February 2018 Mummies - the final hurdle

Thanks all.

Carnat im seriously shocked! That is not good care at all. You poor thing.
Wednesday. Enjoy the being home.
I know a section isn't the easiest but you'll be in great hands. I find out when mine is next week.

Carnat. Not great care at all. Hope it improves or you yell x

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Carnat/Wednesday - have you over the last few weeks been having lots of Braxton Hicks?

I know some of it is old wives tales etc but I’ve been bouncing on my ball And eating pineapple today. And managed to erm.. well do what got me in this position in the first place :rofl:

I hope my cervix is ripe :lol:
My waters have gone.

We have about 4inches of snow outside. I’m not sure what to do!
I have to go in. This is a tiny bit inconvenient. Doesn’t help that my mother in law drives a BMW which is close to useless in the Snow. So she can’t come and pick Tilly up. Hubby has taken her out of bed and going to drop her off.
Oh wow TOR..


Keep us posted.

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Baby Edith Juliet arrived at 01:18 on 18/01/18 (how cool is that)

Unfortunately she wasn't feeding and they have a few concerns about her muscles so she is in neonatal.

I had a whole hour of cuddles before they decided to admit her. She is in a incubator and has a feeding tube. All very scary but hopefully precautionary.

Awww.... congrats carnat!! Lovely name. :)

I’m just at the assessment unit. I’m having pains. Not really bad ones but pains nonetheless. It must have all happened quickly for you then?
In the end it went from niggles to delivery in 1hr 18m.

It had been so busy with emergencies etc.... I went from managing OK to "get my clothes off baby is coming"

I literally had to be wheeled round naked (to a 3rd room!!) waters went everywhere and she came out in about 3 pushes.... head and body all came out at once.

Utter, utter bedlam and madness.

Loving the irony of me actually using 3 rooms as well !!

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Awwwe congrats carnat !!! So happy for you xx loving the name too, it's beautiful xxx
What are the chances of being born at 01.18 on 18.01?! Spooky :-)

Tor hope you are getting on ok?! Xxx
Wow!! Are you ok then? No tears etc? How big was she? Aww.. I’m made up for you. Hopefully just a short visit to neonates xx
Huge congratulations carnat! Beautiful name!! Hope little lady is ok!! What a great time of birth too!!

Tor that's incredible!! Good luck keep us updated glad the snow didn't cause too much of an issue.
Wow Carnat huge congratulations, fingers crossed little lady is ok xxxxxx

Tor I hope you’re doing ok xxx
All waters have been broken now. VE says 2-3 and 4cm when stretched. Say a prayer for me!
Oh wow! Congratulations carnat! What a beautiful name.

Good luck Tor, how are you feeling?

I'm glad you're home Wednesday, the thing I keep worrying about is leaving DD.

I had my midwife yesterday, I'm measuring bigger. I'm 34+2 and was measuring 36. So I have a growth scan on Saturday now and afterwards I need to go to the day assessment unit. I was nervous but after asking around it seems common.
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Carnat massive congrats!! I am insanely jealous! Also love that you took up three rooms, haha!!

Tor this is exciting! Again I am jealous! Hope baby puts in an appearance today... you didnt have a sweep did you? I think I remember you saying they couldnt do it? Crazy how your waters have gone now on their own!

Selphie - honestly wouldnt worry about fundal height xxx see what the scan says x

She was 5lb 7oz. So weeny.

No tears or grazes. It was my only bit of luck with this birth lol.

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Look at this.. my bloody birthing partner.



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