a stubborn oaf!! The poor baby girl doesn't even have a wardrobe! She has to share mine for the time being! Ugh these hormones :( I had such high hopes that we'd be out of here and making a fresh start in a new house and be ready for babies arrival! Ahh well..hes just in for a very rude awakening when he realises each time he goes to bed he'll have to be quiet :lol: he's not the quietest being in the world..so while he wakes her up everytime he comes to bed..ill be quietly smug and pull the "I told you so" face haha!
Sorry, just typed a big reply and lost it.

We're ok. Still in Neonatal and will be for a while. More because they don't know what is wrong with Edith as opposed to her being poorly.

She is actually doing ok - our of incubator and only has a feeding tube and one wire now.

There is talk of moving us to GOSH. There is a specialist there who deals with her kind of issues (she has poor upper limb tone and isn't feeding). She is also really quiet and rarely cries and doesn't display "normal" newborn behaviour. But all initial tests have told us nothing. She is a mystery!!!

Sadly we are having to accept that there is some kind of underlying issue. She is having her DNA tested to look at some more obscure possibilities.... but she isn't going to just 'get better'. At least not until we figure out what is causing her issues and knowing how to help her and move forward.

Here are a few pics

Aww carnat. She is a beautiful little girl. I hope you get some answers soon. Big love to you all xxx
Aw carnat she is so beautiful and tiny! Hope you get some answers soon and can start moving forward x
Oh Nat I'm sorry you are having to go through all this. I hope they can help her and you get some answers soon. Is GOSH far from where you are? She is gorgeous xx

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I keep getting the sudden realisation that my c section is in 5 days... it makes my blood run cold!

I am so scared about it which is ridiculous but Urgh I just cant help it

I have 10 days until mine. I'm def worse this time around as I know what's coming! x
Nat she looks lovely. I really hope they get to the bottom of whatever it is causing the problems xxx

Aww carnat Edith is absolutely gorgeous xxxx big love to you all and hope you get some answers soon to help you move forward xx she will be in the best hands xxxx
Oh Nat, she's gorgeous!

I really hope you get some answers soon.

Big hugs

Just had the weirdest pain. All in my left side and back and it was odd. Started as a niggle... got gradually worse to the point of agony then gradually went down to nothing. It's still vaguely there but less by the minute.

Called labour ward who told me to take paracetamol and rest. If it comes back or gets worse call and go in.

Funnily she asked if it was 1st baby. It's 2nd but I never had contractions with DD. Was that one? Or what was it?

Whatever it was I don't want it back....

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Sounds odd TS... Ive never had it.

Ive never been so scared at the prospect of going into labour. Im 38+1 and booked for my section on Friday at 38+6. If I go into labour now itll end as an emergency section which I really want to avoid
It's been back a couple of hours on and off. Currently listening to a lady scream on the Labour ward.

They don't know what it is but so far baby is great and it's not a uti.

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