February 2018 Mummies - the final hurdle

The "suite"


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Oh wow! That’s exciting! Fingers crossed you have s new baby soon! Though those stirrups have made me shudder :lol:
It half looks like an office with a bed in!!

How are your pains coming on?
Pains are showing on the trace but it's still very early stages.
Although it's a 24h pessary so I'm glad I'm having some reaction? After waiting 5 hours in a corridor I'm due a break? :shock:

How you feeling TOR? It will be you tomorrow (hopefully minus the faffing about)

Good luck Nat! Suite looks lovely! Ensuite, get you!

Also I am very jealous of your pains... I am having nothing. I am just sat here in bed waiting for breakfast like a fatty.

Good luck Nat! Suite looks lovely! Ensuite, get you!

Also I am very jealous of your pains... I am having nothing. I am just sat here in bed waiting for breakfast like a fatty.

Oh bless you. I hope at least your breakfast is nice??? UnlikeIy knowing hospital food!!

It's all slowed here. Just the odd pain.... Was getting loads earlier.

Just had breakfast and taken all my meds. Need to keep blood sugars steady and once I am in labour proper then they take over my blood sugars (so I'll have a cannula and they'll be able to pump in glucose/ insulin as and when..... and this is why I'm in labour ward as they need to manage my levels very closely to ensure the blood sugar I pass on to baby when I deliver is as stable as possible so she isn't affected.... finally understand why I'm here lol)

Off out for a walk in a bit and to grab some crap magazines etc...

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Hope it picks up again for you!

Im now in a room with two others. Both are having sections today so hopefully I will have the room to myself!

A bit of privacy will be nice.

Has you husband been with you?

My OH has been asleep since they found him a comfy chair at about 4am :shock:

I've not known many ladies who have been induced. I had no idea it is so slow going? I'm glad they aren't rushing me (I ended up on the drip and having my waters broken with first baby and it went too fast!!) but man this is boring.

Pains are showing on the trace but it's still very early stages.
Although it's a 24h pessary so I'm glad I'm having some reaction? After waiting 5 hours in a corridor I'm due a break? :shock:

How you feeling TOR? It will be you tomorrow (hopefully minus the faffing about)


I’m not looking forward to it. I’m in a crap situ where I’d ideally like to go into labour myself and stay in the comfort of my own home and rest for as long as possible to have enough energy to endure the labour but that means the baby will be too big. The bit I’m dreading is what’s happened to you both. I like my own bed.. :lol: I won’t sleep a wink in hospital and will likely be exhausted when the time comes to get it out. Which worries me.
Nat I can't believe you had to wait in a corridor before getting a bed. With Alfie I was kept in after my scan at 4pm and told to wait in the waiting room. Was still there at 10:3opm and starving as hadn't had any dinner. Managed to do myself some toast but not quite a dinner. I also got so bored with my induction which is why I agreed to go on the drip just 3hrs after my waters were broken and nothing was happening. Hope things speed up for you xx

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My news -

I saw the consultant this morning and she was very concerned about the size of the baby, which is what happened a couple of weeks ago when the plan was a c section.

So the plan now is to wait for 12pm to see if the 24 hour pessary has moved me any further along. If it hasnt, they will leave me alone and book a c section for next week.

The worry is that there is a queue for waters to be broken, and if they leave me for another few days it will mean baby is even bigger and that brings more risks with it.

So waiting for 12pm now. Im either having a baby today or Im going home!

Carnat how is it going??

Tor - I feel exactly the same as you. Would love to labour naturally and rest at home until I couldnt cope any longer... but if I did that I would be birthing a whale who would probably get stuck!

They aren't offering me anything else at the moment Kanga? Surprised given I'm going so slow and I'm taking up valuable space. Although its reassuring they aren't rushing me and are happy to let things play out at my own pace.

When I say corridor, it was in the antenatal part of the hospital and it was private and away from everyone. Terrible but not some random corridor in the main hospital..... given where I am now it was probably worth the wait.

It's going very, very slowly. No-one is even going to examine me unless something happens? I'm having pains but they aren't contractions.... It's all so frustrating as I miss my other children and the longer it takes the longer I'm in on the other side.

Not to mention my OH who is climbing the walls with boredom. He also just started a new job and is worried they are going to replace him (he is a self employed tradesmen)

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Carnat how is it going??

Tor - I feel exactly the same as you. Would love to labour naturally and rest at home until I couldnt cope any longer... but if I did that I would be birthing a whale who would probably get stuck!

No joy here.

I'd say probably early labour (very early) and yes I'd much rather be at home. Although the lazy part of me is actually glad im here - kids are with granny and granddad, cat fed, everything clean and tidy - and I am where I need to be so I can just rest before the main event. Glad I don't have to drag my sorry arse to hospital as I'm already here :lol:
Im on the monitor now, waiting for consultant.

Carnat - they said they wouldnt examine me either unless I was in horrendous pain or my waters went, neither of which happened sadly.

I just hope my waters burst when she examines me in a minute

My labour ward are surprisingly hands off?

Keep us posted and I hope you get a resolution.

Is there no way they can book a section sooner for you? Given that you are already there and that size is a concern?

I feel for you both! Do they advise there is anything else you can do to help it along?

My hubby will probably come home if I’m in overnight like that with no progress.

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