February 2018 Mummies - the final hurdle

No progress made so far from attempted induction.

They cant break my waters so cant progress any further with induction without using another pessary which could be ineffective again.

If they managed to get me into a stage where I could have my waters broken, I would have to join the queue for that to happen which is days long. By that stage, baby will have likely put a load more weight on.

Consultant thinks its best to now go to c section at 39 weeks. Im ok with that. We are at risk of the shoulders getting stuck and forceps etc if I go naturally after this week, so its best to avoid it I think. Its likely to end in an emergency c section which would be pretty traumatic so best to book the elective.

Theyve booked it for Friday 26th Jan

No progress made so far from attempted induction.

They cant break my waters so cant progress any further with induction without using another pessary which could be ineffective again.

If they managed to get me into a stage where I could have my waters broken, I would have to join the queue for that to happen which is days long. By that stage, baby will have likely put a load more weight on.

Consultant thinks its best to now go to c section at 39 weeks. Im ok with that. We are at risk of the shoulders getting stuck and forceps etc if I go naturally after this week, so its best to avoid it I think. Its likely to end in an emergency c section which would be pretty traumatic so best to book the elective.

Theyve booked it for Friday 26th Jan

Awwwww... how do you feel about it? A queue for breaking waters yikes! Must be lots of babies due in your area. I have a feeling same will happen for me tomorrow :(
Plus..according to the weather forecast, we are going to have a lot of snow here overnight so I reckon they’ll tell me not to bother going in.
I got weighed today..ive put on a stone and a half since booking in :/ I want to cry :lol: booking in weight was 80kg and I'm now up to 81kg..im sure I put on more with my first but still..tubby!! :/

More blood tests today! My levels from last week's blood tests show an improvement..my bile acid levels and liver function are all heading in the right direction! And what's even better!..no more god awful itching :D on the final countdown now! 3 weeks and counting! :D
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Oh gosh Wednesday. How frustrating. At least you have a plan though and can go home to your son.

Still nothing much for me. No real progression, regular pains but they don't even want to examine me.

Plan is get to 2am, remove pessary, examine and hopefully break waters.

No progress made so far from attempted induction.

They cant break my waters so cant progress any further with induction without using another pessary which could be ineffective again.

If they managed to get me into a stage where I could have my waters broken, I would have to join the queue for that to happen which is days long. By that stage, baby will have likely put a load more weight on.

Consultant thinks its best to now go to c section at 39 weeks. Im ok with that. We are at risk of the shoulders getting stuck and forceps etc if I go naturally after this week, so its best to avoid it I think. Its likely to end in an emergency c section which would be pretty traumatic so best to book the elective.

Theyve booked it for Friday 26th Jan

Awwwww... how do you feel about it? A queue for breaking waters yikes! Must be lots of babies due in your area. I have a feeling same will happen for me tomorrow :(

I feel a bit bummed... I wish baby had arrived safely and naturally today, but it wasnt going to happen. Im nervous for surgery on a selfish level as I dont want to deal with the wound etc. Its best for baby though

Oh gosh Wednesday. How frustrating. At least you have a plan though and can go home to your son.

Still nothing much for me. No real progression, regular pains but they don't even want to examine me.

Plan is get to 2am, remove pessary, examine and hopefully break waters.


Ahh 2am?!? Thats going to be fun! I hope youre at the right stage to get your waters broken xx

Aww. Sorry this is not working great for you ladies. Hope it's not much longer carnat.

Wednesday... are you going home?

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Sorry things aren't straight forward for you both..

Carnat fingers crossed things kick off before 2am! If not hopefully conditions are favourable for to have your waters broken!

Oh Wednesday bless you!! I don't have anything comforting to say about a csection as I haven't had one but like tor my youngest suffered shoulder dystocia and it was the scariest thing in the world (although he was my smallest so think his was position related) you're deffo doing the right thing with c section hopefully the recovery is nice and speedy!

Tor hopefully things are able to go to plan for you tomorrow xx
Thanks Crinkles xxx

Ts - yes im Home, its lovely!

Carnat - anything?

Glad you are home and settled Wednesday. Bet it was lovely to see little one.

I spoke to mine earlier and as lovely as it was, I did have a little cry after.

Still having regular niggles and needing to breath through them a bit now. But manageable.

And I've seen no-one for hours?

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Thanks crinkles. I’m shitting it a bit now.

Glad you’re home Wednesday. What are the odds you’ll go into labour yourself over the next few days!!

Exciting carnat. I hope when I check in the morning you have a baby!
Good luck guys just been having a catch up!!! God, bet you are frustrated!!! Thinking of you and wishing you well xx I've got my 36 week growth scan tomorrow and consultant appointment got a feeling I may be heading for csection myself, if baby is still breech and once they check out my veins! lol I'm kind of thinking what will be will be now... thinking of you both and good luck tomorrow TOR! Xxx
You'll be fine tomorrow TOR, out of the three of us someone has to have a good induction :lol:

Hope your appointment goes well Ruth and at least then you'll know what is what.

Obviously nothing to report at my end.

Hope things speed up for you carnat.

Good luck for tomorrow tor.

Wednesday, planned section isn't too bad, if it was that horrendous I wouldn't be having my second lol, it was quite relaxing to be honest!
Yes tor you have to have a good experience!!

Carnat I really hope youve made some progress by 2am. I will be checking on here during my insomnia!

Good luck guys just been having a catch up!!! God, bet you are frustrated!!! Thinking of you and wishing you well xx I've got my 36 week growth scan tomorrow and consultant appointment got a feeling I may be heading for csection myself, if baby is still breech and once they check out my veins! lol I'm kind of thinking what will be will be now... thinking of you both and good luck tomorrow TOR! Xxx

Hope the appointment goes well! Mine weighed 7lb 8oz at 36+3 xx

Thanks Hun xxx will update once I've
been! Lots of love to you all xx
Well we've just been moved out of our lovely room to a make shift room, as I'm the only person not in labour.

So upset, they were initially going to transfer me to a ward, until 2am :shock:

It's still our own room, still has small toilet and is private but I will need to be moved again as this is just a stop gap.

Serious complaints are going to be made.


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